White Witches??
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White Witches??

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Hi everyone,

Can someone please tell me alittle about white witches and their magic, what is it they believe? Do they have their own religion, do they believe in God?

I believe in God but lately after reading something online i am curious, however i mentions this to my boyfriend and the way he acted you would think i was dancing round the garden naked chanting 666!!

Can anyone please give me some info?:eek:


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RE: White Witches??

Hi Fiona,

You need to speak to Shelli on this one, I think possibly she is conversant with the information you are looking for.

With regard to your boy friend [sm=rollaugh.gif][sm=rollaugh.gif] you will have to learn to prononce your s*xes more clearly. [sm=tongue.gif]


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RE: White Witches??

The ruddy internet - in the middle of amending my last post and a message came through that the internet was closing down - sorry for the inconvenience YET it posted the amended message and then cut me off - causing me to have to log in again.

I would much prefer to be logged in all the time.


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RE: White Witches??

Hi Fiona,

Yes, Shelli should be able to advise you more on this. Although I am a white hedge witch myself, I would much prefer to leave it to Shelli (sorry Shelli!) to explain things more fully. There is nothing to fear in white witchcraft, we do believe in the power of nature, and how nature interacts with humans, animals, insects and plants. We harm nobody.
Your boyfriend sounds as if he is intrigued rather than against it. He might surprise you!

Blessings, Pats.

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RE: White Witches??

Freda, you do mke me laugh lol

Stongstress, I dont think i know Shelli, we have never 'met'
Do you think she will take a look at this post if she shes it?
I really am interested would like to know more.

As for my boyfriend..hm... hes a ''good living'' church goer and think we shoud not mess with ''what we dont know'' <rolls her eyes>
I dont see him wanting to know more lol

Thanks again

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RE: White Witches??

Hi Fiona,

Your boyfriend's attitude shouldn't stop you from pursuing the interest in witchcraft. Shelli's 'tag' on HP is 'spiritual gal.' Ask her some questions about it. Or you could try The Pagan Federation. Their website is full of good ideas.

Blessings, Pats.

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RE: White Witches??

it always interests me why someone would want to call themself a witch bearing in mind its connatations.

being love

kim xx

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RE: White Witches??


Thank you very much for that. Like i said i was reading something about white witches and some of the good they can do and it just made me very curious. I will ask her and see if she can give me any info

Kim, Hi there.
I wouldnt say i want to be a 'witch' but the story i read did interest me and made me see i have been rather 'closed minded' about these kinda things......prob to do with what i believe when it comes to God i thought it was 'all evil' and the work of the devil![&:]

Id just like to find out a little more.

Love Fiona xx

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RE: White Witches??

songstress ,

Hi again, sorry to bother you!
I found her in the members list and sent her a message but as i hit send the HP closed down on me! I went to my inbox and it said my message had not been sent so i tried again......and the same thing happened.

Do you know her well? Do you think you could contact her for me if its not too much hassle?:eek:

Fiona xx

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RE: White Witches??

Hi Fiona,

I had an email from her today to say that she had re -booted her computer up and it was now playing her up post so she was taking it back to the shop - perhaps that is the trouble.

I just attempted to send something on HP, and though I was logged in at the time, it just cut me off again too and I had to re -login. Maybe the fault is with HP...... teething troubles.

Post her something on her own web site, she should be on chat in her forum tonight if you want to log on to that. Unless she does not have the computer back in time tonight.
I will just give her a quick ring for you and point her to your post solve all the problem.

with love

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RE: White Witches??

Ahh Freda 😀

Thank you, thank you, thank you! - Your a little angel!
My own pc hasnt been too well lately so couldnt decide if it was me or the HP....looks like it could be the HP then (thats quite nice to know, as only just paid a fortune to get this silly computer back up and running lol)

Would be so kind if u could let her know.
Im just looking at her web site just now 🙂

Fiona xx

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RE: White Witches??

I don't think it is any worse than me calling myself a Spiritualist, the connotations are in the minds of those who do the implying really. They think we are in league with the devil half of the time - it is merely another way to serve, and they seem to know more about him than I do, or ever have done.

I have no qualms myself about witches - just because they are travelling a different pathway to me - there is room on the bus for us all.

I think we embrace God - or whatever you wish to call him by - each in our own way, What is right for one is not necessarily the pathway that another would take - as Kim so often says - it is the 'intent' that quantifies the action we take/make.

