Hi everyone [sm=wave.gif]
Sorry but ive decided to start a new post as i have a new question which is still linked to white witches or/and Wicca.
I didn't expect sooooo many replied to 'white witches' and to be honest have lost the plot a little there are so many posts so felt it was easier to start a fresh!![sm=1syellow1.gif]
My question is...witches, what do u believe...where did the earth come from? Christians and many other religions believe God created everything...Man, Earth, sun, moon, darkness, animals, etc., etc....[&:][&:]
Where do witches or wiccans/and wiccans think that man came from? where do they believe the earth and animals came from..?[&:]
Please dont think im being cheeky or disrespectful cos dear friends that is my last wish, i would never mean to hurt anyone or make them feel like i was knocking their beliefs [sm=nono.gif], but i am now very curious esp since i know more about your pressent beliefs[sm=bouncy.gif]
Thank you all, cant wait for replies, lets hope its as sucessful as white witches one lol[sm=dance.gif][sm=1syellow1.gif]
Fiona [sm=grouphug.gif]
RE: White Witches PART TWO
Mmm! what an interesting question...
no answers for you Fiona...but like you wait in anticipation for the replies[sm=hidesbehindsofa.gif]
luv & peace
stormdeva x
RE: White Witches PART TWO
Stormdeva [sm=hug.gif]
Thank you for your reply.....Now all we have to do is wait and see if anyone has any answers! [sm=hidesbehindsofa.gif] <fingers crossed>
RE: White Witches PART TWO
Don't let go of those fingers now Fi 😀 'cause I haven't got your answer girl [&:], but carried this over from Part 1 / Page 1, posted by ISHTAR: "Almost all witches believe in our Great Mother (Goddess). The Goddess takes care of all of us as children of Hers. Some traditions also believe in our Father in Heaven (God). The Goddess reigns over the Earth and the God reigns over the Heavens. Together they make up our Parents. We honor our Mother by respecting and loving her Earth." ..... but now whether this means that The Goddess / Great Mother was also the creator 😮 is something either Ishtar or another member shall have to elaborate on my dear 🙂
Nightie nite,
RE: White Witches PART TWO
Hello you! How are you doing Not seen you in a wee while, hope all is well.
Hmmm.... im not sure if that means thay are the creator or not...:eek:
I guess like you said we will have to wait for someone with more knowledge on this subject ...
Lets hope someone can help!
Take care
Fiona 😀
RE: White Witches PART TWO
My question is...witches, what do u believe...where did the earth come from? Christians and many other religions believe God created everything...Man, Earth, sun, moon, darkness, animals, etc., etc....
Where do witches or wiccans/and wiccans think that man came from? where do they believe the earth and animals came from..?
Hi Fiona
I will try to help you!! all i can tell you is what I believe which is something I have never really thought about properly before! I believe that The God and Goddess I believe created everything, so very similar to other religions. I don't like the idea, that it all just sudeenly appeared! something must have created this world!!
I alos believe that all nature IS god/goddess energy, so that would be where it came from, at least in my eyes anyway..I'm sure other witches will gaain provide different answers for you..
blessed be
RE: White Witches PART TWO
Hiya, Thank you for sharing your views and beliefs with me.
I respect them but for me personally that 'wouldnt work' ... im not sure why but it just wouldnt be enough for me. (There i go again, making theings more awkward and complicated lol)[sm=nuts.gif]
Though saying that I do find it hard to believe everything just 'arrived' - As that always lead back to the question (being brought up as a christian) ''where did God come from then'' [&:] And if he created darkness, what WAS nothing [sm=scratchchin.gif]....as we tend to imagine nothing as darkness lol
Anyway i will go now before i end up wirtting half a dozen A4 pages!![sm=rollaugh.gif]
Thanks again[sm=1syellow1.gif]
Love Fiona
RE: White Witches PART TWO
love the picture you put your last message! 🙂
blessed be
RE: White Witches PART TWO
Awwww thank you moonlight:)
RE: White Witches PART TWO
This is as easy as I can make it for you.....
