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What can i do?

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My house has been on the market since July last year and although i have had plenty of viewings it still remains unsold. I read in a magazine about a spell for selling your house and i cant find the magazine now. Would anyone be able to help me out? I dont practise Wicca but i'm open to some of the ideas and thought it would at least be worth a try.

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I can't help you with the spells but maybe some reiki would help if you or someone you know has reiki attunements, or perhaps some space clearing might help.

I have a friend who swears that 'smells' sold all her houses - she would bake cakes or onions in the oven before people came to view!!!!

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Thank you Star Dust. I always try and bake bread before a viewing. You could be on to something with Reiki though. I have just started out on my journey but i will look into this.

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What about looking at Feng Shui perhaps?

Space clearing with Reiki and the lovely smell of home cooking (or vanilla) should also work wonders x x

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if you dont practice wicca a spell wont work because when casting you use both faith and intention. but i would either do as Beano said baking bread is a great idea it will make the house smell homeley and lived in also creating a good atmosphere in the house is essential laughter can alter the ora arround you and your home this will create a positive impression on your home and if they like it they are likley to pick up on the good feeling. also silly things like put the heating on before they come if they feel warm they are more likley to notice this but if they are cold this will leave an impression on them. i hope this helps

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There are practical things you can do, as well as esoteric.


  • Make sure the spaces in the rooms are clear and easy to walk through. There's nothing like furniture in an odd place for messing up your plans for a sale
  • Make sure all the curtains / blinds are open and that there's plenty of light. Put the lights on if you need to but don't have lots of lamps about the place because they give the suggestion that the house is dark and dingy (because you need lots of extra lights)
  • If possible (and if you have them) don't have the kids around when people are coming to view. Nothing wrong with kids. It's just they have an annoying habit of "telling it like it is" when you least expect it, at least if mine are anything to go by
  • Don't have your more "off the wall" books or paraphernalia on plain view. People are people and a lot of them will be put off by Bucklands Big Blue Book or tarot cards left lying around. Candles are fine but not too many
  • Get the agent to arrange an open day. This is a day when they advertise your house as having an open day and arrange for viewers to come round in advance. You go out and they show the house for you. That's how we sold ours.
  • Make sure the price of your property is realistic and you have contingency for negotiation whilst still being able to cover what you need. The average price of houses in our area when we sold was £275k. Since ours needed work, we put it on the market for £240k, knowing that we had to make £220k to buy what we wanted. We got £225k
  • Finally, if you have too much stuff, put it in storage. There's nothing quite like having to rent a storage locker to really show you what you do and don't need
  • Hope that helps. Good luck with it all. And on the plus side, check your contract with your agent. You might find that you don't have to pay them, or at least have to pay them less, now the house has been on the market this long.
