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Wiccan websites, books and periodicals

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Wiccan websites, books and periodicals

The following are very safe sites for the would-be Witch, some may appear to be bland for the more experienced Witch.

Perhaps if we could compare learning the Craft as akin to learning to drive, as we get more experienced our self preservation controls our headstrong actions.

This one opens the door to a lot of experience under safe tuition:

The Children of Artemis, which is also a social meeting place and full of good advice about the hazards of joining Covens, they also have at least 2 Witchfests per year.
The Pagan Federation
General information <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href=" http://wicca.timerift.net/ "> http://wicca.timerift.net/
a very comprehensive site, with information presented in a simple no-nonsense style.
For teenagers <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href=" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PagansSafehouse "> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PagansSafehouse
Janet and Stewart Farrar Alexandrian Wiccans and authors of the Witches Bible, an absolute must for any Witch, available still in any Spiritual shop, fair or Amazon. Stewart died in February 2000, and Janet now writes with Gavin Bone. Their website is here:

Kate West
When a new Witch, I was very glad of her help, she is also associated with C of A.
The Pentacle and the Cauldron are both periodicals and also have websites

The Cottage this addy is liable to change soon, but you should get there with this. It shall have a safe site for children too. It's also Christian, but you choose either the Pagan or Christian side when you join
Information on crystals can be found in the Crystals & Crystal Healing forum here on HP.

Information on chakras is in several forums and can be found via HP's Search.

Witches' ways of healing may be different to Reiki etc but joint experience is a good thing, and our Paths do cross.

Some recommended book titles are below, please see post #3:

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RE: Wiccan websites, books and periodicals

Very grateful thanks to Sherringham for doing the lion's share in putting the above information together. My inputs were minimal.

Members, please feel free to post here with any extra resources you feel should be added, and we'll certainly consider them. Many thanks.


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RE: Wiccan websites, books and periodicals

A Witch Alone
By Marian Green.
Thirteen Moons to master natural Magick

A guide to the tradition of the solo village witch

ISBN 0-00-713323-5

Harper Collins, Hammersmith, London. UK

Advanced Candle Magick
By Raymond Buckland.
ISBN: 1-56718-103-1

An ABC of Witchcraft
By Doreen Valiente.
ISBN: 0-919345-77-8

By Charles G. Leland.
ISBN: 0-919345-34-4
A new translation by Mario Pazzaglini and Dina Pazzaglini with additional material by Chas S Clifton, Robert Mathison & RobertE. Chartowich. The original was written in the 1890s and is a study of Italian Witchcraft

By Raven Grimassi.
ISBN: 1-56718-283-6
Topics covered: May Day magick and divination, Beltane goodies, seasonal crafts, springtime rituals & traditions and myths, fairy & flower lore

Book of Spells
By Soraya.
Fantastic book, well written, with spells, lotions and stuff and even some recipes. Also a bit of numerology.

This lady also runs a weekend retreat in Scotland and has her own web site,

Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft
By Raymond Buckland.
ISBN: 0-87542-050-8

By Amber K & Azreal Arynn K.
ISBN: 0-7387-0079-7
Topics covered: Myths & stories of Brigit the Goddess and Brigit the Saint, Candlemas magick, Candlemas divination, goodies, rituals and seasonal crafts

Celtic Heritage
By Alwyn Rees & Brinley Rees.
ISBN: 0-500-27039-2
A study of the ancient traditions of Ireland and Wales

Crone's Book of Magickal Words
By Valerie Worth.
Chant the ancient words of Magick

ISBN 1-56718-825-7

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic
By Scott Cunningham.
ISBN: 0-87542-126-1
Excellent book about stone energies, correspondences and uses. For the tarot fans there is a section on using different stones for tarot readings.

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
By Scott Cunningham.
ISBN: 0-87542-122-9

Deepening Witchcraft
By Grey Cat.
ISBN: 1-55022-495-6
This book is for Wicca, Witchcraft and Pagan leaders, clerics and advanced practitioners. The first half of the book focuses on guidence for advanced practitioners. The second half is a guide for teaching, designing public rituals, practicing advanced magick and sponsoring public events

Earth Power
By Scott Cunningham.
ISBN: 0-87542-121-0
A book about folk magick including spells.

Earth, Air, Fire & Water
By Scott Cunningham.
ISBN: 0-87542-131-8
The follow up book to Earth Power.

Hedgewitch, a guide to solitary Witchcraft
The Hedgewitch's Way and
The Lamp of the Goddess,none strictly Wiccan but Solitary and all by Rae Beth
Published by Hale

Further book recommendations follow in posts below.

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RE: Wiccan websites, books and periodicals

A book i have found absolutely indespensible in my studies of wicca covering the basics and a little bit more in most areas is

Wicca, The Complete Craft
by D J Conway

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Another book recommended today:

Element Encyclopedia of Witch Craftby Judika Illes.


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Some links which may be useful/interesting ......................


