Can anyone help with the accupressure points for the sciatic nerve please. I have been trawling the web but haven't found a suitable site yet.
If anyone knows where I can see diagrams that would also be most helpful.
RE: Accupressure points for sciatic nerve please
Hi there!
I am a reflexologist, have been for 19 years, and have had success with helping clients with sciatic pain. The points I use are at the back of the heels, either side of the achilles tendon and lower legs at the back, also across the inner wrists. You could find a reflexology chart on eBay for not much money - a good one will probably show the points or the area to press. Hope this helps, sciatic pain is horrid!
RE: Accupressure points for sciatic nerve please
from an accupressure/shiatsu point of view i use the GB30 (gallbladder)and bladder channels, specifically.
RE: Accupressure points for sciatic nerve please
Thanks both have helped. Will keep at it
very usefully info thanks for telling us about it , <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="cozytoes">cozytoes how much of success have you got form using these points has it worked every time ?
You need to get some on to help you with it , you can not do it by your self as it is a study . You should met a Doc as that's the only way of getting the right ans .
hi ya lc
As a reflexologist and oriental massage therapist, I use the same reflexes that Cozy Toes uses and Soyoukan's (can I? :rolleyes:) Gallbladder 30. Also work GB 31 & 40; BL 25, 36 & 37.
Best Wishes
Reiki Pixie