when someone shouts from the roof tops about somthing or is flamboyunt for want of a better word!!do they really know it all?for is'ntbelieved thatthe true witchcraft has been here mist for centurys and the new wicca faith was! is somthing made up by people like gardner and the yanks to try and put somthing they dont understand in to a box in which it can? true witches and people who use the old art dont shout about it! where a dark flowing robe's dangling in jewellry!dancing and chanting at the full moon!!there your every day person.
so true witchcraft is not wiccan its somthing completely diffrent.and its older than you think!!
RE: true witchcraft!!older than you think
when someone shouts from the roof tops about somthing or is flamboyunt for want of a better word!!do they really know it all?
Hello Kaney
No Kaney I don't believe for one minute that anyone can know it all about everything, and those that believe they do are on an ego trip....
However, Ithinkthat shouting something from the roof tops, is not embrassing oneself, it's embraceing something of which they are proud of, and I don't think there is anything wrong with that...we must all be proud of something from within ourselves at some time...so why not shout about it....
As for being flamboyant....whats wrong with that...we each have that within ourselves also, just some are more flomboyant than others and are not affraid to show it.
for is'ntbelieved thatthe true witchcraft has been here mist for centurys and the new wicca faith was! is somthing made up by people like gardner and the yanks to try and put somthing they dont understand in to a box in which it can?
True witchcraft as you like to call it, goes back beyound the Christian faith, and is Pagan in it's roots, the Wise Woman and Common Man of the villiages of old followed the Pagan path, which is also very close to the beliefs of the Nativive Americans.
If someone wishes to put something into a 'box' for them to understand it...that surely is their choice, you or I do not have to agree with it....but it's their freedom of choice on how they deal with it.
true witches and people who use the old art dont shout about it!
where a dark flowing robe's dangling in jewellry!dancing and chanting at the full moon!!there your every day person.
Agreed ( I hope) but each to their own, and some people do wear 'official' (for the want of a better word) dress for when they cast spells etc; others just wear their normal day clothes...again surely it's down to individual choice.
so true witchcraft is not wiccan its somthing completely diffrent.and its older than you think!!
Wiccan is a more modern day word for something that many do not understand or have not understood....what is truewitchcraft after all.....
It's how each of us interpret ourown paths and learnings....my path is Pagan, that's makes me no different from anyone else other than in my beliefs...and that's what each and everyone of us holds sacred....being different...an individual!
Many blessings
RE: true witchcraft!!older than you think
in Essence you are Right its just that i think the true nature of witchcraft is about it being keep secretive and not letting outsiders know about it or its goings.on
this is where wicca is different it allows the outside to look in this is why in my opinion it has been characterized plus wicca is a fairly new practice where as true witchcraft is older in fact centuries older and has survived this long because the people who practice it don't shout about it.