witchcraft?old magi...
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witchcraft?old magic

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it seems after some hard think and pondering ive decided tyo go down the pagan old witchcraft route so here goes and i hope my journey takes to were my soul wants to go.so if anyone in suffolk just ipswich can help well i would welcome it and be gratful.:)
for isnt pagaism such wide subject just to put in a little box,what about the dark old magic of witchcraft?and what it can do and how it makes you feel?form i feel a very strong pull towards it and want it?

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RE: witchcraft?old magic


,what about the dark old magic of witchcraft?

In criticism of your comment I think it is hard to say that witchcraft is "dark old magic." Firstly because of the pagan rede and secondly because a lot of magic is very modern.

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RE: witchcraft?old magic

I assume my Pagan Rede that you mean The Wiccan Rede.The Rede isonly recognised and adhered to by Wiccans.Witches (especially the more 'traditional' witches, do not recognise the Wiccan Rede, nor do they have any Rede.

As for magic being modern ........................ ermmm actually it's as old as time itself!


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RE: witchcraft?old magic

If you are drawn to trad witchcraft then obviousely that's what you should do. I understand what Drownedrat was trying to say, but again it's an example of people thinking that Wicca is Witchcraft, as opposed to Wicca being a form of neopaganism that borrows from witchraft. Gardner put out the wiccan rede, but it holds no water to most hereditary trad witches who i can't talk personally for, but in my family personal responsability and choice is the guide.
Anyway, good luck with your journey, i hope you find what you are looking for.

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RE: witchcraft?old magic

Have a wonderful journey Kaney, You will be suprised just how many walk the Pagan Path. You could try
[link= http://www.paganfed.org/ ] http://www.paganfed.org/ [/link], click on the districts, and the moot listing is at the bottom of the district page.

Blessings from Portsmouth

EDIT: Tweaked the link - it works now 😉

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RE: witchcraft?old magic

Ive PM'ed you hun

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RE: witchcraft?old magic

Good luck on your quest, as you explore the various practices and traditions remember to always keep your mind open for many paths and praqtices intertwine and complement each other. Such subtleties can be lost when you're focused on only one tradition or one expression.

Here's a good book to consider... [link= http://www.amazon.co.uk/Chi-Gung-Chinese-Healing-Natural/dp/1567181139/sr=8-6/qid=1170140880/ref=sr_1_6/203-3432716-8087113?ie=UTF8&s=books/ ]Chi Gung: Chinese Healing, Energy and Natural Magick[/link] by Lily of the Valley Carnie. Even though it deals with a Chinese form of magick, the ideas and concepts it teaches can be a valuable aid to whatever tradition ends up calling your heart.

