Does anyone know anything about wanga dolls? If yes, share with me of your experiences with these dolls. Thank you.
RE: wanga dolls
Hi Jade
Wanga dolls can be very powerful, they are in effect like voodoo dolls and as such have to be treated with the utmost care and respect or else you could unleash some powerful forces without realising.
I would issue a very strong warning not to tamper with these uless you have experience and lots of knowledge in their effect and the outcomes and the come backs that using them will bring.
This thread will be locked in anypne is seen to be giving unsatisfactory advice on usage of these dolls, please can we keep in mind the nature of what HP is about and refrain from talking about voodoo etc
Thank You
With love
RE: wanga dolls
I found a discussion here that might be helpful:
Also I think the warning posted by M! above could be said (and probably has been said!) about a lot of the things we discuss here on the forums - Tarot, spiritualism, rune readings, spellcraft, developing mediumship abilities etc. They all could be seen as opening yourself up in a way that could leave you vulnerable if you're not fully protected. Working with wanga/ouanga or voodoo dolls in many ways is similar to working with poppets in witchcraft, servitors in chaos magic and working spells etc. The tools are not in and of themselves "evil", it is down to the way they are created/used & the practitioner's knowledge, ethics, will and intention. I also believe there is a lot of erroneous preconceptions about voodoo in the Western world, much as there was (and still is in some circles) about witchcraft, paganism, Tarot, mediumship etc. I don't really understand why it is often felt to be ok these days to talk about the latter 4 say, but not the former-I don't really understand why this line is drawn, but I can see that it is.
RE: wanga dolls
Thank you Teri Shelley. It is very useful.