Colonic for diabeti...
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Colonic for diabetic

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Hi, i would like to know if a colonic treatment is recommended for
a diabetic? and if it does, whats the meaning of water that going in and out with nothing ( clear water are coming out) ?
thank you.

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Diabetes is not a contraindication for a colonic. There is no reason why it should be.

Clear water in and out (I would imagine there was some colour there maybe yellow-light brown, just no solids) would mean that the person was extremely constipated (impacted even) or was totally cleaned out e.g as if they had just had a colonic (it is unusual for someone not to pass anything at all).

An experienced colonic hydrotherapist would know the difference as they would do an abdominal palpation prior to treatment and would feel any stools in the colon that needed to come out.

Occassionally more than one treatment is required, especially in cases of constipation. Probiotics can help releive bowel symptoms as they keep the gut walls healthy and functioning.


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Joined: 15 years ago

Thank you,

for the reply.
