Hi everyone,
Can someone please tell me alittle about white witches and their magic, what is it they believe? Do they have their own religion, do they believe in God?
I believe in God but lately after reading something online i am curious, however i mentions this to my boyfriend and the way he acted you would think i was dancing round the garden naked chanting 666!!
Can anyone please give me some info?:eek:
RE: White Witches??
We are discussing 'White Witches' so the 'black art covens' are not applicable on here thank goodness.
RE: White Witches??
How does being claustraphobic tie in with being a witch?
RE: White Witches??
(lol) Well, they used to bury them under stone slabs as well as drown them didn't they ?
And both methods could apply to me - I never used to like water either.
RE: White Witches??
I guess you are right...I have been told that in a past life I was a witch...but apparently a 'dark' witch...
I now 'walk the path' of the Nativie American Indians/Wiccan...who's beliefs cross over in so many many ways...it's a beautiful way of life.
luv & peace
stormdeva x
RE: White Witches??
But I still don't know what a 'Hedge Witch' is...can someone please tell me....or does it mean a 'lone Witch'
luv & peace
stormdeva x
RE: White Witches??
Shouldn't that be ignorance is bliss ?
As from - "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise ".
Found a new way of increasing my posts ( tongue in cheek ) follow Kim and make three posts out of one - as in one liners 😉
Soon be going past you all like a white tornado.[sm=rollaugh.gif][sm=rollaugh.gif]
RE: White Witches??
Oh dear there is no hope for me then is there! I hate enclosed spaces with a passion and have a fear of water, but as far as I know I wasn't a witch in a past life!
RE: White Witches??
Hate enclosed places/spaces.....love water & fire hmmm!
luv & peace
stormdeva x
RE: White Witches??
I don't know for SURE that I have been, I am just assuming really....... but with an inner feeling about it all.
We experience many different things during our lives - some that were good and some bad I suppose, for we have to learn all things from many angles.
I have a bit of interest in the matter under discussion - but have never gone into it any further than be interested.
Working in and for the light this time round in the manner that I am, is enough for me.
Though I have to say I have some good friends who are witches - all white as the driven snow.
RE: White Witches??
Hi Stormdeva,
You are right - a lone witch see what i have dug out for you
Not read beyond what one means,
RE: White Witches??
Oooo, thank you Freda....i'll go a take a peek now
luv & peace
stormdeva x
RE: White Witches??
Hello all and blessed be!
With regards to a "definition" about what a hedge witch is, here is what I've found for you:
A hedge witch is one who is very knowledgeable in Nature usually a wise woman, midwife, seer or healer.
She would differ from a green witch because a Green witch is a tradition of Wicca that is based on herbs, gardening and nature.
From these definitions, it would appear that hedge witch is simply a description of the type of witch she is, not necessarily her tradition. For example, the term kitchen witch also describes the witch as one who practices her witchcraft using kitchen utensils and items found in the kitchen. Kitchen witch is not a tradition of Wicca and neither does hedge witch appear to be.
I hope this is of some help. Take care and may the Gods bless you!
RE: White Witches??
Absolutely correct Ethel, spot on! Hedge witchcraft is mostly conducted alone, not as part of a coven, but depending on circumstances, can be more powerful than Wicca. I used to belong to a circle, but the members became bored, fed up and ended up gossiping about one another. Not very spiritual at all. So I decided to practise alone. It suits me.
I am looking into Green witchcraft, I think it may be an added bonus.
Blessings, Pats.
RE: White Witches??
wow everyone, thank you all for your in put!
I didn't expect there to be so much interest in this...
I had wondered where u were though Annie!! lol Not like you to miss an exciting discussion hun lol
Please bare with me everyone as my graphics card is very ill....so if theres a lot of typos etc please forgive me!!
I have to agree with Freda, im sure human and animal sacrifices do still go on, but as she said this is about white witches, and that is all that interest me. please dont confuse my little brain even more, its hard enough to take in everything about white witches never mind black ones!! lol
Ishtar820, full of information as always...Thank you for the info on hedge and green witches, that has explained a little more to me.. also very interesting, any other kinds? I would love to find out more but am not interested at all in black witches or black magic...im not being ''closed minded'' its just not something i want to know about..Maybe Pat has some more info too??
