Hi everyone,
One of my clients mentioned to me the other day following a Deep Tissue Massage that when I am pressure pointing to relieve tension on the area of the right subclavius muscle by the clavicle that she gets a cold feeling come all over her body. I know that this is the path of the large instestine meridian and although I can not tell you which acupressure point it was I was wondering if anyone could explain why this is happening. I presumed that it was a blockage in the flow of engery along the meridian in question.
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Love & Light
FireFly Angel
Life is for Living!
Hi Firefly Angel,
I wouldnt really worry about which meridian it relates to....it sounds like a blockage and if you carry on working within this area....it should clear
after time....make notes and carry on the good work.
Perhaps offer a reflex treatment?