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dangers of colon hydrotherapy

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I went for a colon hydrotherapy in a well known therapy centre in London that uses
well trained therapists. I would like to point out to anybody who is thinking about undertaking
this procedure to think twice. I am healthy and fit individual and I had to stay in hospital
in extreme agony for a whole day afterwards.
I expected to feel better afterwards, yet I have never felt this bad and bloated before.
2 am friday morning I woke up with muscle cramps, heart palpitations, sweats and chills, confusion, extremely bloated and painful stomach. My whole stomach was on fire with occasional stabbing pains all around my belly and back.
I went to hospital where I was checked for everything, nothing wrong found.
I felt like I was going to die!!! I am still bloated 4 days afterwards.
Doctor told me people have actually DIED for doing this procedure. Something that
my therapist didn't tell me about. Or possible complications either.
My doctor said my body was propably fighting back a shock of this UNNATURAL procedure.
So i consider myself lucky. One man died of a heart attack in a similar circumstance.
Please do your research first, read about the opinions of scientists and MEDICAL doctors
before you make a decision. I should have.

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RE: dangers of colon hydrotherapy

fgig, hi, did you go for this treatment because you had any bowel problems ?
I have had this treatment and was totally fine afterwards. lyn

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RE: dangers of colon hydrotherapy

I went for a colon hydrotherapy in a well known therapy centre in London that uses
well trained therapists. I would like to point out to anybody who is thinking about undertaking
this procedure to think twice. I am healthy and fit individual and I had to stay in hospital
in extreme agony for a whole day afterwards.

Can I ask... did the procedure use an automated machine or was it gravity fed with human intervention?
I've heard that the gravity fed method is best as it is more gentle especially under the care of a suitably qualified practitioner.

I expected to feel better afterwards, yet I have never felt this bad and bloated before.
2 am friday morning I woke up with muscle cramps, heart palpitations, sweats and chills, confusion, extremely bloated and painful stomach. My whole stomach was on fire with occasional stabbing pains all around my belly and back.

Someone I know, had various ills from the treatment such as bloating, sickness etc. but after 1 week and the third treatment the initial issues had subsided and the treatment was yielding positive results.

I went to hospital where I was checked for everything, nothing wrong found.
I felt like I was going to die!!! I am still bloated 4 days afterwards.
Doctor told me people have actually DIED for doing this procedure. Something that
my therapist didn't tell me about. Or possible complications either.

I've only every heard hearsay stories of people dying from it, but it's usually stories of people doing it to themselves or people who are unqualified attempting to treat someone.
A good therapist should have talked to you beforehand about any possible short term after-effects, as with any therapy. That's called "Being Professional".

My doctor said my body was propably fighting back a shock of this UNNATURAL procedure.

May seem unnatural, but colonic's have been known to have been done since at least Roman times. If it was that dangerous, it wouldn't be around today.

So i consider myself lucky. One man died of a heart attack in a similar circumstance.
Please do your research first, read about the opinions of scientists and MEDICAL doctors
before you make a decision. I should have.

And your research for that statement is?

On a positive note, I hope you have recovered and are fit and well again.

Love and Reiki Hugs

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RE: dangers of colon hydrotherapy

Hello - I wanted to ask something. I just had my 6th session just 2 hours ago. It is with a very experienced and well-respected professional. I went because I have a terrible problem with flatulence bad breath and have for years.

After the first 2 times, I left feeling light and very good. I felt like I had had the best "car-wash" ever. Since then it has been down-hill. I suffer during the sessions and the practitioner knows it. After this last session, I am weak and feel a bit nautious. After the 4th session, I woke up in the middle of the night with terrible cramps that passed and from then I was okay. By now I am starting to wonder if I should even go back. My flatulence is no better, after the first 2 tmts that it was. I am taking more care with what I eat, but I am still bloated and uncomfortable, with some pains in my right side (higher than the appendix).

Thoughts anyone?

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RE: dangers of colon hydrotherapy

If you eat bread ,white in particular can bloat you and I found after I had Colon hydrotherpy I felt sick after eating bread.

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Mazal..does your practitioner give you advice on taking probiotics with your treatment?


