Hi all, first post so please be gentle...
I am looking for information on government guidelines for lavender essential oil.
I've not found the info I want after much online searching.
Here is my question.
If I wanted to bring to manufacture a cream for topical application that had lavender essential oil as a constituent, what would be the maximum percentage of lavender essential oil permitted or recommended.
I am aiming for max strength but wanting to adhere to any regulations that are in place.
Really struggled to find definitive information on this subject and hope you can help..
Many thanks.
I'm not an aromatherapist myself but have some idea of the field.
To my knowledge, there's no limit to the amount of lavender oil you could use, as in principle you could just sell neat lavender oil if you wanted.
However, there are legal requirements for labelling your products both in the way you need to label them and the amount of information required. I don't have those details to hand myself, but I'm sure others here will be able to point you in the right direction.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
Hello and welcome
If you want to sell your cream in the UK and or EU then you should get a Cosmetic Safety Assessment signed off by an independent chemist. This says your cream is safe to use.
Prices for this vary and some assessors may accept different concentrations but ones I've come across at a sensible price will only accept formulas with no more than 1% essential oil such as Lavender for leave on products (lotions and creams) and 2% wash off (soaps etc).
If you need to know more about labelling, production and paperwork regulations for cosmetic products (and there are lots!) then your local Trading Standards team are the people who enforce the rules and should be able to advise on what you need.
Hope that helps