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Over/under active thyroid.

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Hello all.
Happy new year to you! Sorry this is my first post of the year. (Tut Tut)

I have a client who presents with both an under active and over active thyroid.

My first initial thoughts are that I should not use sedative oils if its over active at the time of massage and I don't want to zonk her out - but then should I keep away from the hormonal oils - me thinks yes.

Oh this is one to ponder over - would love to hear your thoughts.

Love & Light


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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

mmmnnnnn,are they on medication for it 😮

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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

Hmm, difficult one Kate. First of all, at any one time, is she aware when it is over or under active. My instinct would be to use a mild blend of geranium as it is very balancing and stabilising.

The person who would probably have had more experience is essence. You could try PM'ing or emailing her.


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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

She used to be on carbimazole & propanol but she was taken off these and is currently not on any medication as per her doctor.

She was diagnosed this condition in March 2000. I will have to ask if she is aware when its over or under.

Its one that has me puzzled and no matter how many books I look at I am getting conflicting advice. Nice to ask advice from those who have far more years experience 😮

Many thanks to you both


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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

Hi Holistic Kate

A trickly one this!! I have to say that I haven't heard of anyone having both an underactive and overactive thyroid before (I presume it alternates?). When I read this post I immediately went online to find this disorder and I couldn't find anything on it at all.

But as far as aromatherapy is concerned Myrrh and Calamintha are supposed to be Thyroid Moderators and are used for Hyperthyroidism, oils that stimulate the metabolism are: melissa, lavender, oregano, peppermint and red and lemon thyme.

I really don't think that a small amount of any oil will have an adverse or positive effect on the thyroid gland and would therefore use any oil in a blend that your client particularly liked as your client must be experiencing a vast range of problems to do with this disorder. I feel I would let him/her choose the oils they liked each time as their body will tell him/her what it needs or perhaps try to help with some of the symptoms (chose the one that is bothering your client the most each time he/she comes for a treatment).

On another note there is some research being done at the moment with thyroid disorders (mainly hypothyroidism) and coconut oil. Diet plays an important part in controlling thyroid disorders but I'm sure your client has had all this advise from their GP.

Any way sorry I couldn't be of more help, keep us posted

Love and light

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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

I agree with essence and look at the symptoms as they present each time ......am reading a huge book at the moment on the endocrine system so if i come across anything i will let you know:eek:

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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

hi guys.. hope u don't mind me jumping in.....

I have thyroid problems.. and am underactive.. I do know when my levels are changing ( not to a serious state)..

In all 6 years years of having the problems.. MY doctors have had very little imput other than dish out medication.. even though I put on 4 st in weight .. all I was told was "u need to lose ".. no help.. at all.. so doctors don't always give out advice or help..

I would love to know anything that would assist in my condition.. at present I am using crystals, as well as medication,..to stablise it. but am always willing to know of other treatments..
cheers hon

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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

Many many thanks to you all. Its great to know that I can get such great advice.

Like you say we only ever blend to 3%.

I will all keep you posted. She is due Thursday 27th Jan.

Once again a big thank you

Love & Light


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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

Just keeping you updated.

I had to cancel due to this awful flu like bug[:@] Have rearranged her appointment for this Thursday.

Once again a big thank you to all for help on this one.:)

Love & Light


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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

Dear all:)

Just updating you all.

Client received massage last night. I was informed that it was her first massage ever-glad to say that she walked out feeling great. She relaxed into it very well.

I used a 3% blend of Lavender, Frankincense & Myrrh.

She experiences tremendous bouts of exhaustion due to her condition and is backward and forward to the doctors for blood tests so they can keep an eye on it. Although she feels much better for not taking the medication now she is watching her diet and stress levels.

She has booked for another appointment after valentines day as she works as a florist and feels that she would benefit with a massage after a busy/stressful time.

I will keep you all posted.

Love & Light


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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

Hi Kate,

Glad your client felt great after treatment.
I wanted to pass on information that I found out after ITEC studies regarding lavender.
Our course highlighted that lavender is a hypotensive and must be used with caution with low bp.

I have recently found out from Light Millers book "ayurveda and aromatherapy" that the use of lavender is best
avoided when people have imbalances of iron or iodine levels of which are common place with Thyroid imbalances.

Re jade

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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

Hi I have underactive Thyroid,a really great site to consult is [link= http://www.thyroid-disease.org.uk ]www.thyroid-disease.org.uk[/link] the people are fellow sufferers both hypo and hyper and related disease.
Having both hypo and hyper really messes with your head and everything else, please pass the site details on to the person you are treating.
The doctors tell you nothing they give you the smarties and you really shouldn't ask questions, that is the way we are treated, so thank God for fellow sufferers and for sites like that and this one.

If the link doesn't work please pm me.