I know everything to have an energy. Everything! Now, these energies together are the Great One. Just like we have different moods there are different energies. So, the Goddess & God make One together. The Gods have different aspects.....and more than one name for them all. For example: Maiden, Mother, Crone are all aspects of the same source - The Great Goddess - Great Ones together - One. These break down even further. This helps us to relate to them, learn from them, learn with them.
Now within the Energy of One is the essence of non-thought. If you meditate that non-thought is your goal. Non-thought is where nothing and everything exists. In non-thought ideas are born. We all are part of the One. With ways to walk & grow wise from. From this non-thought we came. All energies together are One yet very much their own.
Now, have you ever heard of Edgar Cayce? There are books on his works. He was Christian. He did readings for people on their past lives. Some going back to Atlantis. He mentioned that all manner of beings manifested themselves into different forms then. For reasons of their own got stuck here. I think that may help you to understand. There is not a book like the bible for us. The pages for knowledge are located within ourselves. That is why we make magick & use divination.
But....The main point of a pagan is not to decipher the past as a whole. More personal. To understand my past. To understand my present. To encourage my future to be a path to Oneness. ;)An it harm None.;)
Hope this Helps you to understand!? Any more Q's?
Love from Kate[sm=1kis.gif]
RE: White Witches PART TWO
Hi Kate,
Thank you for your post. I do not think we have ever met before have we? Its nice to meet you, welcome to the HP:)
Ooooh everything to have an energy? That is interesting, i had never actually thought like that before.
No Kate, I had never heard of Edgar Cayce, but i just did a google.co.uk search to find out a little more about him. What an amazing man! I also saw a list of books that i may consider getting.
There is not a book like the bible for us. The pages for knowledge are located within ourselves
What you said really 'stood out' and made me pay attention, those two lines really sunk in...
Your post actually made a lot of sense to me (sorry i dont mean to sound so surprised lol) but to be honest i am!:)
Thank you so much
RE: White Witches PART TWO
Hi Fi
I have a big problem with the whole creation idea. I have mentioned how I believe the christian idea of God came to be. Other Gods and Goddesses, same train of thought as the Christian idea of God, also taking into account that energies can manifest, and therefore form a being.
As you said before, my whole problem with Creation is, if the God and Goddess created the earth, then who created them? I also have trouble with the big bang theory. Now cos science has proved evolution, then I have no problem with that idea, although what we evolved from?? is totally beyond me. In all truth I have absolutely no idea what I believe, and its given me food for thought, cos thus far I have decided I don't believe in creation and I dont believe in the big bang theory, and your post suddenly made me realise I really haven't paid any attention to the question, how are we here?[sm=scratchchin.gif]
Now I am totally baffled as to how I haven't thought of this before.... lol[:-]
Ty Fi your post has been amazing for me!!!
L & L Shelli
RE: White Witches PART TWO
Oooh Shelli,
Thank you for thanking me for the post lol - Thank YOU for all your help, not only on this post but the original white witches post too.
In all truth I have absolutely no idea what I believe, and its given me food for thought, cos thus far I have decided I don't believe in creation and I dont believe in the big bang theory, and your post suddenly made me realise I really haven't paid any attention to the question, how are we here
I was quite surprised by your post, Thank you for being so honest. I tried to talk to my boyfriend tonight about being a chrisitan, about wiccan, about white witches etc but he was having NONE of it. As fas as he is concerned God made everything and i should just accept it, he also had to cheek to accuse a wiccans/whites are people worshiping trees!!!!!!! I think his words were so your going to be a pot head who worships trees?? I was so angry, and no matter how hard i tried to get it into his head that A) it was NOTHING like that and B) im not saying ''im going to be a witch'' he wouldnt listen. For once though i managed to stop before it developed into a full blown argument. I guess whats the thing, esp coming from a place like the isle of skye! Witches were well known as being evil and we always associated with evil and the devil ...possibly because back then any witches on the island were actually ''evil'' and not very loving or kind. I dont think people here (b/f or family) would ever accept it, esp since they wont even listen!
