Hi all I am trying to get some people farvoite foam bath smells for sp,e research in to making my own products.
Would any one like any of the followign smells
Lime,Lemon and Orange
frankinsense and mhyr
pepermint and tee tree
I like Lemon and Lime, I am not so keen on Orange
Not sure I would like Frankincense and Myrrh in this way.
I use Mint Original Source shower gel, so yes, big thumbs up from me 🙂
Where are you learning to make your own products ? Am thinking about doing a course, but not sure who to go with
like the sound of all three. How about having a think about what people want from a bath foam - relaxing, uplifting, muscle ease, sleep ease, etc and then choose oils that help in that way.
Also remember that if you make your own products they do need to be safety assessed before you sell them to ensure that they are safe to use on the skin.
I'm not keen on the thought of peppermint & tea oil - sounds too medicinal.
Frankincense is nice (but isn't it pricey) - can't remember what Myrhh smells like.
Lemon and Orange smell nice together.
I made some bath melts recently using Lavender & Geranium - it smelt heavenly.
Myrhh is gorgeous - perhaps with ginger and lemon for balancing.
Have you considered adding some bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) for a soft moisturizing feel?
Also, what are you using as a carrier? Full cream milk (4%) is OK, but for a foamy feel - perhaps powdered coconut milk (60% fat) might be interesting
Hi their I am aware the items need testing and this is been dealt with.
At the moment I am really trying to gather some info regarding smells for foam baths people would like.
Essence99 commented that the peppermint and tea tree blend might be too medicinal but I have a shampoo with these two in and it smells divine - I think it has more peppermint in than tea tree though.
I often use clary sage in the bath - used to have a foam bath with it in - it was just on it's own but it would mix nicely with other oils too. Also rosemary, lavender and chamomile.
I remember using geranium in the bath when I wanted something fragrant. Rosemary too once upon a time (when I had a bath - only have a shower now!) But I'm no aromatherapist and I wouldn't know what oils go well together. One at a time was enough for me.
Myrhh is gorgeous - perhaps with ginger and lemon for balancing.
Have you considered adding some bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) for a soft moisturizing feel?
Also, what are you using as a carrier? Full cream milk (4%) is OK, but for a foamy feel - perhaps powdered coconut milk (60% fat) might be interesting
Oooo I must try myrhh, ginger, lemon and coconut milk!
I love blackpepper and lime for a zesty pick-me-up.
Your blends are the same notes dawnie, I think all citrus, base and mint would be overpowering.
What smells would you like to see avalable
For a bath relaxing oils such as frankincense and lavender, I'd leave zesty oilos for shower gel.