[DLMURL] http://thevalley.ukpagan.com/index.php?act=home [/DLMURL]

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RE: Wiccan websites, books and periodicals

Very sound advice and very informative .

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Hi all

My favourite website is . Lots to read and learn and they run a homestudy course. Sorita and David have also written many books on the subject of Wicca and different deities. Enjoy!

A great book that I've just finished is 'Wiccan Roots' by Phillip Hesselton. He's done some amazing research about 'uncle Gardner' and his life and how he was initiated.

Moongirl x

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RE: Wiccan websites, books and periodicals

There is also mine (link in my signature).

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With regard to the book recommendations, there are many listed above that I would really not recommend but why be negative eh? I'll just list some of the authors that I do.

On any pagan or magic related subject, I always recommend reading as much source material as possible. In other words, not the rubbish written by someone who learned from a book in the first place!

Authors I would recommend for Wicca would be (too many titles between them to list them by title so just google the authors):

Gerald Gardner - I can't believe nobody has recommended his books! How much closer to the source can you get than the person who started it!

Ronald Hutton - an academic view on the roots of wicca (and druidry, shamanism etc if you read his non- wicca books).

Doreen Valiente.

Janet and Stewart Farrar

Patricia Crowther

Vivianne Crowley

Philip Heselton

With the exception of Ron Hutton and Philip Hesselton, the others are the "old school" of authors on Wicca (the latter being the more academic information), the ones who were around Gardner and/ or Sanders (amongst others) right back at the beginning before all the watered down rubbish came along that is passed off as pagan literature nowadays.

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I agree with Bannick - there are too many books out there that are based on, for example, Doreen Valiente's work. If you read 'Natural Magic' you will notice where some of the 'new' books have got their information from. Janet & Stuart Farrar's books are brilliant as well! 'Witches Bible' is one of my all time favourites.
If you're interested in the Alexandrian tradition, then 'King of the Witches' is a must! I still haven't been able to found a copy that doesn't cost a fortune, but I'm looking...


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I broadly agree with both Bannick and Moongirl. But I would also recommend two other books by writers who were members of Gardner's coven in the 1950s:

'Fifty Years of Wicca' by Frederick Lamond
'Dancing with Witches' by Lois Bourne

Both have useful information about Gardner, and both are inclined to be rather more sceptical of some of Gardner's stories than Doreen Valiente was. Lois Bourne's book also has some interesting information about witchcraft in Spain and Jamaica.


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I notice Marian Green on the list, I meant to mention this before. Although her books are very good, they are not Wicca! No, I'm not slagging her off at all, in fact she's a friend of mine and I know she will agree with me on this one as she has never claimed to be wiccan.

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Another book recommended today:

Element Encyclopedia of Witch Craftby Judika Illes.


A good coffee table book but it does contain many inaccuracies including the date of Doreen Valiente's death! The Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells is also quite good.

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Thank you for posting. However, I was merely collating information provided by others 😉

Since the changeover to the new forums, it might be a bit difficult to find the original post, however, though a search might reveal.


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Just wanted to add this resource that I have recently come across. Some beautiful products, interesting articles and the people are really friendly. They have a Facebook profile too so you can get news and updates.

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Pagan Magic is a great site..I've had a few things from there..xx

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Just wanted to add this resource that I have recently come across. Some beautiful products, interesting articles and the people are really friendly. They have a Facebook profile too so you can get news and updates.

Ouch on many of their prices! I don't think I'll be shopping there any time soon.

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Ouch on many of their prices! I don't think I'll be shopping there any time soon.

Hello Everyone, thank you for recommending so many books and sites...I'm new to the site and in general to the craft.

Bannock, could you share some sites where you shop, please? Like most, I live on a tight budget, so finding Wiccan, pagan, metaphysical, and witchcraft shops that are affordably priced is important to me. Thanks so much

Bright Blessings to All,


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So much to learn!

Wow! It's amazing!
There's a lot to learn from paganism. I do believe that a good balance between food, exercise, meditation and our environment lead to a happier life... I also am looking into Ayurveda, which has a lot to learn from!

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Merry Meet!

I've recently joined this forum, so hello!

I run my own website and would love to add more informational sections to it at morgana of avalon and would love to ask for any suggestions you may have as to what you feel would work well.

I am a Cam Model, Priestess of Avalon, Sexual Sorceress and Seductress, offering my services live on cam and via phone and so my writings and posts could offer visitors help and guidance in these areas. My content is 18+, obviously, due it's nature.

If any of you have any ideas and/or suggestions I would be interested in hearing them.

I do also enjoy writing poetry and creating artwork, mostly sensual and magical in nature and I would love to add more creative posts too.

I realise that my field is not everyone's cup of tea however, and also that the type of magic I teach and perform is often misunderstood. I would love to know your perspective of how best to approach this and support beginners.

I have already written a few blog posts to introduce the art of sexual sorcery, also to alleviate concerns and answer common questions. It would be great to find out from anyone interested, how you feel about the above.

Thank you for reading my post and I look forward to your replies.

Blessed Be

Morgana xxx