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As for heresay, fair enough. How's this? One of my friends is a surgeon and she's had the displeasure of dealing with someone who had regular colonics and then had a perforated bowel. Perforated bowel? You ask? That doesn't sound too bad. I thought so, too. Except it means all the bacteria and waste leaks into the body and there's a good chance of death. Yes, after swelling up, her patient died.

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May seem unnatural, but colonic's have been known to have been done since at least Roman times. If it was that dangerous, it wouldn't be around today.

With the best will in the world, that could be applied to many things in life, some of which have proven to be fine, like saunas and orgies and others that have proven to have serious "adverse reactions" and are still done today... excess alcohol consumption, purgatives, Bulimia nervosa.... All favourites of the Romans. Ok, flippant comment but you get my point 😉
I can however back up darrenfollowsthepath. I have a friend who is an A and E nurse and she personally carried out triage on a person who was admitted with gut pain and turned out to have a perforated bowel after colonic irrigation. Same result I'm afraid.
Personally, I'm totally fine with the idea of people having this therapy if they are fully informed and it's their choice but frankly, I can't imagine anything I'd rather not have done to me.

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Hi Pauhla, (wow, digging up old threads, you're lucky I saw it and came to read it :))

If you put it in context of what I was saying, the Romans would have been using gravity fed methods and automated machines are a recent thing for doing it, probably developed for ease of use in spas and beauty centres by people who are trained to use the machine, but may not be trained in the ins and outs (scuse the pun) of giving a real colonic. Gravity fed methods are supposed to be gentle and are unlikely to cause any damage to the client, whereas the automated machines are supposed to regulate the flow, but could in no way replace the care and attention given by a personal therapist trained to know what to look for (of course there will be some who are poorly trained or can't do the job just like any business!)

From the "horror stories" I've seen related to colonics, where it actually says the method of treatment, it's tended to be relating to automated colonics or, as I said before, those given by untrained people.

There are thousands (if not millions) of people who have colonics and have found great benefit from them with no damage or ill effects whatsoever.

I can however back up darrenfollowsthepath. I have a friend who is an A and E nurse and she personally carried out triage on a person who was admitted with gut pain and turned out to have a perforated bowel after colonic irrigation.

I bet she could also tell you about people who have suffered after sticking other objects in places they shouldn't be.... such as a pencil up the nose (don't know what you were thinking ;)), but we don't go warning people not to use those objects. Common sense is what is required.

I think the best thing is for people to do their own research and make their own decision. Personally, I don't fancy it, but I know some people who have had it done and they found it good.

All Love and Reiki Hugs

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Sorry to read about your experience. I suspect that as Giles has hinted, the "procedure" used may have been a pressure/constant flow rather then gravity - which is the one that you should use.

I've been doing some 14+ colonics as part of the 7 Day Detox Cleanse program, where you do two colonics a day - and I do 2 of these programs a year, and I've never experienced any ill effects. I started in the early 90's, which means that I've done well over 100 colonics. Others like the Taoist author Daniel Reid has been doing this cleanse program for over 30 years, again without any ill effects, as have thousands of others since the 1930's when Victor Irons first devised the Program.

I don't know what caused your reaction, could be the water pressure, could be something added to the water that your body reacted to, could be something specifiic about your body/colon, or something else.

I use ionized water, with coffee in a 5 gallon plastic container with my colema board - a simple, gravity fed device.

I went for a colon hydrotherapy in a well known therapy centre in London that uses
well trained therapists. I would like to point out to anybody who is thinking about undertaking
this procedure to think twice. I am healthy and fit individual and I had to stay in hospital
in extreme agony for a whole day afterwards.
I expected to feel better afterwards, yet I have never felt this bad and bloated before.
2 am friday morning I woke up with muscle cramps, heart palpitations, sweats and chills, confusion, extremely bloated and painful stomach. My whole stomach was on fire with occasional stabbing pains all around my belly and back.
I went to hospital where I was checked for everything, nothing wrong found.
I felt like I was going to die!!! I am still bloated 4 days afterwards.
Doctor told me people have actually DIED for doing this procedure. Something that
my therapist didn't tell me about. Or possible complications either.
My doctor said my body was propably fighting back a shock of this UNNATURAL procedure.
So i consider myself lucky. One man died of a heart attack in a similar circumstance.
Please do your research first, read about the opinions of scientists and MEDICAL doctors
before you make a decision. I should have.

