witch from birth?
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witch from birth?

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Hi People,
Tell me, do you become a witch or is it something in you from birth?

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RE: witch from birth?

Hi celticspiral

I am sure there will be different opinions on this, but I personally don’t think you have to be born from a line of Witches to become or be a Witch.

If you believe in reincarnation-
There is a saying in Witch circles- ‘Once a Witch, always a Witch’, which I believe to mean, that if you were a Witch in a previous life, you will more than likely become one in a next life…

There are a lot of people who are drawn to the idea of Witch Craft for different reasons.
But it takes real dedication and hard work to be a ‘real’ Witch, whether it is a Wiccan- or Green- or Hedge Witch or any other kind of Witch…


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RE: witch from birth?

Perhaps we are all born witches/healers/psychics but we have forgotten how. I believe we all have the innate abitility to become whatever we so choose and I agree with Hamadryat that we will be drawn to things that we were involved in during our past lives. We should not restrict ourselves with labels but only with the knowledge we currently have, and only then until we have the opportunity to expand that knowledge. Someone once told me that 'gifted' people were those who had studied certain things (e.g. art, music, science) in a previous life and had returned to continue that education so they seemingly had a head start.

I do not come from a line of witches (knowingly) but my grandmother and mother had a certain wisdom about them that makes me think there was something of the 'old wise woman of the woods' about them and perhaps they had those tendencies but in a way that was socially acceptable in their time. Now witchcraft is one of the quickest growing 'traditions' perhaps more and more people will be willing to stand and be counted as it is no longer percieved as a taboo or unhealthy way of being

Blessed be

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RE: witch from birth?

I believe I was a 'witch' in a previous life...more like the 'village mad women' type of witch as opposed to one that practised magic...but, I agree with that which has been said above...you don't have to be born a witch to become one...I think it's more of a 'calling'/way of life:D

stormdeva x

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RE: witch from birth?

Hi Guys,

Thank you for the replies, friends have often said to me that I must have been a witch in a pass life, just because of the way things happen around me, hard to explain. I have always been intrigued by the subject.


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RE: witch from birth?

Hi Celticspiral, ~ Love your name by the way 😉 ~ I too believe in reincarnation and so it would make sense to me that we in this life are drawn towards things that we were doing in previous lives, allmost as if they are in our subconcious.

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RE: witch from birth?

Well I've yet to look into my past lives, but I firmly believe there's absolutely no necessity to be born a witch, in the same way that a christian doesn't have to be a christian from birth, or a doctor doesn't have to be a doctor from birth.

I'm 30 and have only recently discovered this way of life and I have to say that within myself I feel the best that I have for a long time. There are many people who discover their path in later life, that doesn't mean their path is any less valid. The only thing we miss is the experience gained I guess, but I'm having fun trying to catch up. 😀

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RE: witch from birth?

I can recommend two excellent books on the subject of Hedge Witch…

A Witch Alone (Thirteen moons to master natural magic) - by Marian Green - ISBN 1855381125


Hedge Witch (A guide to Solitary Witchcraft) - by Rae Beth - ISBN 0709048513

Both books are very well written and very honest and very easy to read.

Sorry, I posted this on the wrong thread... 😮


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RE: witch from birth?

I'm sure everyone's experiences are a little bit different but with me something just "clicked" inside and I started reading and researching and just being "in" nature and it just felt so right. I would love to do a past life regression to find out about possible past lives. I'd probably find out that in a past life I was Fenella - the wicked witch out of Chorlton and the Wheelies who lived in a tea pot ha ha! (showing my age there sorry!) [sm=jump1.gif]

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RE: witch from birth?


How uncanny, I had just returned to this thread to post up details of those exact two books.

They are as good as you say and opened my eyes to the 'true craft of witchery' as opposed to the hollywood evil do-er or christian devil worshiper version that I had been fed most of my life.

Good reading folks

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RE: witch from birth?

hi celticspiral

iv read many a book on wicca, and have alway tried my hardest to good by folk in my life i have only ever lost my temper twice, for which i am ashamed, recently a person at work done bad by me and was very cruel, i sat at my desk most of the day thinking very bad thoughts about them and what i would like to happen to them, later in the day i went into the "wc" and that person was there injured, had fallen over on some steps, and they put their hand out to me to help them and did because as much as i would have like to walk away that it not the wicca way, "do good by others" strange things have happened in my life before, seeing people, dreams, things falling off of shelfs, windows shutting on there own, and i have been told i am gifted many a times, but my point is, if you feel this is the way for you then grasp it and take it in, its a strange life and a very short one at that! so do what you feel is best for you and enjoy. xx

i will say that i did try to explain to people my religion, but most people thought i was mad and had a black cat and a broom stick, oh well, the dog and the dyson are close xx.

best wishes xx


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RE: witch from birth?

Hi kaziah,
Thanks for that.
Did you ever wonder was it your thoughts about them that caused them to be injured, if you know what I am saying, the power of the mind and all that.
Thanks again Dee

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RE: witch from birth?

Hi Everyone
I am a desendent of Rebecca Nurse a named witch in Salem witch trials... either she was one or it may have been in the grain they used to bake thier breads like some historians are now claiming.I do know that I posses alot of unusal traits. There where three generations of grandmothers all named Rebecca.
The most interesting thing about it all is I all most named my daughter Rebecca and this was way before I had done any family research on our family tree.
I remember the stories my grandmother told of her grandmother Rebecca and how she could remember her unusal english accent. She all so married a full blooded cherokee indian and everyone allways wondered why she choose such a person. I allso found out that he had medicine men or shamans in his family tree.
Wiccan beliefs and native american beliefs are very similar...both our earth based religins. I think she picked up on his energies and this was the attraction between them.We all tend to find energies akin to our own.
I have never evoked my wiccan side, but I have followed my native american shaman side and do practice my beliefs in this nature.
Love & Light

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RE: witch from birth?

That's very interesting Tate,
Wish I could trace my family history back, I thought I knew almost all there was to know about it...but it all got blown away earlier this year...oh well it was not meant to be

stormdeva x
