I am searching for AS MANY Quick and Easy but yet powerful love spells that I could try, that is easy to do and easy to get all the ingredients needed. The more I can get and try the less lonely I will feel.;)
Also looking for some Quick and Easy spells to Consecrate or Bless (isn't that the same thing), an object like my pentacle/jewellery? that is also easy to do and easy to get all the ingredients needed.
Also as many Quick and Easy spells to cleansing and object of illness and negativity? also easy to do and easy to get all the ingredients needed.
Any tips for binding a person from doing harm to self and others? is a home made wond needed? (how do you make one?)
Tips for binding a spell? (is a spell like this really needed?)
I look forward to hearing of any of the above spells and tips XX
Hi Natured Fox
You know I hardly ever post on this forum but I was really taken aback by your post. This desire for 'quick and easy' spells leads me to wonder if you really know what you're getting into. Spells and magic are serious stuff, absolutely not to be taken lightly. It's not a party game. And IMHO things that are 'quick and easy' are often not worth doing. It's effort that counts. Have you got a teacher or a group that can guide you. Really, I think you should do a bit more studying. Perhaps some of the Wiccans will come on to contradict me, in which case I shall stand corrected.
Hi Natured Fox
You know I hardly ever post on this forum but I was really taken aback by your post. This desire for 'quick and easy' spells leads me to wonder if you really know what you're getting into. Spells and magic are serious stuff, absolutely not to be taken lightly. It's not a party game. And IMHO things that are 'quick and easy' are often not worth doing. It's effort that counts. Have you got a teacher or a group that can guide you. Really, I think you should do a bit more studying. Perhaps some of the Wiccans will come on to contradict me, in which case I shall stand corrected.xxx
Hear Hear :045:
natured fox,
are you sure you know what you're doing? Love spells...binding people...methinks you need to read the Wiccan rede 😉
Hi folks,
It's always tempting, when one has a new path to follow, an interest in something, or an exciting new hobby, to initially get a little carried away and want it all, and NOW! That said, I do have to agree in principle with the other replies here.
Natured Fox, this is what jumped out at me, where you said in your first paragraph:
I am searching for AS MANY Quick and Easy but yet powerful love spells that I could try, that is easy to do and easy to get all the ingredients needed. The more I can get and try the less lonely I will feel.😉
I'm sorry that you feel that way but, you know, the best way out of feeling lonely is to get out into the world and meet real peope, hopefully with the same interests and from whom you can learn. You don't have to pin all your initial hopes on meeting 'the one', and it very often doesn't work like that anyway! Casting a spell could potentially interfere with somebody's free will, and I'm sure you're aware of the law of threefold return 😉
In the meantime, have you explored the resources 'sticky' at the top of this forum? Here's a link:
<a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href=" https://www.healthypages.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=30819 "> https://www.healthypages.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=30819
I'm not personally familiar with everything in there, but this website has always seemed particularly good for providing information in easy and down to earth terms:
<a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href=" http://wicca.timerift.net/ "> http://wicca.timerift.net/
I hope you find it interesting and helpful, and soon find yourself in a real circle of like-minded folk ... which does not, of course, necessarily have to be a coven! 😉 🙂
thanks for your responses!
Thanks you for your responses people. please no more post for this post, pte me instead.
Just to point a few things out, I think that Holistic is a wear of what I was seeking when I asked my original questions which Holistic said, "It's always tempting, when one has a new path to follow, an interest in something, or an exciting new hobby, to initially get a little carried away." I am trying to learn as much about wiccan beliefs and am awear of the 'sticky' at the top of forum as part of my search to found out more. I hope I can assure you Holistic I was awear of the "and I'm sure you're aware of the law of threefold return" form day one of my getting interested in following this path.;)
sunanda Please be assured, I know what I am getting into of course, I am learning about it still, it is a path I am trying to lead in a proper and sensible manner/way, if I don't ask these questions or for this advice how am I to learn any thing about it or where to search for more info about it etc. even if some one is suggesting I look at the 'sticky'. I've learned some thing "I think you should do a bit more studying. Perhaps some of the Wiccans will come on to contradict me," I am doing just that, which is whey I ask the questions but like I said how am I supposed to learn if I don't ask!
Ged "are you sure you know what you're doing? Love spells...binding people...methinks you need to read the Wiccan rede" YES! please read the above, and my other post on this site and the questions that I have asked, you would find I am only learning about this, this is a path I have chose to lead and so far feel comfortable with it is the reason I joined this site, to learn more. As for the "binding people from doing harm to self and others" I referred to, I'm unsure I don't understand your point/question, I wouldn't harm any one, nor would I wish any one to harm me. the reason I asked about this was to reinforce this should I feel the need to give my self strength and peace of mind, I suppose my own will isn't that strong.:(
The love spell I asked about was for my self, I am only awear of my self feeling lonely not others getting out more is probably the answer to that question because I don't get out enough to know that many people anyway!:dft004:
I regret putting that post on now and wished I could take it off, could you please note by the way I am 41 years old not 5 and of this age I like to feel that I am smarter for my age than what some people think of me...
Dear Natured Fox,
I appreciate you said you didn't want any more replies here, so forgive me if it appears I haven't respected that, but I do just want to say a few words in support of our other members here as well as yourself.
Their reactions to your initial post on this thread may perhaps have been a little strong, but their replies really WERE in your own best interests, and intended to help and guide you rather than criticise.
Perhaps it was the references to 'Quick and Easy' which pushed some buttons here, but I hope you will take all the posts in this thread as having been made with the best of intentions, including your own, and thank you for having explained further where you're coming from.
Very best of luck on your journey and Bright Blessings! 🙂
EDITED to add:
I can't recall without checking whether the late Scott Cunningham's books are given in the Resources sticky, but I think you would find them both enjoyable and useful.
One source I know of with some copies listed is:
<a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href=" http://www.libra-aries-books.co.uk/ "> http://www.libra-aries-books.co.uk/
where mail order might be your best option, given your location. You could always contact them, they're very friendly, helpful people who could possibly recommend other authors as well. 🙂
:oMy apologies to every one! if I appeared snapping and being moody in my last thread. I used the term "Quick and Easy because it is a term I picked off of a web site that had some love spells etc. on it and assumed that it was a term that was understood by every one and know where I was coming from. I would like to assure that my intentions was and is good when I posted my original thread. Further more I would also like to assure every one that I am awear "It's not a party game", also I am awear law of threefold return.
Thank you for explaining this to me Holistic. Glowing Blessings to you all xx;)
Dear Natured Fox,
I appreciate you said you didn't want any more replies here, so forgive me if it appears I haven't respected that, but I do just want to say a few words in support of our other members here as well as yourself.
Their reactions to your initial post on this thread may perhaps have been a little strong, but their replies really WERE in your own best interests, and intended to help and guide you rather than criticise.
Perhaps it was the references to 'Quick and Easy' which pushed some buttons here, but I hope you will take all the posts in this thread as having been made with the best of intentions, including your own, and thank you for having explained further where you're coming from.
Hi Natured Fox,
I have been away on my hols & missed this thread earlier...hope you are feeling better now about reaction to your post....i have had similar misunderstandings on message boards before & i took it personally,so now i tend to be a little careful of what i ask advice on or how i word things......
Just wanted to wish you the very best with your spells,I have a Llewelyn Witches Almanac i am using this year & have cast some wonderfully simple spells, & feel they are working.....so spells do not always have to be as intricate as some books would lead you to believe...get yourself an Almanac...its working for me.......
Moontara xxx