Right, well my pc is really playing up now so will leave it there for now, if anyone has any ideas of books or web site that i might find helpful id be very grratfull
Thanks again ladies for your help
RE: White Witches??
Thank you all for the explanation as to what a 'Hedge Witch' is...I had a feeling it meant
a 'lone' witch but was not too sure...
it actually explains alot more to me...helps me to understand one or two things that I was not so sure about...
luv & peace
stormdeva x
RE: White Witches??
Glad you're HAPPY Fi 😀 so 'was' I 😀 and quite frankly ... BLOW those who have negative views or opinions, they should know better not to open 'threads' that aren't of any ineterest to them anyway [&:]
There's MUCH that I don't understand nor 'get' here, as one may refer to oneself as a healer of sorts, yet BASH another .... now, where's their innate healing abilities / gifts, or even those which aren't innate and learned or acquired over time? Surely the most basic and fundamental elements of any or all healing, stems from acceptance and understanding? [:o] I'm confused ... so I truly sympathize with you Fi 🙁 if you too don't grasp some of this.
I JUST DON'T GET IT!!!!! [>:]
Take girl what resonates (sits really well with you, as mother nature does) and skip that which doesn't (any negativity) & you'll be fine 😉
@[8D] not a witch but on a witch hunt ... since those I've encountered are TRUE TO THEMSELVES, and thus, seemingly true to the rest of us 😉 so the more I meet, the merrier 😀
RE: White Witches??
I'm a Hedge Witch and I don't mind telling people I'm a witch, I don't announce it but if people ask I tell them.
RE: White Witches??
Merry Meet!
Fiona, I finally got the chance to respond to your email. Check out this website:
to learn a bit more about different Wiccan Paths (traditions). Obviously, there are more traditions than these but here's just a beginning. I can get you more information if you want - just let me know.
I, too, let others know I'm a witch when asked what my religion is. It's led to some interesting subjects of conversations. Obviously, there are lots of negativity out there. However, this is due to the fact that they don't completely understand the religion. As you all know, people tend to fear what they don't understand. Because of this, I try to help others understand. Lucky for us witches today -- we're not likely to burn at the stake. Most people are tolerant and open minded, for the most part.
Witches -- stand up proud and don't negate your faith!! Blessed Be!
RE: White Witches??
Aww thank you so much for all your help.
I got your email this morning, i found it very interesting and am truley greatful, but i shall reply properly later on in the day i hope 🙂
Thank you very much for the link
RE: White Witches??
hi fiona
sent you another email this morning hope you get it ok!
hi spiritual gal
yes the handfasting is going good though haven't done much planning recently. have found a lovely priestess to perform the ceremony though. just still deciding the place and other details!
blessed be
RE: White Witches??
Hi everyone,
I have ANOTHER question lol
Ethel said in her email : Nature begins to die in the Wiccan holiday of Samhain
(Halloween -- a witch's new year where the circle of life begins).
Can someone tell me what white witches do at this time of year? If its a wiccan holiday, what goes on? Just its not that far away now...
RE: White Witches??
stay tucked up in bed on 31st Oct
RE: White Witches??
giving insight and info is to help people to become aware
RE: White Witches??
attack is a call for love believer
RE: White Witches??
Hi Fiona
First every witch (I guess) has their own ritual they perform at this time of year. I personally give thanks for all that I have, and send my love out to those less fortunate than myself.
Kim I hope you don't mind me saying this but thus far I have found your posts regarding the craft rather antagonistic toward our belief system. You obviously have no prior knowledge of the craft. Please refrain from disrespecting our belief system, comments such as...
''it always interests me why someone would want to call themself a witch bearing in mind its connatations''
''well spiritual gal I take it that you are on the light side, human sacrifice still goes onto this day! ''
''Believer human and animal sacrifice goes onto this day in black art covens''and other comments I have seen you have made on this forum regarding the craft.
Firstly to know what goes on inside a black coven one must have access to it as far as I am aware they do not discuss their rituals. Also I would imagine that should HUMAN sacrifice go on inside a coven in this day and age then the police would be raiding them on a regular basis. Also there have as far as I can ascertain been no ritual killings as I would imagine if there had the papers would have picked up on it immediately. To have access to a black coven to the point where rituals are taking place you would have to be initiated to the third degree to take part in their rituals, obviously you are not an initiated black witch so how can you claim to know so much about them?
