i was wondering if anyone has used aromatherapy to treat phantom pain?
if so what oils did you use?
any advise would be great.
Hi Froggy
Can you provide a bit more information on the phantom pain. Where for example does it manifest and what does it feel like, is it a sharp pain, or a dull ache?
Love Binah
my husband has suffered for many years he got hit by a car whiched caused him to have no feeling or movement in his right arm, as a result of a couple of nerves coming out of his spine.
his phantom pain varies in to how bad it gets, but it is alway there.
i am training in aromatherpy and hoping i may come across somthing that may help.
thanks for any advise
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. You can use all oils that are nervine and analgesic and also some with anti-inflammatory properties. The ones that come to mind are a 3% blend of Roman Chamomile, Helichrysum, Lavender and Sweet Marjoram blended in a carrier oil. I usually use a combination of Sunflower and Olive Oil.
Thanks i will try that, i am going to use my husband as a case study.
so it will be intresting, i am going to use oils that are for nervine, analgesic, anti - inflamatory. and see how it goes.