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threefold law/karma question

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People always talk about the threefold law, things coming back on you, karma etc but have any of you ever actually done anything magick-wise that was interfering with someones free will, or some other negative spell, that DID come back to "bite you in the butt"?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not for doing things like that but I wondered if it was justa deterent more than anything else & wondered if anyone had any actual experience of it?

Also another thought of mine, is it ok for someone to use psychology (for example) on someone to get them to do/think what one wants? Using basic psychological manipulation oreven simple persuasionto change the other person's mind? My point here is, everyone (to a certain extent) uses theseto influence other people's will, so if doing it magickally is wrong, then isn't doing it that way wrong too?

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RE: threefold law/karma question

The law of three fold return does not just work for the harm that we do, it works for all things. In my own experience, since I have tried to live by the witches reade "and it harm none, do as thou will" I have found that things that would normaly have been a problem for me seem to melt away. So I would look at that as three fold return. As for manipulation of course it is wrong in most cases, and would be covered by the reade. The reade is not like the 10 commandments, it is open to our own interpretation, sometimes we get things wrong unintentially. We still have to take the consequences of our actions though.

Neil C

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RE: threefold law/karma question

Put simply, 'if one sows thistles do not expect to get roses', [even then every rose has its thorn;)] what ones does will definatly come back at one at some stage......its the law of reprocity....

many feel and act as tho they are above or exempt of this law [some are just plain ignorant of it] and thus yield to temptation, but the creator knows and sees all because the creator bears witness thru are own eyes and deeds...

many NA tribes consider it witchcraft [their defination differs somewhat to europeans] to even think a bad thought towards another.......such is the magnitude of taking full responserbility for our thoughts[1], words[2] and actions. [3]

So ...if you give out in threes you get back in threes;)

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RE: threefold law/karma question

laughs no one has answered her question yet if you have actually done a spell that has come back to you instead of trying to talk philosophy that plain and simple as not answering the question.

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RE: threefold law/karma question

I was speaking from experience dynasty....thats how i learnt, hard lessons.[:@] but well remembered......and if i remember correctly going into specific spellwork is not allowed here, [not that i would anyway]

besides we dont need to do a malicious spell [simply a means to focus our intent]or otherwise to learn about karma.

If we act as tho we are exempt from our actions this is a peversion of the fact that we are all essentially connected and thus what we do to others ultimately we do unto ourselves.
It is this lack of understanding that has been responserble for all kinds of un-speakable acts thru history[:'(].....the situation where we seperate our actions into 'spellwork' or otherwise matters not.

sounds a bit preachy but hope that helps.:D

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RE: threefold law/karma question

It's a simple yes or no question doesn't mean you have to state what kind of spell or a specific one, that is not what i had said in my post anyways. So going into specific spellwork wasn't my exact words.

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RE: threefold law/karma question

ORIGINAL: dynasty100

laughs no one has answered her question yet if you have actually done a spell that has come back to you instead of trying to talk philosophy that plain and simple as not answering the question.

Hi & thanks for all your replies. 😀

I know the whole philosophy behind it all etc but can anyone point to something they did (specifics not necessary) & say "I shouldn't have done that & it did come back to me times three" Everyone has the fear of it being true & work with the mind that it is (which is a good thing ) but I just wanted to know if anyone had any direct experience of it.

When I speak of manipulation in general in normal every day things, I mean simple things youmay noteven think about doing. For example, (not that this has ever happened to me lol,) what if someone gets stopped for speeding in their car, the police officercomes up to the stopped cars window & has every intention on giving the driver a ticket. What if the driver successfully bats her eyes, flirts a little, makes the policeman/woman feel sorry for her, feel charmed by their actions & the policeperson consequently decides to let the issue of the ticket slide by.
This doesn't involve any "magickal" meansbutthe police officer's "will" has been changed by the driver. In your opinions, will the driver have this come back on them times three or not? If so why & if not why not?

Amelia Jane
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RE: threefold law/karma question


Everyone has the fear of it being true & work with the mind that it is (which is a good thing ) but I just wanted to know if anyone had any direct experience of it.

Personally I don't belive it comes down to fear as such, it's more to do with respect

For example, (not that this has ever happened to me lol,) what if someone gets stopped for speeding in their car, the police officercomes up to the stopped cars window & has every intention on giving the driver a ticket. What if the driver successfully bats her eyes, flirts a little, makes the policeman/woman feel sorry for her, feel charmed by their actions & the policeperson consequently decides to let the issue of the ticket slide by.
This doesn't involve any "magickal" meansbutthe police officer's "will" has been changed by the driver. In your opinions, will the driver have this come back on them times three or not? If so why & if not why not?

The power of reason vs magick[&o]......she's done nothing 'behind the scence' to alter the view of the police explaining her situation or being charming & polite she's got out of getting a ticket...but...just a thought...if she drives away from the police officer thinking to herself "What a sucker" then her karma maybe more likley to bite her on the bum...where as if she's learnt a lesson from it & watches her speed in the future then alls fine......who knows:eek:


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RE: threefold law/karma question

Ok, thought i had made it clear.... the answer is yes.


so thats threefold.....this is my experience [and others i know] how it comes back at you.

p.s. well said ameliajane.