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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

I found this thread of discussion very interesting. I apologize for jumping in late. I have hypothyroidism, and was diagnosed two years ago. I've been prescribed a thryroid replacement hormone to control the disease. My symptoms were brittle nails (never growing very long and what was growing was chipping and splitting constantly), thinning hair and complete bone drying exhaustion. Even with my medication, my nails refused to grow very long, I was still losing more hair then is probably normal and was tired easily and often. If I went three days straight without taking my meds, I was a walking zombie. So I started doing some research on my own with essential oils, pertaining to my condition. I'm no doctor, anddon't profess to having been educated or certified in the use of essential oils. The following is strictly my own experience. For three months now I have used Lavendar oilconsistentlyevery single day. I have on occasion supplemented the lavendar with rose(working on my polycistic ovary syndrome using rose- with success! - discussion for another thread), and occasionally grapefruit or patchoili. The other oils are so infrequent as to doubt their contribution to the results that I've seen. But over the course of the last two months I've noticed a sharp decrease in the amount of hair that I've been losing, I've lost 9lbs and my nails are long and strong and beautiful! I can'tdescribe howhappyI am. I have taken a thryoid pill only twice in the past two months. So Ialmost can't beleive the huge success I'm having with lavendarpertaining to my thyroid.I choselavendar because it's a metabolism booster but also theessential oil is a-- how do I say this? -- it brings thingscenter.If you're tooone way, it'll bring you back to center, if you're too the other way it'll do thesame.I thought it appropriate to use because hypothyroidism is a lack of thryoid hormone. Anyways, just thought I'd share, andam thoroughly enjoying this site. Cheers!

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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

Hi Anima

Thank you for sharing that with us.

May I ask what does of thyroxine you were prescribed by your GP?

just want to add that although Mundi reports that she is fine using Lavender and reducing her thyroxine down to almost nothing I want to stres that no one who is prescribed thyroxine should just stop taking it - Thyroid medication is one of the very few medications which qualifies for free prescriptions for life and there is a good reason for that - I don't want to alarm anyone, but before the discovery of thyroxine replacement for Underactive Thyroid gland early last century (used to be called Myxoedema (sp?)), those of us now taking thyroxine would have died. Sorry to be alarmist, but it's important to remember that this is a life-saving medication!! So please check with your Doctor if you are thinking of trying alternatives. Normally, once you are diagnosed, Thyroxine replacement has to be taken for the whole of your life, to save your life.


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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

Totally endorse what Epinay says here, it is a life saving drug. Don't mess about with your life.
Thyroid conditions affect so many parts of you and your body and this is one of the reasons we get free prescriptions. Lots of people died through undiagnosed Thyroid complaints and lots more ended up in the asylums because of the myxodema madness ! Don't pull any punches Epinay tell them how it is, it isn't scare tactics it is COLD HARD FACTS. lyn

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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

Hi guys. Yikes! My intention was not for people to throw their meds to the wind, but merely chiming in about the benefits my lavendar oil treatment has had towards my thryoid condition. My levothyroxine prescription is for 100MCG or 0.100MG a day. And yes it's a lifelong prescription. I wish we got it free here in the US! I miss the NHS. 🙁 My thryoid THL (?) levels were at 13 when I was diagnosed (norm between 1-4) so my disease isn't as bad as a lot of peoples. My last blood test was in August and I was at a 2 then, despite my ongoing symptoms. My apologies towards anyone who thought I was suggesting they quit their medications, as I've stated I am not a doctor nor an aromatherapist. I'm conducting my research with the essential oils as they pertain to my own particular condition and health and am paying acute attention to my wellbeing and symptomology, and have a close and ongoing dialogue with my GP whenever something new comes up. Thanks for the warnings to people about their medications, as I hadn't thought about other people thinking my advice was to quit their meds. I'll have to bare the repurcussions of any future posts in mind more sternly next time. Thanks again.

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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

I found a great article on myxedema madness and hypothyroidism in general if anyone is curious to learn about it:

[link= http://www.psychiatrist.com/pcc/pccpdf/v05n06/v05n0603.pdf ]http://www.psychiatrist.com/pcc/pccpdf/v05n06/v05n0603.pdf[/link]

Interesting read, as I'd never been told about myxedema madness before.

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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

Hi anima, that sounds really interesting and encouraging (subject to the warnings above, of course!). How are you using these oils?

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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

Hi Supersub. I debated about whether or not to answer your question because it's slightly embarrassing, and I'm sure not normal at all. But, I might as well come out with it. I drop three drops of lavender onto a panty liner. I wear the panty liner all day while I'm at work. I've done this every day for three months. This should NOT be done with any essential oil other than lavendar and even with the lavender I was very cognisant of any reactions, feelings or symptoms my body may have had. My reasons for choosing this method are thus:

- physically - there is a lot of blood flow and nerve endings to that area of the body where I thought absorption would be most effective and could be continuous throughout the day without a reapplication.

- spiritually/energy - this is the base chakra and where a large part of a persons energy is derived. Any energetic/spiritual benefit to the lavendar oil, I thought, would be most beneficially dispursed from this region.

- feminine - I get to smell delightful all day, and have a "secret" I get to carry with me. And when I'm home at night without the panty liner, I still smell delightful. Beneficial to myself and my partner should choose to be intimate.

I realize this is an odd choice of application for the lavendar. I realize the oils are potent and need to be respected most highly. But through my experience I feel it was a good decision. Like I said, you shoud never do this with the other essential oils because they're too potent to be used "neat." But lavendar, I thought, could be the exception. The absorbent quality of the panty liner also provides me with an additional barrier between my body and theessential oil. I douse a diffuser in the evenings, and after bathing I use a safflower/olive oil body rub imbued with essential oils as well. Any of the other essential oils I may use would be done so using these alternative methods. I hope this was helpful to you. Now that I've finished blusing. 😉

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RE: Over/under active thyroid.

Thanks for that, anima- and thanks for your candour. It's certainly not a method we were taught in aromatherapy classes!
But I guess if it was going to do you any harm, you'd have known about it pretty quickly. Not sure I'd be wanting to use any oils like that - but you know how sensitive we blokes are!
