, Totem Animals
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, Totem Animals

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In the past, certain animals were very closely linked with the goddess and witchcraft . These "Little Helpers" were traditionally known as"familiars." I wondered how many " Holistic Therapists " use these spirit guides to help them.......there is a thread on bird spirits , under......Shamanism .

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RE: , Totem Animals

Hi Oakapple,

I'm a Wiccan but I work very closely with my totem animal and I do regular work with power animals. The Druid animal oracle deck is wonderful and I usually have a card of a certain animal on my altar. I love working with animal spirits and I've always been encouraged to do so. Sometimes I 'see' certain animal spirits with my clients or with other people.


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RE: , Totem Animals

Hi Moongirl, yep thats the deck I use......wouldn't be without them........It's amazing what they tell you. Are you going to the Witchfest....it;s this saturday at Fairfield Halls in Croydon......tickets available on the door. I think the wife and I might make take a trip up there, should be a good weekend.

Oakapple xx

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RE: , Totem Animals

[sm=nature-smiley-008.gif]Hi I have the druid animal oracle also. They are very good and usually make me think and take stock of what is happening in my life. I don't use them too often so I find them a great benefit when I go back to them.

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RE: , Totem Animals

I'm thinking of going to Witchfest, I might just go for the evening this time. I've been going for years and I've always enjoyed it. 🙂

Has anyone got the Tree oracle deck? It's similar to the druid animal deck and they work really well together. I love the pictures as well!

Moongirl x

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RE: , Totem Animals

Can anyone tell me what the Bear means as a totem, if anything? My other half is a Crow according to the MedicineWheel book however he has had some prophetic dreams about Bears and has always felt a positive connection with them.

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RE: , Totem Animals

The Celtic name for the Bear is " Art " and is connected with your deepest roots of you ancestors, you are in touch with Gaia, the Earth Mother, The Divine.....you are protected from all danger.

Work with the Bear for intuition and spiritual strength..........When all seems lost, or you need answers....ask your bear spirit.....

Oakapple xx

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RE: , Totem Animals

Many thanks. BTW my husband is an Artist 😀

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RE: , Totem Animals


Can anyone tell me what the Bear means as a totem, if anything? My other half is a Crow according to the MedicineWheel book however he has had some prophetic dreams about Bears and has always felt a positive connection with them.

Try the link below, it has lots of info on totem animals.
[link= http://www.crystalinks.com/totemanimals.html ]http://www.crystalinks.com/totemanimals.html[/link]


Moon Raven
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RE: , Totem Animals

The Druid Animal Oracle was the first set I ever got and I still use them to this day. I find them brilliant! I also have the 'Animal Speak' book by Ted Andrews which I use occasionally when someone says they have either had a dream about a particular animal or a particular animal seems to be coming in to their path quite a lot. I have also seen spirit animals on occasions whilst doing a sitting for someone or just wandering around somebody's house!

And to Moongirl: I had the Tree Oracle set in the shop and my friendbought it last week and is just starting to work with it now. I would imagine by looking at it, the deck will be a powerful deck to work with, it also has beautiful pictures I agree!

Bessings xx
