Hi 🙂
Can anyone give me advice on taking my interest in wicca a little bit further. I have been fascinated in wicca, and spells for years now, and have collected many books and cards and candles and things, but have never, ever used or tried anything. [&:]
I just feel that I would like to learn how totake things a little further than just reading if anyone can give me any help or advice please.
All the best
RE: Wicca
The Pagan Federation (paganfed.org) has a good website and will put you in touch with local groups, both wiccan and solitary witches.
Neil C
RE: Wicca
Hi Amanda,
I'm not quite sure what you mean by taking things further exactly. You say you have "never used or tried anything" in Wicca before & if this is what you mean by taking it further, then as you have enough knowledge on it through reading, what's stopping you from just *doing* it?!)
Here's a couple of Wicca/Witchcraft based UK forums though which may be helpful: (if your not in the UK I can post US ones, - large UK ones are just more few & far between!)
[link= http://thevalley.ukpagan.com/ ]http://thevalley.ukpagan.com/[/link]
[link= http://www.inthemist.org/forum/ ]http://www.inthemist.org/forum/[/link]
Love & Light,
RE: Wicca
:)Thanks for the helpfull sights, Ill check them out.
I spose there is nothing stopping me from trying things out but before i did I thought maybe I could get some ideas from anyone as to what might be a good thing to try for a first timer
RE: Wicca
Just do what you are comfortable with. Don't worry about not doing it right (what ever "it" is you want to do) & go for it. I read up loads on Witchcraft etc before I ever did anything of that nature - once you have enough knowledge, the only way to learn more is by doing. When I first started out, I wouldn't do much more than casting a circle, meditating in it, & becoming familiar with the elements. Candle magick is the most simple to start with...I used to get bogged down with long elaborate rituals as to not get it "wrong" but things are much more simple the way I do things now. I've found keeping it simple is just as effective if not more so. 🙂
Love & Light
RE: Wicca
Hi Amanda
I personally found the following websites very useful when I felt unsure of which next step to take ...
- a global site but with a large UK membership & good list of well-written articles covering all esoteric paths and listing events / moots across the UK)
- my personal favourite as it's so easy to use!
I hope you find them useful 🙂
Bright blessings