If I was inclined along that pathway - I would stand up to be counted. No use following a belief if you want to hide it.

Shelli is not in Fiona - she may be at classes with her boys - have left a message on her answer phone - if she can understand me - I HATE talking into those darned things.


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RE: White Witches??

to Fiona
I am also a wiccan, witch, whichever term you prefer. feel free to email me at positivethinker@hotmail.com with your questions
blessed be

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RE: White Witches??

moonlight phoenix

Thank you, i sent you an e-mail, i hope you dont mind 🙂

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RE: White Witches??

Hi Fiona
hope you got my PM on a quick overview of faith and paganism.
Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any further questions, or i can put you in touch with my high priest, who will be more than happy to answer any of your queries.
Moonlight, how are you getting on with the handfasting? Please let me know how it all goes.
Kim, the old fashioned view of witchcraft I believe is what you are referring to. When the (THEN) Christians persecuted us and executed us because we were not of the same faith as themselves. And that which was not understood was destroyed. (said that recently regarding Seti didn't i)
Anyway the idea of witches throwing curses and being burnt at the stake has thankully died out and most people are interested in what our faith is about. We are as accepted as a faith, such as Islam, or Judaism, (not that any extremist group would accept any other faith than their own). I am saddened that you are not enlightened on this subject. Witchcraft is in modern times well accepted. We thankfully can continue to worship Mother Earth and all our other Gods and Goddessess, (including in some cases the christian idea of God), without fear of persecution from small minded people. AND even more thankfully the idea of an old crone in a tall black hat and cloak cursing everyone who crosses her path died out in the 19th century.
L & L Shelli ( A Witch and a VERY proud one too!!)

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RE: White Witches??

Hi Fiona (again lol)
It might be an idea to get an overview of our faith from as many sources as possible, so you can see the diversity of which I spoke in PM, about faith being individual to every person. Although we all follow the same lines, we all have a slight difference in belief system. There are many strains of the craft, and its a case of finding which one is best suited to the self, by researching them all. Wicca and Green witchcraft although following the same principles, use slightly different approaches. (My daughter is studying Wicca, I am studying Green witchcraft) as I have found the latter best suits me.
Hope this is helpful
L & L Shelli

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RE: White Witches??


Thank you for the messages. I got your PM thanks very much. sprry ive not had time to reply yet, been one of those nights! Found what u said very interesting and helpful... And will take your advice and find out more about what others believe personally

Thank you again

Love Fiona

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RE: White Witches??

Hi Shelli,

Yes, I am studying Green witchcraft, too. I find that it suits be better than Wicca. I am a hedge-witch, and I find that working on my own is best for me.

Hi Kim,

The word 'witch' comes from the Anglo-Saxon, and means 'to know'. I think that in times gone by, people were scared of witches because of what they 'knew'. I hope that you don't find we witches scary! We aren't really - we are very friendly witches here on HP!

Blessings, Pats.

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RE: White Witches??

Hi Songstress,
Have you read anything by Anna Moura?
L & L Shelli

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RE: White Witches??

Hello Fiona,

I can try to help you regarding this topic. I myself am a white witch. Therefore, I will only tell you how I practice my faith because each witch is different. Whenever I say "we", I'll mean myself and the others of my tradition.

Almost all witches believe in our Great Mother (Goddess). The Goddess takes care of all of us as children of Hers. Some traditions also believe in our Father in Heaven (God). The Goddess reigns over the Earth and the God reigns over the Heavens. Together they make up our Parents. We honor our Mother by respecting and loving her Earth. We hold rituals (either solitary or in a group [a coven]) to celebrate the Great Circle of Life (birth, death and rebirth).

Just as we see in nature, the Springtime is when everything fluourishes -- flowers bloom, young babies are born to animals, etc. Thus the Spring reflects a "birth". Everything grows in the summertime as in our lives as we grow through our own life experiences. During the fall, we start preparing for our harvest (a reference to early hunter gatherers who would harvest food at this time). Today we are not a hunter-gathering society and so witches take this time to start "planting" what we want to harvest, such as perhaps sending out resumes if we want to get a new job. In the wintertime we celebrate the end of the circle as we start to see things dying -- leaves fall from the trees, most flowers die, etc. We look into ourselves and reflect on what we need to change so that we can work towards getting rid of bad behavior. Remember that "dying" in this sense simply means a change or transformation.

