Tools that suit
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Tools that suit

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Hello again,

I was just wondering if anyone else has "found" the perfect tool at the exact moment that seemed most appropriate? I ask because I have never personally been one for divination although I had always had an affinity with pendulums and had fancied getting one, really just as something nice to have and to learn. I had never seen one that I liked though until a few months ago I was browsing a crystal store at my local market. I was talking to the lady who was running it and she was asking me if I had ever used a pendulum. I said yes but that as my personal crystal is Carnelian I would only buy one if I could find a Carnelian one. She looked at me mouth open and then said "like this one here?" I couldn't believe it I had been looking for one for years and not seen one. She had been given the pendulum to take to the market that morning having never, ever had one to sell before! I'd be interested to hear if any of you have had similar happen to you???

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RE: Tools that suit

Hi Wiccawillow

Yep that has happend to me...a few years ago whilst I was training as a Crystal theapist one of the lessons was all about crystal wands and the use of. I was in ore of some of the most beautiful wands I had ever seen but, was drawn to none of them...saying to my tutor that if I was ever to have a special wand then it would need to be made out of Selenite with Aqua Aura...he smiled, telling me that was going to be a very expensive wand...
Well just before Christmas last year myself & husband went to a Mind/Spirit/Body festival and as you can imagine there were many crystal stalls there...but I kept being drawn back to one in particular...I scanned all that was on offer, but no - not the wand I wanted...I then like you started to talk to the lady at that stall and I happened to mention the wand that I would one day like to own...and yep you've gussed it she bent down beneith the table and brought out a wand and said "like this one you mean"
And there it was the most beautiful Selenite wand with an Aqua Aura point at one end and a Ruby Quartz at the other...with a silver dragon around it...
Well needless to say my husband brought it for me as a Christmas present (and yes it was expensive) the stall owner told me she had been give a message by spirit to have this wand made and that its rightful owner would appear to claim it. I absolutly love this wand and it takes pride amongst all my other treasures:D

luv & peace
stormdeva x

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RE: Tools that suit

well today as a birthday present I recieved a beautiful silver athame with runic symbols on, maybe I've got it now for a reason? who knows!