If u find something u believe or wokr out how man etc came to be on the earth from a witches point of view please do let me know:)
I am sooooo curious now lol
Thank you so much for all your help
RE: White Witches PART TWO
Hello All,
All of humanity has been struggling with this idea of where we came from. This is how our earliest religion came into being -- by watching the force (or energy) of nature herself. Early man was astounded by the power of a lightning storm and attributed it to a God. Since man could not create it then God must have created it. Early humanity totally believed that the God and the Goddess created and reigned over all of the Earth and what's outside the Earth (the skies, the stars, etc). They saw that children was born from woman and they can see that nature herself "replenishes" during the spring. This was how they rationalized the existence of a Goddess. They took it on faith that the God and Goddess created all of nature, including humanity.
Today, science has taken away all the mystery and the magic that nature is. Science has caused us all to think about how we came into being. We know how a storm happens, how a volcano erupts, how earthquakes occur. We have ideas about how humans came to evolve. But, even if you take all of that, you are still left with the idea that something - some very powerful force - is behind all of that. Some powerful force made the Big Bang occur. Some powerful force allowed this planet to develop water that, in turn, created life. No matter how far one goes, or what questions we pose, eventually we get to the same idea that SOME POWERFUL FORCE allowed (or made) this to happen. It is my sincere belief that this POWERFUL FORCE is that great energy that I call my God and Goddess. The Gods have always been there and will continue to do so no matter what happens to humanity.
Remember, religions were created by humanity to help explain certain things in life and nature. I think that as humans we are too small to understand how the Gods created everything. We would go mad, I believe, if we tried to understand where they came from. Our only choice, then, is to believe it or not to believe it. We either have faith in our religion or we don't. We humans see everything in human terms. We could never be able to understand the awesome power of the Gods. To think we could even come close would be arrogant on our part.
Blessed Be!
RE: White Witches PART TWO
:)Hello Again,
No, Fiona I don't believe we have met before?
;)I'm very glad to have helped you! I have a question for you now. Do you think people linger over the 'beginning' of our time because they want to know there is someone/place after death? I ask because I too once wondered about the 'beginning', and for some reason it was very important to me. At the same time so was death. I feared it because asking questions didn't get me any answers.
:)But then I realized I am Witch. I began to study many things, and my fears became explained. Then little by little they melted away. My fears didn't 'fit' any more.
:)I realized today I have not worried over that in years. (I grew up with a Christian school, ect.) I remember sitting on the couch crying.:( Worrying that God would get mad if I didn't just go along and not think about it! (Amazing what control someone could have over mind like that.) So, thank you for bringing this up. Makes me realize just how far I've come over the years. At times feels like so much time goes with little progress!
And about your family and boyfriend.........This happens a lot. Part could be worry for you - they don't want you in trouble. Some may be they fear a lot, and they don't know anything about it. So, they may feel what your discussing is "out of their league"[>:][sm=newangel.gif] There is NO devil in paganism. That's completely a Christian concept. True there is light & dark. But light can contain evil as easily as dark. [>:][sm=newangel.gif]
Ooohh....and the horns with the tail and goat legs is reminiscent of the God of Woodland, Pan. The church made Pan bad to scare people into converting.;) Also, lots of people have heard of the Saint Bridget. What is not so commonly known is She is really the Goddess Bridget. The church 'renamed' Her to get others to convert!
RE: White Witches PART TWO
Hi all,
Wow Fiona, you're definately getting some good discussions going here.
Personally I believe that creation didn't stop millions of years ago but is an ongoing process. I believe that all life is cyclical; everything is born, lives, dies and is born again. We see this with the changing of the seasons, the monthly waxing and waning of the moon.
