which oils is your favarate mine is ylang ylang:)
Hi angelicholistics,
Bergamot love that oil! so fruity and postive! if im feeln blue i put some in the bath always helps. its like a gentle hug of happyness lol.
Laura x
which oils is your favarate mine is ylang ylang:)
I tell you what I don't like, Rose, Geranium and Chamomile, yuk yuk yuk 🙂
Love love love Lemon, Lime, Lemongrass, Myrrh, Frankincense, Ylang, Patchouli, Lavender, Jasmine, Sandalwood. May Chang, oh I can go on and on 🙂
Welcome angelholistics hope you enjoy it here x
my fav is black pepper and i love benzoin, i love the way they smell
In case you can't guess, mine are ylang ylang and rose. 😀
Hi angelicholistics,
Bergamot love that oil! so fruity and postive! if im feeln blue i put some in the bath always helps. its like a gentle hug of happyness lol.
Laura x
Tell me is Bergamot quite similar to Pettigrain in a lot of ways, if I remember correctly I really like it and also Frankinscence.;)
I'm a bergamot fan too. It's the one oil I've not been faddy with, I would eat the stuff if I could. I find it zesty, yet calming - perfect balance.
I'm not a fan of pettigrain, neroli or bigarade. I find them too sickly and sweet.
My favourite blend is bergamot and sandalwood. I can still smell that blend on my hands after using it on a client tonight. Ahhh Bliss...
Based on Valerie Ann Worwood's work:
“Jerry has researched the oils as a method to treat the whole person. By treating the constitution, the individual becomes stronger physically, spiritually and emotionally and is able to move towards healing of multiple symptoms. I use the oils for various acute concerns as I find solutions for constitutional concerns. I use his quiz in my classes and my private practice.” Yvette Chass, OT
Valerie Ann Worwood described "oil personalities" that can be understood as constitutional dispositions. Holistic approaches to health care focus on the unique qualities of the individual rather than seeking diagnosis and treatment of pathological conditions understood according to common symptoms. [url]Essential oils can also reveal our constitutional dispositions and enable us to address their needs. Find your constitutional oils.[/url]