Which EO is best to use on Athletes Foot. My OH has had a recurring infection on the sole of his foot for some time now. He usually dabs it daily with Tea Tree oil and on occasion when we run out he uses Eucalyptus oil. I'm just not sure which if either is the best oil. Also should he just dab it on undiluted? He also uses undiluted Tea tree on spots.
My son had athelets foot and I always used Lemongrass. I mixed it with a carrier oil and applied it twice daily. I got him to wear the cotton socks at night. Hope this helps.
Love and Light
Tea tree and Cypress (I'm sure that this is in Athletes Foot cream anyway) are quite good too 🙂 or Cedarwood, Thyme. I found a few recipes on Google for this as I thought I had it, good luck.
Athlet's foot is something coming out, it is not something going in. By that I mean that the fungus forms where your body is eliminating waste, there are metabolic processes behind it. If you want proof, take a swab from the affected area and try to spread it to between other toes - it can't be done.
This is not a random attack, but a real barometer of the internal health state.
So whatever you use must not be suppressive. Simply killing the fungus doesn't resolve the problem of toxins, nor the body's need to get rid of them.
Cleaning up the diet, reducing stress and other sources of ill-health are very important.
As far as treatment goes, drawing-out paste (magnesium sulphate) works as well as anything, and does not suppress. It works by helping remove toxins from the tissues near the skin, thus the fungus has nothing to feed on. Don't rub it in, rather blob it on as thick as will remain, depending on the location. In a few days you'll see a big difference, but keep doing it.
In time, the problem will usually return if you stop treating it. I'm afraid that's in the nature of the thing, but if you can do enough to keep it mild then it is usually a benign problem. See it as a compensatory mechanism, rather than an invasion, and look after general health.
Postscript to last: athlete's foot on the sole is less likely, are you sure it's not a verucca?
Another thought - lack of zinc can often allow these fungi to proliferate, so it is worth taking a daily zinc supplement - 25-40mg total daily intake reduced to 25 when it has cleared.
Which EO is best to use on Athletes Foot. My OH has had a recurring infection on the sole of his foot for some time now. He usually dabs it daily with Tea Tree oil and on occasion when we run out he uses Eucalyptus oil. I'm just not sure which if either is the best oil. Also should he just dab it on undiluted? He also uses undiluted Tea tree on spots.
Tea tree oil works well as a natural antiseptic and is generally (not for everyone) ok to use undiluted. Eucalyptus oil, on the other hand I would be a little more wary of using undiluted.
Athletes foot usually occurs where the feet are sweaty/damp which is for most people, between the toes. For it to spread onto the sole could be one of several things, either a) he has developed a secondary infection and therefore should see his doctor as it may require antibiotics to clear it up b) he wears non-breathable shoes for most of the day, making his feet hot and damp; can he use some slip on fabric based shoes tha he can slip off when he doesn't need to wear them i.e. if he works in an office he could slip them off at his desk and c) is he washing his feet and dabbing them dry once or twice a day (rubbing them dry can make the condition more sore), using some talc to help keep them dry in his socks. d) check what his socks are made of as natural fibres will allow the feet to breath more easily than others, as well as making sure they are thin socks and not thick woolen ones.
If it looks like it's spreading or getting worse, visit the doctor.
All Love and Reiki Hugs