I believe in a Universal creative force which is both male and female, light and dark, call it God and Goddess if you like. This force is part of every living thing, so there is a little of the divine in everything. I believe, like Kate that everything in this universe is made up of energy and so everything is connected at it's basic level.
As witches and healers we can tap into this web of energy and use it to shape our own destinies and for good (check out the Reiki forum, in my opinion it's all magic).
Kate is right about St Brigit who was originally a celtic fire goddess and the horned God who was demonised by the church. The early christian church had a policy of building churches on sites which were already considered sacred, they christianised many of the old gods and goddesses and even changed pagan festivals into christian ones. Take a look at Easter for example, the date for this christian festival is still worked out in a very pagan way, it's the first Sunday following the first full moon after the Spring Equinox, they even used the name of the Goddess who's holy day was used: Oestra, the Goddess of Spring and rebirth, whos sacred animal was a hare!
Christmas is suspiciously near to the Winter Solstice, Mayday used to be Beltaine, Candlemass used to be Imbolc. the list goes on.
It was easier for the church to convert the natives if they kept the old sacred sites and dates and made demons of some of the more powerful deities.
Love and light
Sulis xx
RE: White Witches PART TWO
Hello again,
Katonhotin and Sulis brought up interesting points about Christianity taking over Pagan sites and making them Christian -- a concept known as religious syncretism.
I am a geographer and for one of my research papers I actually did research on this phenomenon known as religious syncretism. My paper focused on how Christian's Blessed Virgin Mary came to take over older paganistic, Goddess-worshipping cultures in South America (the region I happened to choose for my study). I have never shared it with anyone other than my group of geographers. Since I am unable to attach a file here (it says I do not have sufficient permission) for you to read, if you are interested in reading it, simply leave me a post or email me. (It's fairly short, about 10 pages or so.)
Blessed be!
RE: White Witches PART TWO
Hi Everyone
The Bible states that we are created in Christs image all so Christ says all these acts I do so shall you do.
Such as healing the sick raiseing the dead or parting sea's or materialising food from out of no-where or reading peoples minds. He all so states that if your faith is the size of a mustard seed you shall move mountians.
He is saying that we all have the same metaphysicall powers if we can channel the know how to use them.
Our spirit is the spark or birth right givin to us by God the creator. It is the promise he gave us for imortality if channeled right and used for the good of all not just ourselves when we die that spark or spirit moves up to a higher plain. What most people forget is that Christianity was born out of paginsim. In a nut shell I believe we are all born with these gifts. Its just that some people are more evolved than others.
I have studied many faiths and so called religions...what I have found is they all lead back to the same path. One God and only one creator and both male and female energies must be honnered.
Love & light
RE: White Witches PART TWO
: FionaUK18
Hiya, Thank you for sharing your views and beliefs with me.
I respect them but for me personally that 'wouldnt work' ... im not sure why but it just wouldnt be enough for me. (There i go again, making theings more awkward and complicated lol)[sm=nuts.gif]
Though saying that I do find it hard to believe everything just 'arrived' - As that always lead back to the question (being brought up as a christian) ''where did God come from then'' [&:] And if he created darkness, what WAS nothing [sm=scratchchin.gif]....as we tend to imagine nothing as darkness lol
Anyway i will go now before i end up wirtting half a dozen A4 pages!![sm=rollaugh.gif]
Thanks again[sm=1syellow1.gif]
Love Fiona
RE: White Witches PART TWO
sorry for delay in replying, but may i ask wot do you beleive in, i only ask, because my uncle who died had the same queries as you and he had a non religous ceremony, as in no preys, hymms or quotes regarding god etc, it was a lovely ceremony mostly spoke about his life, wife, kids, family and his achievements, personally, i feel very uncomforatble being in churches, but wicca seems more relaxed and kind hearted than most religions i know.(im not saying i no every religion by that statement) i just wondered what you were looking for in an answer