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Hi Pauhla, (wow, digging up old threads, you're lucky I saw it and came to read it :))

I bet she could also tell you about people who have suffered after sticking other objects in places they shouldn't be.... such as a pencil up the nose (don't know what you were thinking ;)), but we don't go warning people not to use those objects. Common sense is what is required.


Not so much digging up old threads Giles as new to the board and working my way through the various posts. There's so much intersting stuff that it takes a while 🙂
Nah, I suspect the Roman's just used a length of pig intenstine and very little subtlety. They probably sacrificed a couple of puppies to Hecate while they were aboout it.
Seriously now, thankfully, my body seems to keep itself pretty much in balance without an external help for which I am truly grateful but I'm perfectly happy with other people doing this if they want to. It's a funny old way to make a living though.....
Talking of which, my nurse friend does tell a really great story about a keyring and a Jubilee clip..... but perhaps we'd better not go there 😮
I will leave this discussion to those who are obviously gaining great benefit from the procedure and I wish you all well and well-ness with your therapies of choice.

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dangers of colon hydrotherapy

When it comes to living a good, long life, few things can have more of an impact than staying physically fit. There are many ways to take care of our physical health and one of the foundational and most important methods consists of an herbal [url]colon cleanse[/url] of our body. There are many benefits that can be had as a result of this type of health cleanse.

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my colon 'didn't release'

Thanks for all who've posted on this thread.
I also went to a very well established London holistic clinic (same one?) with many qualified and registered colonic hydrotherapists practising there.

I had had two colonics 15 years ago (in Oxford, by someone I knew) for IBS, and although it was uncomfortable and unfamiliar, they did help. I saw what came out, and my colon was definitely 'clean' after.

This time, I also had two colonics, 3 days apart, as part of a liver cleanse protocol. The first time round the therapist pressed in the wrong area and hurt my anus by pushing hard and saying 'did you have this problem last time?'. When I got home there was a cut in my anus.
The treatment was uncomfortable and I when I said I'd had enough I was told that my colon hadn't released, and I was urged to do so on the loo. It was an achey feeling, and I did poo out water and poo. I have no idea if my colon was clean - just felt like an inducted toilet visit. Colonic hydrotherapists - is this normal?

Second time round I inserted the nozzle myself - all fine there, but treatment even more uncomfortable despite less water pressure, and apparently I didn't release much. Had another toilet visit and had a wet poo.

I felt bruised afterwards, and was achey the following two days (it's now day 3 and I'm still not myself) and very tired. It does not feel right or healing.

I really want to do the liver cleanse protocol but am not keen on repeating these experiences. Any comments or suggestions?

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I have a friend/colleague at the Health Centre I work from in Sheffield who is a Colonic Hydrotherapist. She's originally from a nursing background and was one of the first colonic therapists in the area.

I have worked with her not just at this centre but at my previous Sheffield location and have many clients in common with her, including my wife who used to suffer from IBS (although I do claim at least partial responibility for my wife's results as I obviously worked with her as a hypnotherapist).

She uses the gravity feed system and I've never heard a bad word said about her treatments (more to the point, I've heard hundreds of positive comments over the 4 years I've worked with her). In fact, I was working in Sheffield today from 9am to 7pm and she was still there when I left and even though I did have a full hour break (unusual), I still didn't see her, in fact it was nearly 4pm before I realised she was in (but then it is a big centre).

Although we work from the same location we only bump into each other on average once per month as we're both so busy there (it's not my main location but she is there 5-7 days per week). She has very little advertising, most of her work is on referral from people who have found the treatments beneficial.

I'm not knowledgeable at all in this area but I think her reputation and results speak for themselves.

