Hi everyone! I was just reading some of the posts and alot of questions came to mind. I seem to be able to know when someone is looking at me when i'm turned around. I get this feeling that just overcomes my body. I also seem to think sometimes that i'm not alone...(even when i am alone) I've been able to sense this since i can remember. I sometimes feel like maybe i can comunicate with the dead. Never have tried, but for some reason i think i can. Just this feeling that doesn't go away. And i always feel like there is a presence around me at all times. Can someone explain this to me pls?? I'm also very interested in witchcraft and all of that but growing up i was always tought to never believe in such a thing. My parents said if ur a witch ur worshiping the devil. Which i don't believe that but maybe someone could explain the beliefs and so on.......hope u guys don't think i'm crazy! lol
RE: Was i a witch in a past life?? or am i just a lil weird?
Hi Dark Angel
You may well have been a Witch in a past life but the abilities you appear to have would lead me to believe that you are psychic.
As for your interest in the Craft, if you PM or EM me I'll happily give you a list of books I think may be able to help along with a couple of web sites.
Blessed be