I wonder if anyone can help me,
I have been suffering with painful knees for most of my life I was told long ago that it was Rheumatism, Just recently I saw an article on Restless leg Syndrome it has all my symptoms. This results in many sleepless nights anyone who suffers with this complaint would know.
I have noticed that on the meridian line between LIV 8 to LIV 10 I have lumps down both my legs basically from the groin area to the knee they are under the skin I can only feel them if I massage or rub that area with a firm touch they are very painful.
I have found that particular Meridian is connected to the knees
I did have something similar in the past those lumps were on the other side of the leg between the hip and knee, I was told to rub very hard on that area to disperse them, if my memory serves me right I was having breast pain at the time, I was told they are a blockage I might be wrong.
I was wondering if those lumps between LIV 8 and LIV 5 are blockages would they cause the problem with my knees, would anyone be able to help me also please tell me the best way to disperse these lumps.
I would really appreciate any advice on this subject; I am a complete novice in this matter I only know what I have read.
Thank you
Hi Julie
Sorry i am not a practitioner of acupuncture, but I wondered if you have asked your GP to take a look at these 'lumps'. I believe that any lumps or bumps should be investigated down the formal medical route. It could just be knotted muscles, or cysts but you do need to rule out anything more serious first. You could also telephone NHS Direct and see what they advise you to do.
Hello Binah
No I have not seen the GP I only found them tonight, but I have had them before and as I said in my post I was told to rub them hard it hurt a lot but they did go after a while.
I suppose my main question was if any one had more information about Maridians and if it was possible to have these lumps there and could they be the cause of my knee problem.
If the lumps are knots in muscle or fascia, that could mean you've got tension there, shortened muscles etc, which is putting strain on the knee. What is your gait like? Do you pronate or supinate? Is one leg slightly shorter than the other perhaps? Is your pelvis slightly out of alignment, even twisted perhaps? If any of this is true, it could be causing or contributing to your knee problems.
However, like others have said, if you're unsure about the lumps, the first port of call would be the gp.
Have you ever had any treatment for your knees? Seen an osteopath for example?
Sorry, not too familiar with meridians (yet) so can't directly answer your questions I suppose, hope this helps a little bit anyway. 🙂
It could also be related to the lymphatic system - firm massage is not a good idea - see your doctor first, and then perhaps consult a manual lymph drainage practitioner - ( - with Mods permission?)
I do like the fact that no-one is diagnosing on this forum:).
I'm going with other posters - visit your GP. However I suspect (and I'm not diagnosing here) that you are describing varicose veins.