Wicca and energy fi...
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Wicca and energy fields

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I was wondering what the Wiccan view of the human energy field is? What structures does it see there?

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Hi Chris.

Any ritual work involves connections to the higher self. That's why these rituals are performed by the High Priests and High Priestess and set within a specific area.

Using the words God and Goddess are just ways to connect with the male and female energies that are within everything and everyone.

In the Christian church these rituals are performed by the priest or vicar..

anyone working solo would still need too connect to their own God or Divine Spirits and work within a sacred space....IMO

On a more personal level the Wiccan view is...if one wants too connect with a particular tree or rock, river or lake. We need to use everything availiable to us which includes sound and music, dance, symbolism chanting, meditation, smell, colour, beauty, etc...This raises the vibrational energies within our bodies and once we exceed a certain level of vibration, our higher self then radiates healing energies.

The more effort we put into the ritual....the more we get back. and the deeper we connect to Spirit, God or Goddess.

It is definately not about how clever we are or how many books we have read.......It's about what's in each person's heart that connects us to our own personal God or Goddess......IMO

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Hi Oakapple, thanks for this.

As you've seen I've posted a similar question under Paganism. It's what is inside each person, that is what I'm after. Do Wiccans believe in a human energy field, or is it merely the human soul or spirit? Some people believe that all things are connected and call that connection the Divine - do Wiccans? Do Wiccans perceive auras? Are there structures in the aura if they perceive one?

Hope this helps

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Joined: 18 years ago

Hi Chris

The four cardinal directions are depicted by different colours and here's a little article on the doctrine of signature.

When we protect ourselves within our sacred circle or when we call our guides and helpers we use colour.

Why is it assumed that our Celtic ancestors knew less than our Asia friends about healing properties.

The trouble with some Reiki practitioners is they are guided by the colour of money.....having spent so much learning to be healers....;)

Which I hasten to add..we do free of charge.

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I don't understand - what is this about Asian people being more advanced than Celtic people? Or Reiki being about the colour of money? All I asked was a simple question about the human energy field and you chose to attack me as a Reiki practitioner! Are you going to answer my question?

Reiki Pixie
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I agree with Chris, why attack Reiki. Almost anything in life is coloured by money, if of course money is since as a negative thing. To me money is neutral and just a unit of energy exchange. It's what the user does with it is coloured. As for Reiki and money, you can say that about anything - Wiccan magikal tools, Kabbala red string, crystals for healing, angel stuff, spiritual healing courses, incense and so forth. All cost money! Reiki is so common now people are almost giving it away. The days of high Reiki training costs are over. This is the reality of 2009 not the money grapping 1989!

As a student of eastern philosophy I wouldn't necessary say Asians have a better understanding of the energy body. But I would say that the Asian understanding of the energy body is well developed and hasn't been interfered upon, unlike us in the west who have been subjected by the attack of the church and later the scientific community for centuries. Referring here to witchcraft and other esoteric movements, so now back on topic!


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I don't understand - what is this about Asian people being more advanced than Celtic people? Or Reiki being about the colour of money? All I asked was a simple question about the human energy field and you chose to attack me as a Reiki practitioner! Are you going to answer my question?

OK..Yes I see auras but can only explain this ability through personal experience.

One of my favorite pastimes is to sit in the middle of the city and peoplewatch...I call it ' Practice '

I can tell which people are happy and the ones who are sad. I look for their ailments and any affliction they might have.....I can tell if they are seriously ill or just unhappy.

I then attach a colour to the person if they don't already have one and imagine what they need to look at or change in their lives to makes their life easier......

When I was living on the streets this ability to read people probably saved my hide many times........on the street, it's called survival.

You tend to know the people who are willing to give...even if it's just a smile. Sometimes, just a kind word is all a person needs.

Then there are the bullies and the takers......these people tend to radiate anger and resentment.....these are the individuals most people can spot. Even the novice....these are the individuals that require no eye contact.

I believe each of us walk with spirit and radiate our feelings by the vibrations of our bodies which in turn radiates light, The colour of that light is controlled by the way we think......think pure and the light will be pure.....