We believe in the magic that we do. I myself have done it and have seen results. All traditions believe in the wiccan rede: And it harm none, do what ye will! Some traditions believe also in the threefold law: What you send out comes back to you times three. It is because of these basic beliefs that witches will not do magic to harm anyone. It goes against everything we believe. I only create magic for a particular person only if they ask. We believe in a person's free will. We believe people, in and of themselves, are neither good nor evil. It is the choices that they make that make them appear truly good or truly evil. For this reason, most of us will not believe in Satan. That is simply an excuse that people use so that they do not have to take responsibility for their own actions.

Wow! I've written so much that I hope I don't bore anyone reading this who is not interested in the topic. I obviously get too carried away. It's not often, as you can imagine, that I get an opportunity to discuss my religion with others. If you want to learn more, please do let me know. As I said before, these are my own personal beliefs and each witch is different.

With regards to your boyfriend, he's probably used to hearing all the evil connotations that come up with the word "witch". He simply does not know the whole story. Therefore, be patient and tolerant. Take care always. Blessed Be!

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RE: White Witches??

Hi Ishtar820,

Thanks for your reply. I have sent you a email...I hope you do not mind 🙂


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RE: White Witches??

well spiritual gal I take it that you are on the light side, human sacrifice still goes onto this day!

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RE: White Witches??

Can any of you wonderful people tell me where the name 'Hedge-Witch' comes from and why...?

luv & peace
stormdeva x

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RE: White Witches??

I too do not call myself a witch because of the prejudice. I state my religion as Wiccan and if people ask I will tell them about it but I do not go round telling people I am a witch.
Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any more questions but I see you have been answered quite weel already.

Good luck on your quest for more knowledge, you can never know too much!

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RE: White Witches??

Ohlalalalala [:o] this is right up my alley WITCHES 😀 I love reading whatever I can on this topic. HERE'S TO YOU WONDERFUL WITCHES 😉 who thankfully, are far more accurately and lovingly portrayed in children's books and arenas today [8D] Kim, you must be from my era, where we were so misinformed, but thankfully, I always kept an open mind, as 'something' kept telling me that witches were not bad, and that we were just being brainwashed by the likes of those who also brainwashed us with colour, race, religion etc. Please, it's not as though the term witch means anything remotely like that which the KKK does ... yet some folk still seem to confuse the two [:@]
GOOD NEWS WITCHES: I heard that your faith has been recognised by our local government and now these wonderful marriage ceremonies (saw one on TV recently - too magical and beautiful for words!) are also recognized. HALLELUIAH :D:D:D:D
Will definitely come back and read your posts more comprehensively ASAP [:-]
With lots of love and understanding 😉
@nnie 🙂
PS: Oh Shelli 😉 why is it that folk here think that they first need to be introduced to you before contacting you directly? 😮
Maybe it's because your limited posts are so profound, that you exude respect ... yet don't ever ask for it. Bless you for all the good work you do 😉 I'll have to send you a typical African broom set on auto pilot to SA for Christmas :D:D:D:D:D

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RE: White Witches??

WOW! Ishtar 😉 What a beautifully written explanation 😀 THANK YOU so much 🙂 Hopefully you'll be inspired to write a children's book, depicting witches more like nature's fairies with dandelion wands and all kinds of wonderful animals and creatures and not only broom sticks & black cats, and of course, some like God's angels and other precious helpers 😉 signed by a REAL WITCH :D:D:D:D:D
Please will someone answer Storm's question on "Hedge Witches", as I too am most curious and want to learn more [:-]
Blessed be to ALL 😉
Fi 😉 I bet you're also LOVING this 🙂 Don't worry about your better half, they invariably take a little longer to "come around" to anything out of the "norm" 😀 & that's probably why we love them so much more 😉 & often nurture them like babies :D:D:D

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RE: White Witches??

Believer human and animal sacrifice goes onto this day in black art covens

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RE: White Witches??

sadly sometimes to be aware of what IS happening can be very disturbing

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RE: White Witches??

innocence is bliss!

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RE: White Witches??

I suspect that one or two people on here lived a past life as a witch. I know that I must have done because I cannot bear to be in confined places, and have been known to feel very claustraphobic in large department stores making a hasty exit into the air outside.


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