Whale Festival 6th March
During the first week of March , people who live along the northern most part of California take time to visit the shore . This is a time of great anticipation and excitement as everyone hopes to catch a glimpse of the annual whale migration - a deeply moving and inspiring event.
One of the three royal fish of ancient Britain , whales are considered record - keepers and symbols of regeneration. The idea of being swallowed by a whale is equivalent to the initiation of death and rebirth , the whale being both tomb and womb simulatanously.
The Norse believed that witches could ridewhales , and in Japan the whale is the sea mount for the God of oceans.
RE: Whale Festival 6th March
Thank you..
I must admit, I wait holding my breath each day to see.. who and why there is a festival of sorts.. you bring them to life here..
RE: Whale Festival 6th March
Thanks Shaz.........I love the history and the folk tales........ancient and modern........these daily celebrations and festivals just remind me that each day is special to someone ...and then it's special for me.
Bright Blessings
Les ( Oak apple )
RE: Whale Festival 6th March
As long as you keep them coming, Ill be here.. reading to my hearts delight.