Which course to tak...
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Which course to take?

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I need some advice. I am living in Hong Kong and really interested in training in Bowen therapy. I have found that organisations have courses starting here in the next couple of months. One is the ISBT which i think will be taught by Lisa Black and Col Murray. this course costs about 700 pound. The other course is taught by teachers from the Bowen Therapist Europe Register and costs about 1700 pounds. As there is a huge difference in price, i am wondering what the difference is between these 2 organisations. This is for completion of the 4 modules. I know there is continuous training after completing these 4 but can someone tell me if you are a qualified practiioner after just completing these 4 modules.
Thanks for your help

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RE: Which course to take?

you may also want to look at the BowTech courses available - I'm not sure that they run courses in Hong Kong - but there is a practitioner trained with Bowetech in your area and she may be worth talking to. look at www. bowtech.com for practitioners / courses.
Go for it whichever course you decide to do - Bowen is a wonderful technique and worth travelling to train for. Go with your gut instinct regarding the trainer - get to talk to them if you can and see what you feel after communicating with them.
Best wishes in your endeavours
welsh therapist

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RE: Which course to take?

Thanks for the info. Have found the number of the practioner here and will give her a call. Unfortunately no Bowtechseminars here and will have to travel to either Singapore or China. I think i will sign up for the cheaper ISBT course as it will be held at a reputable school here and then i can see whether i want to train more in indepth without spending too much.

Dave Bean
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Joined: 17 years ago

We have a list of many Bowen instructors from many schools. I would suggest contacting a few instructors - I'm sure that they will be glad to answer your questions.

Another good way to pick instructors and schools is to browse the Bowen practitioner list and see who taught them.

