is anyone here trained in this and currently doing it as a job?
is it worth the time and money to train in it?
jh x
I noticed elsewhere you have just qualified as a reflexologist. Congratulations! It will be far too soon to be considering another therapy. You need to concentrate and develop your skills in a therapy until you move on. This can take time depending on your clients and the quality of your training.
I get the feeling, from your previous posts, that you are wanting to add as many therapies as you can. Personally, I would not go to a therapist who was offering more than three or four therapies as I would feel they would be 'spreading themselves too thin'. Remember the saying 'Jack of all trades, Master of none'.
I don't know very much about colonic hydrotherapy (it scares me a bit) but I am sure there are many on this forum who may be able to give you the information you want.
Take care
Maggie xx
Hi Jh
I am a trained Holistic and Colon Hydrotherapist.
I run a holistic treatment room in Ratoath, Co Meath, and also work from 2 Dublin Clinics offering Colon Hyrotherapy.
I am interested in many aspects of Holistic Health, Fitness and Wellbeing.
I am a student of life, with a passion for knowledge.
Hopefully this makes me a better therapist and not a "jack of all trades"
In answer to the original question. I find colon hydrotherapy very rewarding.
Hi Candy,
I'm so sorry you seem to have taken offense at my comments.
What I said was that if someone train in too many therapies too quickly then they will not have given themselves time to develop their skills and master each therapy.
Maggie xx
Thanks Mog,:)
No offense taken. I agree.
To train as a Colon Hydrotherapist in this country you need to have either a medical/nursing backround or at least 2 full years experience as a body therapist with a recognised A&P Qualification.
Like Candy I am also a holistic therapist (massage, reflexology, reiki) but in April qualified in colonic hydrotherapy. I am also a registered nurse.
I can say that since the end of April I have made enough to cover the cost of the course and also obtaining the equipment.
However, much as we need to make money to live I wouldn't necessarily pick a treatment based on ho much I would earn from it. I chose to do colonics due to my nursing background and because I am in my 3rd year of a Dip in Nutrition at ION and felt the two would go well together.