Hi Everyone
Had a strange visit to a medium today. Amongst other things she advised me this:
I wanted to expand my range of therapies (currently holistic therapist with the usuals; massage, hot stones, reflex, reiki, crystals, hopi, with specialism in mat reflex. Yes I do, but not sure of which avenue to go down....
I would use a machine that works like acupuncture but without needles, would reauire ony a short course, and was effective for sinus and stomach problems amongst others, It also provides a natural face lift. It can be combined well with my other therapies and will be very popular. It comes from Germany and will provide me with a very nice living.
What could this be? I have been google-ling like mad and I have found some machines but there seems such a range from tens like machines to bio-renasance/feedback to Dentron acupressure machine.
None of which I know anything about - anyone got any ideas?
Sorry, no idea Helen, I'm surprised she didn't tell you what it was as she seems to know a lot about it!
Let us know if you track this down, I'd be interested to find out what it is!
Barbara x