Hi All,
I gained an ITEC Diploma in Aromatherapy way back in the mid 90's and haven't practiced since around 1996. I am looking to get back in to it, and hopefully start a business or rent a therapy room.
My knowledge has faded quite a lot and I don't have my old workbooks anymore, so will need training again. Does anyone know if there are refresher courses or if I would need to re-train?
Also, what else would I need to do? I know I would need insurance and a First Aid Certificate but is there anything else I should do?
I'm in Maidstone, Kent.
As you have been 'out of the loop' for so long, it may be better to investigate re-training. See if your local further education college offer Complementary Therapy courses, which might include aromatherapy.
Most courses offer First Aid as part of the training, but anyone can do a first aid course through organisations like Red Cross or St Johns Ambulance. It's not always a requirement, but very useful to have under your belt.
Insurance? You could shop around for this - there are lots of companies out there - just put 'insurance' in to the Search box above this thread, and you will be inundated with posts about this very subject!
Good luck - and welcome back!!!!