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I have posted a couple of questiones re: the above but have a few more. I am interested in learning more about Wicca. Can someone tell me if there is a difference between being a Pagan or Wicca - I thought that they were the same thing?

Also I have been brougth up as a Strict Catholic (went to a RC school/Sunday School used to go to church twice a week etc..) I now only go to church may be 3-4 times a year so I am not really a practising Catholic but still believe in God etc.. Can you do both or not?

Also I feel slightly guilty that I have even started to look at informaition about being a witch and wicca and feel a bit nervous about doing that - I am not sure if everyone will understand what I mean or not.

Sorry if this is very confusing as it is for me too.

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RE: Wicca

Susan to answer your first question...

Some Wiccans say they are not Pagans... To be honest I don't know why...

Paganism is an umbrella name for a huge variety of different earth based religions and belief systems.

Wicca is an earth religion and is a Pagan belief imo.

Your second question I think only you will be able to answer honestly. You have to study Wicca and what it is about and see if your Religion allows for this. If you are comfortable with this, then I see no reason why you cannot do both at the same time...


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RE: Wicca

"The term Pagan refers to the fact that Wicca is one of the Pagan religions that have always existed in the world, religions which affirm that Nature is not apart from, but is a living part of the Divine, and that the Universe is a many-layered Reality in which the ancient Goddesses and Gods worshipped from the earliest times live, move, and have Their Being. The medieval Church insisted those Pagan Deities were "the Devil", and that the Priests and Priestesses who served those Deities were "servants of the Devil". And so those who called themselves the Wicca, the Witches, were viewed by the Church as devil-worshippers, the servants of evil. While there are those who deny that the word Witch was ever connected with the worship of Pagan Deities, the etymological and historical evidence clearly proves otherwise. "All Wiccans are Pagan, but not all Pagans are Wiccan."


""All Wiccans are Witches, but not all Witches are Wiccan.""


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RE: Wicca

Hi Susan,

Like Amber, I think Paganism is a general umbrella term to describe the huge variety of nature based religions or beliefs, and wicca is just one of them.

I believe that it is possible to do both, not because it says so somewhere! but because that's what you believe! There are many people who describe themselves as Christian witches or Wiccan Christian - try a search online and see what's around! Also what God is differs from person to person and we sometimes talk about the same thing but call it different names.

There is nothing to feel guilty about. You are finding out about something new, something that is a valid part of this world, just as if you were finding out about a new hobby or sport. There is nothing wrong with learning, the harm comes when people remain ignorant.

Wishing you well,

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RE: Wicca


Thanks for all your responses. I feel more "easy" about looking into this now. I was looking into my book last night and found it very interesting,

