HI everyone,
I could do with some advice as 2 of the therapists i work with are pregnant - very early stages. what would you recomend is ok for them to do and what restrictions od others follow??:confused::023:
what essential oils are safe and can the use them throughout pregnancy?
thanks for your advice in advance!!
When it comes to EO's, then if they are aromatherapists, they should be aware of which ones to avoid through their training. Other than that, they are not ill, just pregnant. I worked as a therapist until a few weeks before I had daughter number 1 - remedial massage and reflexology.
thanks, I work where they use pre blended oils so they are not all EO trained.
There is always the problem of convincing them they are not ill:dft012:
thanks again
I think with Pregnancy its Rosemary they have to stay away from mostly. I cant rem others off top of my head
Aside from any issues with certain oils, pregnant therapists might need to take extra care to look after their joints, especially the smaller ones in the wrist and thumb, as pregancy is one of the times when carpal tunnel syndrome can arise partly as a result of hormones that soften connective tissues and ligaments. Back care is important too, as the spine goes through significant changes throughout pregnancy. Oh, and you might have to explain everything twice, as the brain seems to turn all mushy! 🙂
thanks for all you help will be passing on all the info xxx
"Reason: went to the pub before posting and can't spill proppaly"
:):):) I like it!!