African tribes regularly make animal sacrifices as part of their ritual. However in this country at least the RSPCA would pick up on such a thing immediately.
You take it that I am on the light side? Well in this at least you would be correct, and I would never advise anyone to choose any other path. I am NOT condoning the black arts, I have my own reasons for not condoning the worship of lower elements, and see no purpose in it.
This is a discussion forum not a forum for disrespecting others beliefs, I do not disrespect your belief system as I don't claim to know anything about it. Nor do you know anything about mine so please refrain from condeming that of which you have no knowledge.
L & L Shelli
RE: White Witches??
Well said Shelli,
I've been reading this post with interest and have found some of the comments made in ignorance to be quite offensive, I'm really glad that you've responded as you have. Intollerance is not something you expect to see on a forum like this one.
I use magic so therefore I'm a witch. Being a witch certainly doesn't mean that you have a certain belief system. There is an old saying which says if you ask a room full of witches what they believe you will get as many answers as there are witches.
Magic is neither black nor white, intent is what is important.
Personally I don't worship a God or Goddess, I prefer to think in terms of a Universal creative force which is both male and female, light and dark.
I believe that everything in the Universe is connected and that is why magic works, we are all part of some great cosmic web. I like to think of our mother the Earth as a living organism which we and everything else which lives on this planet is a part of.
Deity is a part of every living thing to me and not a seperate entity or entities.
To me using magic is a way of taking control of your own destiny.
Love and light
Sulis xx
RE: White Witches??
Hi Sulis,
What I meant by belief system, was our belief in magic and our own personal beliefs which I have posted about on here recently. As I was saying in the other post to Fiona18 was that we dont have a set faith. LOL What you said about a room full of witches is so true as again I did post in the thread to Fiona.
Here is my original post to Fiona
Hi Fiona (again lol)
It might be an idea to get an overview of our faith from as many sources as possible, so you can see the diversity of which I spoke in PM, about faith being individual to every person. Although we all follow the same lines, we all have a slight difference in belief system. There are many strains of the craft, and its a case of finding which one is best suited to the self, by researching them all. Wicca and Green witchcraft although following the same principles, use slightly different approaches. (My daughter is studying Wicca, I am studying Green witchcraft) as I have found the latter best suits me.
Hope this is helpful
L & L Shelli
The point I was trying to make in this post was that this is a discussion forum, not a place to have our own personal beliefs (or personal belief system) condemned by those who have no knowledge of them. I am sorry if my post was misleading to anyone with my wording, and thankyou Sulis for pointing that out, I should have made myself a bit clearer.
L & L Shelli
RE: White Witches??
Hi Shelli[sm=wave.gif]
Thank you very much for your posts. I just was unsure what went on at gis time of year, was there a 'set' ritual or each to there own:)
Kim[sm=hug.gif] please please do not feel anyone is ''ganing up on you'' But i have found some of your remarks alittle harsh and to be honest...scary lol
Im not saying i want to be a witch what do i do, i was simply curious, i am glad you feel you can be honest and put your view across, thats what its all about but i think some of them were a little hurtful and disrespectful to these who are witches or believe in wicca.
Sulis, Hi there, good to meet you.[sm=wave.gif]
Thanks for your input and advice. I found what you said very interesting and i imagine now that i think of it very true....
. There is an old saying which says if you ask a room full of witches what they believe you will get as many answers as there are witches.
Thank you again for your help
Thank you everyone[sm=grouphug.gif]
RE: White Witches??
Hi Shelli,
Don't worry I wasn't trying to correct you. Your post was excellent and very clear, just thought I'd give my own point of view as well but I ended up saying the same as you just in a different way;)
I find that many people asking about witchcraft assume that it's the same as Wicca which I think of as a more organised religion than the path I follow which isn't very religious at all and is very personal to me. One of the really good things about the craft is that you can make it as eclectic as you like.
It's good to see there are other witches on these boards.
Oh and Fiona, hello[sm=wave.gif] it's good to meet you too.
Love and light
Sulis xx
RE: White Witches??
Sulis 🙂