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I've had at least 25 colonics, usually one a month. I've never had any problems, and it is done by a registered nurse who has a degree in this type of therapy. Occasionally I will get a gas pain here or there...but nothing awful. To be honest, I have fibromyalgia, and without this, I would have gained a lot of weight. Whether it helps my colon, I'm not sure, as I do still have some digestive system problems. But there is no doubt that colonic hydrotherapy does help you lose weight if done enough, and that in itself makes you a healthier person...I also would say it is good for your skin..

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I went for a colon hydrotherapy in a well known therapy centre in London that uses
well trained therapists. I would like to point out to anybody who is thinking about undertaking
this procedure to think twice. I am healthy and fit individual and I had to stay in hospital
in extreme agony for a whole day afterwards.
I expected to feel better afterwards, yet I have never felt this bad and bloated before.
2 am friday morning I woke up with muscle cramps, heart palpitations, sweats and chills, confusion, extremely bloated and painful stomach. My whole stomach was on fire with occasional stabbing pains all around my belly and back.
I went to hospital where I was checked for everything, nothing wrong found.
I felt like I was going to die!!! I am still bloated 4 days afterwards.
Doctor told me people have actually DIED for doing this procedure. Something that
my therapist didn't tell me about. Or possible complications either.
My doctor said my body was propably fighting back a shock of this UNNATURAL procedure.
So i consider myself lucky. One man died of a heart attack in a similar circumstance.
Please do your research first, read about the opinions of scientists and MEDICAL doctors
before you make a decision. I should have.

Is this colonic irrigation? I've always wondered at the unnaturalness of this procedure. What is natural about it? It's all too Aegian Stables for my liking....!!:eek:

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I had a similar experience last year. While I was still on the couch I started getting stabbing pains in my chest, back, and shoulders - never felt anything like it before - I was in so much pain. I had to stop the session and the woman (who also claimed to be a nurse) told me it was perfectly normal what I was feeling. I went home in agony finding it a little difficult to breath and in the end took myself off to the doctors. They rushed me in straight away and wired me up to an ECG machine to check I wasn't having a heart attack and listened to my chest etc. They said that they must have used to much water and caused a hiatus hernia to occur. I'd never have it again - too traumatic an experience for me.

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Lemonelemi and Lavandula I have to take exception to both your posts.

Lemonelemi .....if you haven't experienced then don't comment on it. No experience, then no measured opinion.:rolleyes:

Lavendula....sounds to me you had a panic attack, nothing more, nothing less.


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p.s. lavendula, I take it the medics have since treated you for your "hiatus hernia" then.:rolleyes:

What treatment did you get??????

As someone who purports to have worked in nursing, though albeit as an auxilliary, you must have some insight into this.

I have over 20 years nursing (trained) and have never heard of anyone told they have a hiatus hernia with no futher treatment.

I never, ever in all my years of nursing saw anyone who had been damaged by colonics. Indeed it was how we did bowel wash-outs in nursing before phosphate enemas were manufacted by big pharma (you may/may not have seen this in nursing depending on your age). So colonics are not "unnatural" and have been used since roman times as a means of bowel evacuation.

Who told you "hiatus hernia", what part of the digestive system protruded, was surgery required, was it manipulated back in place?.........or was it just a hospital junior doctor talking bull because they couldn't come up with anything else?

I take it that after you had treatment for your "hiatus hernia" that you took your medical records to a good lawyer and succesfully sued the colonic practitioner for causing you so much damage?

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They said that they must have used to much water

This is so not possible, no, never, ever, possible....sorry.

If the colon is full then water will (being what it is....) expel via the rectum therfore it is not possible to "use too much water".

This only goes to highlight the poor grasp that most people have of anatomy and most definately of pathophysiology.

Overfill.....just doesn't happen.:rolleyes:.

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Is this colonic irrigation? I've always wondered at the unnaturalness of this procedure. What is natural about it? It's all too Aegian Stables for my liking....!!:eek:

Good argument, it's completely natural for someone to stick pins in my face, or mess with my feet, press certain points on my body, or lay on stones they've pre-heat.

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As an outsider, please excuse my interruption, but Patchouli I'm sure as a colon hydrotherapist you must be able to offer Lavandula something constructive and helpful to her plight, instead of offensively pooh-poohing her experience (pun unintentional).

