The Wiccan Holidays, which are also known as the Sabbats are celebrated though out the year. The Sabbats represent the turning of the seasons and are celebrated through rituals and traditions.
There are 8 Sabbats during the years and dates vary due to the position of the sun and length of sunlight and also whether you live in the southern hemisphere or northern hemisphere.
During these celebrations symbolic items are collected to be used during the ritual or for decoration. These items can consist of flowers, herbs, crystals, certain colored altar cloths and candles, which represent that particular season.
Yule/Winter Solstice
Winter Solstice is celebrated around the 21st December for the Northern Hemisphere and around June 21st for the Southern Hemisphere. This holiday celebrates the rebirth of the sun to the earth and it is also the longest day of the year.
Imbolc is celebrated on the 2nd of February for the Northern Hemisphere and on the 1st of August for the Southern Hemisphere. This Holiday celebrates growth, strength, light and inspiration.
Spring Equinox
Spring Equinox is celebrated around the 20th of March for the Northern Hemisphere and around the 21st of September for the Southern Hemisphere. This Holiday celebrates the return of life and growth to the earth after a long and cold winter; it is also a time where there is equal light and dark in the day.
Beltane is celebrated on the 30th of April for the Northern Hemisphere and on the 1st of November for the Southern Hemisphere. This holiday celebrates the sacred union between the God and Goddess, which form that union comes, creation, growth and harmony.
Lammas, which is also sometimes called the grain holiday, is celebrated on the 1st of August for the Northern Hemisphere and the 1st of February for the Southern Hemisphere. This holiday celebrates the first harvest for the season.
Fall Equinox
Fall Equinox is celebrated around the 22nd of September for the Northern Hemisphere and around the 21st of Marchfor the Southern Hemisphere. This holiday celebrates the final harvest for the season and the preparation for the long winter ahead.
Samhain is celebrated on the 31st of October for the Northern Hemisphere and the 1st of May in the Southern Hemisphere. This holiday is a time to celebrate and remember those who have past. It is also the day where the veil between the two planes of life and death is the thinnest.
Summer Solstice
Summer Solstice is celebrated around the 21st of June for the Northern Hemisphere and around December 21st for the southern Hemisphere. This Holiday celebrates the peak of the sun's power, and it is also the longest day of the year.
All these Sabbats are apart of the Wiccan tradition and are all part of the growth of the earth, the spirit, the mind and the body. They are also a way in which we give thanks to the God and Goddess for all the gifts, blessings and lessons received during each season.
All the above information was copied from somewhere on the net, but I do not remember the link to the originating site. I do NOT claim authorship.
Well howdy Shaz......
Nice to have you back.....As it happens, I,ve just been decorating an altar for tomorrows gathering.
Time of the Dragon energy.............A time when the Oak king and the Holly king work in harmony. The ley lines are fully active and new life is blossoming all around us.
I'm running a gathering that studies the Celtic tree oghams and the folklore that is so much a part of our heritage.
Good to have you with us again.
Thanks for that, I missed this place really.