Hello all,
I was wondering if anyone could let me know what a weather witch is?
There may not be such a thing, but I have been told by others that I may be one.
I have never actively tried to control the weather, but it has been noticed that the weather changes with my moods. Not the other way around (my moods do not change with the weather).
It can be sunny and warm out and if I get upset or really sad about something the weather will change soon after to dark, cold, and rainy/stormy.
Then when I get over whatever saddened me and cheer up it will become sunny again fairly quickly afterwards.
I do not profess to have any such power, but others have noticed the connection.
So, I just wondered if there is such a possibility, or if it is just coincedence? It happens so much though. :confused:
thank you in advance.
Hi Ravenwulf...
Imbolc is the time of changable weather and it is more probable that you are connected to the subtle changes in the day to day climate and weatherlore..
By studying YOUR changes you maybe able to predict the day to day foercast in the pattern of the weather....
There are lots of old sayings connected to weatherlore for february. Here's a few...
" In February, if thou hearest thunder," though shalt see a Summer wonder...
" February fill dyke, be it black or be it white"
" If February brings no rain, tis neither good for grass nor grain"
" All the months of the year, curse a fair Februreer "
If Candlemas daybe fair and bright. Winter will have another flight.
But if Candlemas day be clouds and rain.Winter is gone and will not come again....
Here's a link...
good luck with your forecasts....:)
Hi Ravenwulf
Can you try and stay cheerful most of the time so we can have a better weather.(joke);)
Hi Ravenwulf,
I'm replying as my eyes for a split-second thought they had seen "water witch", which is the American term for a water diviner. But that's not relevant I see. TBH I'd say coincidence. But two riders to that, one going each way -
In my experience, the weather can seem to change, according to mood (e.g. you notice a bit of sun if upbeat).
On the other hand, I don't dismiss the idea of magical action, directed with "technical" magical knowledge. I've seen this done in very adverse weather conditions IMHO such as reversing forest fires by working with the salamanders. There's an occult belief held by some that large negative emotional events can attract tornados also.
Actually, writ large, much occultism believes that the weather is changed and often altered by humans, but by groups or populations more than by individuals. Suddenly then, I'm saying, "who knows?" But who called you one, and do you trust their authority?
Further, does it much matter? :confused: In yoga it would be called a siddhi. Something one may have, but ignore it as it's a distraction from what really matters.
Many years ago, when the wind power was used to sail our shipping fleet. Wise women would sell spells at the dock-side or in the local tavern here in Portsmouth, to ensure the sailors safe return back to port.
These women were special among the very superstisious sailors and their wares were very sought after objects.
Some of these spells or good luck charms were for elemental protection and assistance. Such as... Rabbits feet, White Heather, Amulets
One spell that was popular among the sailors was the knotted cord and the sailor paid for each knot tied into the cord....
How this weather spell worked was
Each time the sailor found himself in the doldrums ( an area close to the Equator )......He would untie one of the Knots....and chant a little rhyme and pray for the winds speedy recovery.....
So, Ravenwulf........superstisious people believed in the ability to change the weather.....so maybe YOU can.....:)
Here's a link;