Her discomfort and pain was directly linked to the hydrotherapy she was receiving (panic attack or nay), and therefore she is perfectly entitled to mention it here, whether you agree with the medical community's naiive suggestions or not.

People, play nice!

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Hi Gorseflower, didn't know you had been made a mod recently.:)

Lavendula is perfectly entitled to her opinion....as am I.

I am not her colonic hydrotherapist, she has not paid me for advice and therefor it is not my remit offer her treatment as such. If she had/has a problem she should seek redress with her practitioner (or their governing body)


p.s. maybe when someone comes on the reflexology thread slating reflexology you may develop a different attitude. No-one likes their trade to be denigrated, least of all by those who have not even experienced it (as has been on this thread). Hence my new thread about "Bull...."

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Good manners is not restricted to a moderator's title, even these days! 🙂
Yes although everyone is entitled to their opinion, you've done a darned good job of humiliating someone in the process.
Respect doesn't cost a penny in use, but can cost us dear when we don't use it.

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Patchouli, I am not in dispute of your stance on this thread, in fact I support you in it - no-one likes their industry to be slated without good reason.
However, what made me comment in the first instance was your attitude to Lavandula, where her personal experience (not an uninformed opinion) was called out and not constructively either.
Not really fair, and not something you'd like to wake up to in the morning.
That's me done, I'll get off my Shetland now.
Sarah x

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With respect Gorseflower when someone comes on to a forum and says that a colonic caused a hiatus hernia and that "too much water was used" then as a practitioner I feel perfectly entitled to "call out".

As previously stated, it is not possible to overfill anyones bowel and only shows a poor grasp in pathophysiology.

Like I have already said....if someone comes on saying reflexology is dangerous and "had an awful experience with it" I am sure your attitude would change.

You can have your way of answering threads but please do not critisise (sp) me for the way I answer threads either.

I may come over as harder nosed than some on this forum but also I do not seek to call out people that imo are "the bleeding hearts" of the forum. I just let them get on with it.

It would be a boring world if we were all the same.

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Thanks for editing the "so should you" - it shows you're not that hard nosed after all! 🙂

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Wow - didn't think my post would cause so much hassle! Patchouli - you are entitled to your opinion but no need to attack me over it. I wasn't slating colonic hydrotherapy I was just relaying my experience of it and yes it was a bad one. Thanks gorseflower for the support.

I was told by my GP that they "used too much water". So my GP must have a "poor grasp of pathophysiology" - not me - this was not my opinion. I was told by my GP that it had caused a "hiatus hernia" - I didn't question it - it made sense going on what she said about using too much water - it pushed the stomach up through the diaphragm. She is the GP not me and I believed what she said. No treatment was given. The pain was gone a few days later. There is a history of hiatus hernia in my family too and they've never had any treatment for it either. It was not a panic attack - I know what a panic attack is and that wasn't one of them. I wish I'd kept my mouth shut about my experience now.

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Here's a post from someone who really IS wearing a moderator's hat 😉 ( and a santa hat, seeing as it's Christmas!:D)

On a serious note, a member doesn't have to be a moderator to make a polite comment if they feel another member's views might be a little unsupportive. 🙂 It'll be great if the discussion can return on topic and on friendly terms.

On behalf of the Moderating Team,

calla lily

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I've had colonic hydrotherapy, and I found it useful.
I would do it again.
I must admit I suffered (a little) from a side-effect. It happened the 3rd and last time. I could feel a pain above the appendix area. But I did not think it could be linked to the hydrotherapy.
I mentioned it during an osteopathic session (she is a friend) a few days later. She told me this was caused by this colonic hydrotherapy!

I cannot tell you exactly what she said, but the pain was located where the 2 intestines meet. She did some massages, and then the pain was gone. The angle between the two can be modified because the large intestine "moves" (you understand why...)
Then I asked my hydrotherapist about it, and she confirmed it. I asked her why she did not tell me about it, and she said that she does not mention it because this is very rare, and that people usually call her when it hurts. It might be rare, or not... She only knows about what people tell her!

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