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RE: threefold law/karma question

Thanks for all your replies 🙂

ORIGINAL: ameliajane

she drives away from the police officer thinking to herself "What a sucker" then her karma maybe more likley to bite her on the bum...where as if she's learnt a lesson from it & watches her speed in the future then alls fine

If she did think that, then do you all think that she would,
1) get it coming back on her three times over (or just the once) or not,
2) would the "karma kickback" be just the same as if she had done something "behind the scenes" to make her not getthe ticket?

Love & Light,

Amelia Jane
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RE: threefold law/karma question

just a thought...if she drives away from the police officer thinking to herself "What a sucker" then her karma maybe more likley to bite her on the bum...where as if she's learnt a lesson from it & watches her speed in the future then alls fine......who knows


If she did think that, then do you all think that she would,
1) get it coming back on her three times over (or just the once) or not,
2) would the "karma kickback" be just the same as if she had done something "behind the scenes" to make her not getthe ticket?

Love & Light,

well i wouldn't be a suprise if she ended up wrapped around a lampost or in in jailfor causing death by dangerous driving for ignoring or paying no attention to what perhaps was a you call that karma or just the result of stupidity[&:]...some people just shouldn't be in control of fast's a powerfull tool that they think they can 'manage well' which is capable of causing all sorts of disaters & heartbreak!!

Just curious as your askingthe questions...what do you think? Do you think that people could use negitive intent against another & have no come back??


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RE: threefold law/karma question

Ok well maybe the car analogy wasn't a good one lol.

To answer your question Amy, to be honest I don't know. I could see that doing one bad deed/action could result in receiving one, but I suppose I feel as though it's not very balance-worthy to receive three for one.
The point I was trying to get at really is this:
would someone receive the samekarmic comebacks of negative "normal"actionsthe same as they would bynegative "magickal" actions? For large scale things I can appreciate the answer of "yes" but I sometimes feel as though people are paranoid about it. For example, a few years ago after I went through a bad relationship breakup, I asked someone if they thought it to be a wise idea for me to do a "spell" on myself to make me not love them as much anymore & make the pain go away. They advised against it & called that kind of thing "black magick". (I didn't do it in the end) However, if I had managed to achieve the same objective by more "normal" means, through psychology/affirmations for example, no one would see that as wrong or as it having any negative comebacks.

Another reason I am asking these questions is that I know a few people who do many negative things by "normal" means & it doesn't seem to ever come back on them. Infact, one individual (a nasty peice of work) in particular, doesn't even hesitate before saying/doing something negative towards myself & others. I keep telling myself they will get what's coming to them, but it's been years & it doesn't seem to be heading their way anytime soon.

I think that the rule of it coming back on a person is good to be around or people would end up doing all sorts of things, but I have my doubts as to how much truth there is to it. What if someone did something which they themselves didn't think was negative, but everyone else around them did - would it still come back on them? I am inclined to think that it is the intent & perception of the pracitioner that makes this difference. If person A curses person B for example, & person A thinks they were fully justified to do so for whatever reason, would that person receive the comebacks?

I hope I'm making sense in all of this *lol* But it's always been an issue that I have never hadclearcut in my own mind as it doesnt seem to quite add up.

Love & Light,

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RE: threefold law/karma question

In the past a few years ago when I was younger and didn't know as much as I know now about doing spells and such, I had done a few on some....and for years had extremely bad luck, none of them ever came back on me but I think with the bad luck that, that was the sign not to do anymore.

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RE: threefold law/karma question

yeah I find that the three fold law doesn't just work in magick but also in life like if I did something for no reason someone would do it back worse. I did once get a nasty three fold law return after a spell with a frend because I had not read the spell I had written correctly... never made the same mistake again
blessed be

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RE: threefold law/karma question

I haven't set out to wilfully harm or manipulate someone, but like revenge its best served cold than in the heat of anger. But someone was out to harm me, and I let them have enough rope to hang themselves, took a while , but it wasrewarding when the s**t hit the fan.

I won't even do love spells, can you imagine being fancied because someone cast a spell, ooh no!!!!

But something evil my way coming , I would return it , definitely

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RE: threefold law/karma question

ORIGINAL: Sherringham

But something evil my way coming , I would return it , definitely.

I agree, fight fire with fire & all that, but would you think returning it would have negative karmic consequences for you?

It's all just a really grey area for me still. I think a lot of it has to do with if you think you deserve a negative comeback you will get it, but if you think your in the right & totally justified to do it, then maybe not.


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RE: threefold law/karma question

Well with a malicious wish coming towards you, its simplest to hold up a mirror to deflect it, such as if know it will come thru the post place a mirror opposite the letter box, or keep one by the computer. Effectively you shouldn't get a return back again as it didn't originate from you.

But its as well to have a personal shield around you, (just imagine white light completely surrounding you, including all the orificies!) And around your home ,car, workplace etc.

