White witches.
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White witches.

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This is a topic which I know next to nothing about, but I'm starting to find it interesting.

A couple of weeks ago, my best friend told me she thought her fiancé's step-mother was using black magic against her. This is not the sort of thing she usually comes out with, she just felt instictively that this woman was trying to do something to her. She's had one or two odd things happen to her, enough to make her feel very frightened and it revolves around her and her fiancé. She doesn't know why the step-mother would want to break them up, but she feels there are jealousy issues of some sort at the heart of it. My friend has been told since she started experiencing strange things that the step-mother has done things in the past to do with black magic.

It wasn't something that I really believed in. Or rather, I think that if you give something the power of belief, then it can become a reality, but without the belief, it can't harm you. However, I'm open-minded and willing to explore the possibitily that it's slightly more complex than a simple belief system.

I managed to get the number of a white witch in my area and we went to see her and her daughter, who turned out to be an expert, yesterday afternoon.

I must say, it was one of the most interesting afternoons I've spent with anyone. I enjoyed picking their brains and came away with a slghtly better understanding of Wicca. My friend feels a lot more secure and happy, as she was given a few protection spells to carry out. I can see how it could work now. My initial interpretation is, as long as you have the intention and belief, the spells and rituals strengthen and aid that intention, giving out a clear, unambiguous message to the universe for your what you want to manifest. There are probably energies involved with the tools and ingredients you use.

I can see now that witchcraft is a way of life.

One conclusion I can draw from it is this: every person I've met who are into what many would consider 'paranormal', or spiritual stuff or belief in angels/faeries are warm, kind and trustworthy. Like the people on this site. Whenever I've come here with a problem, which is quite often (!!), I've always had wonderful advice, love and support unconditionally. It's a rare quality. The white witches we met yesterday listened, sympathised and helped my friend, giving their time and experience free of charge.

It's good to be able to call on people like that.

There's a lot of misunderstanding about witchcraft, but I suspect it's one of those ancient systems being re-discovered and on the increase.

I could do with spells for creativity, confidence, health, abundance.... the list goes on!!!!!!

It's a very interesting area, one which I will be learning more about.


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RE: White witches.

Hello Tigerlily

There's a lot of misunderstanding about witchcraft, but I suspect it's one of those ancient systems being re-discovered and on the increase

I couldn't agree with you more and it is becuase of this misunderstanding that a lot of people do not like to admit that they follow a wiccan path...which to me is very sad..
Me, well I'm still learning:D

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RE: White witches.

I think the situation is gradually changing though. There's a lot more information around these days regarding wicca, witchcraft, neo-paganism etc so people are slowly becoming better informed. And I think the existence of online forums is really good for people who otherwise might have felt isolated because of their beliefs. Anyway Tigerlily I'm glad you had a positive and interesting experience.
Best Wishes

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RE: White witches.

merry met
here here!!.. I do agree with all of you.. I follow the wicca way and the REDE - -
I am a moderator on a wicca site and I find it is sad when we have youngsters coming on to the site thinking they can "change " their lives with a wonderfull magical spell.. oooops no!.. too much watching of "charmed" I think.
some People view the craft automatically as to -
- ahhhh witchcraft , toil & trouble blah blah blah.. it is so sad that there is such a fixed opinion of us..

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RE: White witches.

Thanks for that Tiger, I rarely frequent this forum, but was pleased to find a post I really enjoyed reading:D

You said:

I think that if you give something the power of belief, then it can become a reality, but without the belief, it can't harm you. ...I'm willing to explore the possibitily that it's slightly more complex than a simple belief system.

While I understand what you mean, I think that our whole life (as we percieve it anyway) is, when it boils down to it, really is as simple as a belief system. I guess that is kind of taking it out of context and oversimplifying it a bit though.

Anyway, the reason I mention that is because (and I don't know if you ever saw this episode) but Derren Brown did an 'illusion' or whatever you want to call it on a "member of the new age community". Derren talked to the girl and she expressed her views on crystal healing, reiki etc, saying that she believed the positive results she had achieved were more than just the placebo effect. Derren said, OK, fair enough, let's try an experiment....he then led her over to a tree (they were in the woods) and he took out a voodoo doll and proiceeded to bind it's legs in string. He then asked her whether she could move her legs- she struggled and was obviously trying, but couldn't. Then he did the same to the doll's arms, and she couldn't move them either. Then he tied the doll's neck (and this bit was horrible)- she made choking sounds and couldn't speak however hard she tried. Then Derren said ...' but you see, it's only the power you invest in a belief system that makes all these things come true for you. If I told you you could move your legs, you can.... (she did), and if I tell you you can move your arms and talk, you can- can't you? (....she replied "yes" looking a bit worse for wear). His point was that many individuals in the "new age community" don't question the beliefs that are presented to them, and then believe things which are, ultimately an illusion.

This came to mind when I read what you said about your friend saying she had reason to believe that her fiancé's step mother was using black magic on her. Perhaps she was feeling a bit vulnerable and had got the 'bad vibes' from the step mother, found out that she had started to use magic and put the two and two together? I'm not saying that this person isn't exerting a negative force on your friend- she may well be, but it's an interesting point to consider.

One final point I'd like to add- I'm a strong believer in what comes around goes around- if this person is sending out a negative intention, then all I can say is...she better watch out!
