I've been reading about coffee enemas - has anyone heard of them or had experience of them? Curious as to using coffee actually - I've never heard of them before I read an article in a magazine.
RE: Coffee Enemas
I've been meaning to ask someone well informed about this for ages! I'm intrigued....if anyone could enlighten us?
RE: Coffee Enemas
I've searched on the internet and if seems like it is supposed to be good for you. But I would like to hear if anyone has tried it and how they felt afterwards?
RE: Coffee Enemas
I know Louise Hay had a course of coffee enemaswhen she had cancer, but I have to say I couldn't quote any alleged benefits...
EDIT: edited to say that I've just had a browse of the 'enema' thread in this forum and if you read post #13, there you will have an answer...
RE: Coffee Enemas
I'm guessing you mean this Thread - [link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=175163 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=175163[/link]
I visited and it looks like it's more about Cancer & other issues, so will add my bit about coffee enemas here.
I believe coffee enemas canbe an excellent instant detox in times of minor systemic crisis (i.e. migraine, persistent constipation, multiple allergies or mutiple chemical sensitivity, etc.), or as part of an organised plan of morechronic conditions, ME, CFS, Fibromyalgia & possibly even cancer.
I suspect I've talked about it before & given some Naturopathy web links for further info if you do a HP Forum Search.
However - there is a few cautions worth noting that I haven't Posted before;
It is likely to wash out the helpful bacteria along with the less helpful stuff, so would advise that ProBiotics should be taken as an essential. The best way to take them I have definatelyPosted aboutbefore.
PreBiotics should be considered, as foodto support the ProBiotics.
Cutting out all simple sugars, yeast & fungi from diet, so as not tofeed or aggravate parastic bacteria, yeast & fungi infections.
Don't take vitamin B complex supplements, as some of the B vitamins can aggravate the above, even when not directly derived from yeast (labelled as 'yeast free').
Some of our essential B vitamins are made for us by the 'friendly' gut bacteria, so you could be in for a rough ride for a day or two after application. Inability to relax, irritability, poor quality of sleep, etc., although for many the initial effect will belike it's the first time they they have ever been able to relax.
Don't do too often, as it takes a few days for the friendly bacteria to recover and kick into action - forboth normal bowel function and producing those all important B vitsto feed the nervous system.
Those that are hypersensitive to caffeine would be advised to address this issue first with NAET to desensitise them to not only caffeine & caffiene related food & drinks - coffee, chocolate, tea & colas, but also caffeine antigens, that their immune system may produce on exposure .
RE: Coffee Enemas
Hi Everyone,
and thanks Anahata for the enlightening reply.
I have personally used enemas and colon hydrotherapy in the past and present and all the serious practitioners that I know do not advocate using coffee enemas. Reason being is that the coffee is actually an irritant just like laxatives. It may achieve the desired objectives, but it imparts as much toxins into the system as the ones it flushes out. I used to do regular enemas at home and now I just leave it to the professionals and go have regular colonic irrigation treatments instead, where only purified water is used instead. I agree with Anahata about the warnings on coffee enemas and individual irritability.
RE: Coffee Enemas
My partner actually tried the coffee enema on Saturday and he has been absolutely fine - he's suffered no ill or bad effects and he just said he felt incredibly light after using it. He didn't get the hyper feeling or palpitations that can normally be experienced with the coffee. Having said that think he has a cast iron constitution as he is rarely ill or sick but have a feeling if I tried it I would have an aggravation of some sort.
Just thought I'd let you know his reaction to the coffee enema so hope it helps.
RE: Coffee Enemas
To J2K+5,
Sounds like you may have a sensitivity to caffiene/ coffee, which is very common and I have had myself in the past.
The large majority of toxins from coffee are, I believe, from the chemical changes when it comes into contact with stomach acid, it's also acidic of course. And those prone to senitivities & allergies are susceptibletoacidity.
The whole systemic toxicity thing is a debate on its own, with orthodoxy on one side saying it's nonsense & the alternative view that it is a major factor.
My view is somewhere in between & offer a possible explanation.
Some can tolerate massive levels of toxicity and it doesn't seem to bother them, see link;-
[link= http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=202746&in_page_id=1770 ]http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=202746&in_page_id=1770[/link]
While others, aren't even able to tolerate the most simple of foods or environmental factors.