But absolutely, negative thoughts do encourage bad things and events. To keep me and mine safe I have a huge golden calcite ball, and a quartz crystal cluster, it keeps optimism at a high level.I smudge the house on a regular basis, and have Protection in the car too.

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RE: threefold law/karma question

ORIGINAL: Sherringham

Well with a malicious wish coming towards you, its simplest to hold up a mirror to deflect it, such as if know it will come thru the post place a mirror opposite the letter box, or keep one by the computer. Effectively you shouldn't get a return back again as it didn't originate from you.

I meant more ofretaliation someone does something bad to you, so you do something eaqually bad to them, as opposed to simply returning the negative energy back to where it came from. If that makes sense.


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RE: threefold law/karma question

Don't know, bearing in mind had they not cast the first stone , then you wouldn't have reacted anyway, guess it could be part of the 3 fold?

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RE: threefold law/karma question


Well i do think negativity does not do you anygood and will bring negative things to you.
I also know someone that has done a spell for revenge and after they had done it things started to happen to them exactly what they did to the other person but worse.

However i have been reading this book... The book of the soul, rational spiritually for the 21st century by ian lawton and its about reincarnation and planning our lifes in between lifes. Now i dont know how any of you feel about that but he talks about karma not in the usual way as action and reaction but as karma being a balancing experience and we have to see both sides of the coin so we can learn lessons. so in one life we may be poor or be attacked but this isnt because we did something bad in the past its because we need to go through it so we can learn.
I dont know whether im making sense. But its got me thinking about it. ive always wanted to know what karma is and this is a totally different version of what people normally say.
In the book he has researched in to the interlife and people have been regressed and this is what he has found out.

Any thoughts?

Blessings [sm=1syellow1.gif]

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RE: threefold law/karma question

The author of your book seems somewhat Buddhist to me?

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RE: threefold law/karma question

Nope he isnt buddhist. Because ive seen him in a talk and hes no religion but also buddhists believe karma to be action and reaction.


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RE: threefold law/karma question

Have to admit past life regressions scare me somewhat,but meaning karma just goes along with us also from one lifetime to another? just snowballing our negatives and positives, and each tiime dealing with the negatives?

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RE: threefold law/karma question

I have to say, the idea of bad things happening to me now because of something I did in a past life doesn't really seem all that fair.
Whatever I may or may not have done in a past life, I am a good person in this life, so surely that's what counts!

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RE: threefold law/karma question

Well it all depends on what you believe.
It is said we are a soul/spirit and the body we are in is our vehicle. we still exsist without our body. Each life we have we are learning lessons to develop ourselves and i guess to become complete.
So basically we plan our lives inbetween lives and we choose to go through what we go through to learn lessons. One life we might pick might be a hard one so we can learn and experience something eg we are poor and have to struggle, another life we might choose to be easy eg we are from a rich family and dont have to worry about anything so we can have a rest. (i hope this is making sense, im just telling you what i got from the book).

If we are talking about karma being action and reaction say as the buddhists think and what mostly everyone knows it as then if we do something ''bad'' in this life or another life then it will come back on us. Same as if we do something good we have good things happen. It doesnt matter if you do it in a past life and not this life because it is still you not that body. Does this make sense.

Im not really sure what to think. This is just my understanding of bits ive picked up.
I do believe we reincarnate and we have to learn lessons. I also believe everything happens for a reason whether i know why its happened or not. I also believe that being negative will bring you negativity and being positive will bring you positivity.

I guess im all mixed up! 😀

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RE: threefold law/karma question

I understand you I keep trying to tell my friends that so that they'll lighten up some of the time. I believe that when we have full filled our souls goal that we become part of mother earth again and our energy is reused to create a new soul.... strange i suppose i don't know why I believe it it just always seemed right to me lol
but I get what you're saying negativity is always the worst place to be
blessed be lozz

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RE: threefold law/karma question

Yes i also believe once we have completed our lessons then we go back to mother earth, but i never thought about becoming a new soul again! Thats an interesting idea!

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RE: threefold law/karma question

New souls , or Summerlands forever?
Do we need the anguish of 'life' again, after we have learned to correct our shortcomings/defects.
Or to be reunited with those withperfect karmas we have met in our previous lives?
Or should we come back as a Guru, Teacher or other example

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RE: threefold law/karma question

When we look at "The Threefold Law" we open up a whole cans of worms. "The Rede" is a re-write of part of Leyland's "Aradia Gospel of the Witches" This comes from Italy as recorded by him in the 1800s. Long before Gardner and Valiente. In this version it ends with "until all your enemies be dead".
When we ask ourselves what is good or bad then this can differ according to the viewpoint of the individual. For example one person's fredom fighter could be another person's terrorist.
I think that its just not to be spiteful or hateful to others.
Theoreticaly if you do send something nasty out then if youfail to hit your target,you get the return current,So don't miss or better still don't do it.
Spite comes from people who are angry and feel powerless to find any other solution to their problems and don't evolve as human beings.
