hi can any one help me i want to find out wicca and becomeing a witch
RE: wicca
Hi Mayday & welcome to HP, I beleive that wicca & witch are different, to practice witchcraft does not make a person a wiccan, to follow a wicca path & put it into practice does make you a wiccan (well...if you want a title that is;))
RE: wicca
thank amy do you no any where i can find out more
RE: wicca
There is a Wiccan and Pagan forum in the 'Religions' section.
But don't be too set on your Path in the Craft, we all start off as Wiccans....Blessed be
RE: wicca
ORIGINAL: mayday
thank amy do you no any where i can find out more
Hi mayday, as sherringham has already pointed out we have a forum here on HP, other then that theres many sites out there on the web, if you want some straight forward no nonsense facts then I would recommend this site [link= http://wicca.timerift.net/index.html ]http://wicca.timerift.net/index.html[/link]
RE: wicca
Hi Mayday
I am not sure where you are in the county but if you check out my friends website: Jadescauldron.co.uk you will find loads of information that will help you on your quest.
She runs courses on-line and we also run regular rituals and workshops at my shop in Chelmsford, Essex.
I hope this helps
Merlintherapy x
RE: wicca
Thanks for reminding me Merlintherapy! I contacted you ages ago and couldn't make the Jade was offering. I've just emailed her now about the beginners course...
RE: wicca
Hello mayday and welcome to HP 🙂
My fellow moderator Amelia Jane has asked me to now move this thread from New Members to the Wicca forum.
If you have a look through some of the other threads in here, I'm sure you'll find much of interest.
I'd also endorse the website which Amy recommended you visit.
Best wishes,
RE: wicca
hi everyone thank you all for your replys i have look at the web sites and found then very good thanks again mayday