So what I am suggesting is that it's largely to do with sensitivity or rather hypersensitivity to those substances, which triggers an innapropriate response by the immune system. In other words an allergy of one type of other.
This situation leads to an increase in toxiicity in two ways;
- Firstly that the system is unable to deal with thesubstance in question, so may not be able to eliminate it properly from the bodyvia the normal processes.
- Secondly the immunoglobulins (of various sorts)& cytotoxins created from this innapropriate reaction also need to be eliminated.
I suspect the latter are actually more responsible for that general feeling of 'toxicity' that seems to be plaguing much of the western world -with symptoms that include 'brain fog', fatigue, lethargy, inflammatory joints, muscles, bowels & other systems, depression, apathy, psychosis, etc..
The likely causes IMHO include;
- Increasingly high levels of manmade chemicals in foods, drinks & environment generally, that are making demands on our systems that we've not previously had to deal with and evolutionary adaption is very slow.
- Hypersensitivities along with various other traits are passed down from our ancestors and seem to accumulate. This idea fits in with what is known as epigenetics, as whilst this phenomina has not been found to be 'hard wired' in the genes, but is certainly passed down generations beyond that of psycholigical conditioning. Osteoarthritis would be a classic case - no genetic link found, but 'runs in famlies'.
- The increasinglyasepsis of our environment, otherwise known as the 'hygiene hypothesis'. The excessive use of antibacterial cleaning agents leading to lack of stimulus & therefore development of the immune system, causing it to respond innapropriately to otherwise innoffensive substances.
RE: Coffee Enemas
The bit I forgot!
Whilst I would hope that all health care professionals are simply that - professional, both in what they do and say. But it should also be borne in mind that a professional in a distinct discipline (without wider learning), may have a tendency to view a problem solely from that point of view.
The possible implications being;
- This can lead to criticism of other approaches, either fair or through lack of understanding &/or
- The inablity to diagnose a problem that has notpreviously been encountered or has no previous knowledge of.
Oooops! That could cause a stir. [:@]
Andrew. 😉
RE: Coffee Enemas
Thanks for that but don't get me wrong - I haven't tried the coffee enema the side effects I mentioned were what I read could happen but my partner didn't experience any bad effects whatsoever. However I think I would have some of the side effects that you are warned about as I aggravate on anything I take - I've recently just took a homepathic remedy so have been off coffee now for over a week. So not sure whether I will try it or not.
But thanks for all the input.
RE: Coffee Enemas
Don' t know if this is of any interest but my partner has used cammomile teain place of coffee successfully and this could be an option if you feel coffee would be too much of an irritant or too harsh as it works more gently. Don't know much about it myself but could ask him togive medetails to postif you want more info (although I imagine you make the tea and then allow to cool like you would for coffee?).
I personally prefer to do a short form of the yoga cleansing practices involving ingesting warm salt water and physical practice to flush the water through your system from the mouth down therefore following the natural flow of elimination, although I would recommend you find a teacher to do this with you rather than trying to learn from a book and there are a number of prohibitions and precautions so not really suitable for everyone.
RE: Coffee Enemas
I have done many many coffee enemas. I like to go on a 7 day cleanse and then once or twice a day I will do a coffee enema. I also probably know about 10 people who have done regular coffee enemas for a time period and not one of them has had a problem. Dr Max Gerson says you MUST use organic coffee. The other garbage will poison the liver. The caffine in the coffee stimulates the liver. That is why Dr Kelley recommends it so much in his cancer protocol. When you are on his program the enzymes and such are breaking down the cancer and it has to go somewhere so the liver is taxed by this. That is why he recommends multiple enemas a day. Search for Dr Kelley or Dr Max Gerson on the internet to find out more info. VE Irons is also a valuable resource.
RE: Coffee Enemas
yes you must use organic coffee and filtered water, take about 1 litre then lie down on your side fetal position right hand side, hold for around 20 mins then carefully go t othe toilet.
also the coffee should be body temperatue so as not to over stimulate the bowel
this is used a lot in gerson therapy for cancer clients
hope this helps