I had a sore ear so put a couple of drops of tea tree oil on a cotton pad.
I wiped my ear with it, then wiped my neck & face with the cotton pad, my thinking was "it would cleanse my skin"
BUT I have a blotchy, itchy rash all over my neck & face!!
Any Suggestions, PLEEASE....
RE: skin rash from tea tree oil
Sounds like an allergy to tea tree or whatever carrier oil it's in.
RE: skin rash from tea tree oil
You may well have an allergic reaction to the tea tree or even the carrier oil but there are so many different brands and they do not all source the tea tree oil from the same place. Some essential oils claiming to be 'natural' are not so pure either so do becareful of where you consider the problem lies.
What brand is the essential oil?
What carrier oil (if any) are you using?
How old is either product as oils have a relatively short shelf life and even shorter if they are not stored correctly?
Other than that ........
Hope this helps
RE: skin rash from tea tree oil
Hi aqua_isme
This is my first post since registering so hope it goes okay! And Hi to everyone!
I wanted to ask did you putneat TT oil on the cotton pad? I recently did this on a cotton bud for a rather nasty spot on my chin that mutated into three! I thought I'd zap it good and proper but it backfired and it literally burnt thearea - cotton bud shaped! (lesson learned :)).
I have spent the past week smothering vitamin E cream on the affected area and it is now clearing up. Hope this helps.
RE: skin rash from tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is quite a harsh oil, and although it can be used neat, this should really only be on a small area, say a spot, or between the toes in the case of athlete's foot. Care should especially be taken on the face and essential oils should be blended in a carrier oil, lotion or cream.
It also strikes me that if you had a sore ear and swabbed that first, you could have been spreading any infection or whatever it was causing the soreness to the rest of your face.
RE: skin rash from tea tree oil
Hi Lynda
It sounds silly now but yes I put neat tea tree oil all over my face and neck [&:] My thinking was that tea tree oil is good for oily skin, and I thought you could use it NEAT.
I certainly wont do it again in a hurry!!
I've just been smothering my face & neck in camomile lotion to stop the itching....
Think a trip to the chemists is needed in the morning
but thanks anyway 😀
ps this is only my 2nd posting
RE: skin rash from tea tree oil
TT is the 'multi bug blaster oil'- bacteria, virus and fungus.
Great for using neat as a spot dab - it'll kill those bugs. Now imagine what it can do to the cells you want to keep. IE those in your skin.
RE: skin rash from tea tree oil
Well Well,
I've been using tea tree for long time but didnt experience any such reaction. ALthough my skin is a bit sensitive but still it seems to get along well with tea tree 🙂