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Has anyone heard of Nutrimetics? I'm thinking of using this product range as a mobile therapist.

I was just wondering if anyone else uses the products, what they think of them and if Clients like them?

Any advise would be great.

Thanks You

J xx

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RE: Nutrimetics

Hi J
I have used Nutri-Metics before. Infact my home town is the same as the Head Office. Its a lovely range but I found other ranges just as lovely to use too. Some clients feel its exspensive whilst others feel it is inexspensive. The range has changed a lot over the years as it is a more commercial company now in the UK than its founder countryAustralia, where the former ethos is still very strong, which is why I loved the range so much.

I have also used many other direct sales companies and party plan companies in the same industry and my favorites currently are Virgin Vie although everyone seems to know someone in that business and everyone seems to have something from the range.

A range that not many have heard of in the UK yet is Nicole Miller. She is a New York award winning dress designer who approached an Amerciancompany thatare interested in eco friendly products from the home and for health. Nicole is very passionate about these subjectsand she did not want a company to promote her products that would adulterate her ideals in the cosmetic industry.

Her Skin Care & Make up range is fab and it has a natural look and feel, similar to the Bobby Brown range. It is high quality but low cost and my clients and customers just keep coming back for more not just because of price points but because of the results and the ingredients.

I would be happy to send some information on this too if you would like?


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Nutrimetics consultants

Hi there I have been with NM for a long time and I have 12 consultants in my group I fine the products excellent to use and I offer mini treatments to them which allows them to try before they buy.
