Spells for prosperi...
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Spells for prosperity and weight loss

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I was wondering if anyone has any good spelss for weight loss and prosperity? If so could you give them to me. I have done spells before and really want to do something for these two areas. However, I know that the wording has to be correct for the weight one...I don't fancy losing a leg or being ill to lose weight!! LOL.

Any pointers would be good. Are there any good books which people use for their spells like the spells bibile say??

Thank you all,

Blessed be,

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Joined: 18 years ago

Hiya......your not asking much, just to lose weight and have more....material possessions, I assume!!.....ermm. You must remember that spells only help you along the way, it is the intent and will (yours) that actually make it happen!! You shouldn't ask for anything that you are not prepared to give back, three fold!

Well, here's one by Soraya;

Prosperity spell:

Prepare yourself and decorate your work surface or altar space with all your chosen ingredients such as:

Items of gold and silver
One yellow taper candle
One white taper candle
One piece of coal
A dish of salt
A dish of coins
A key or bunch of keys
Diamond, jade or ruby jewelery
Your purse, wallet or bank book, even if they are empty
A piece of paper and a pen or pencil
An ashtray or a small fireproof dish for spent matches or any paper that you may light during your spell and some matches or a lighter

First bathe in a warm luxurious bath to which you have added three drops of rose otto essential oil. Dry yourself with your favourite towel and dab a little of your desired scent on your wrists, behind your ears and over your heart. Dress in your best clothes and, when you are ready and everything is in place, stand at the edge of your circle. Close your eyes and breathe in, visualising light energy fillin your body. Breathe our and breathe away all negative energy.

When you are completely relaxed, stand up and move quietly to the east quarter of your circle or room.

Light the east candle and say;

May the element of air bless this space with light, love and air and grant me prosperity.

Light the south candle and say;

May the element of fire bless this space with light, love and fire and grant me prosperity.

Light the west candle and say;

May the element of water bless this space with light, love and water and grant me prosperity.

Light the north candle and say;

May the element of earth bless this space with light, love and earth and grant me prosperity.

Move quietly back to your workspace and kneel in front of your table. Light your white altar candle and meditate quietly on your financial situation as it is now. In your mind see yourself depositing money in your savings account. Your vision should be a happy one where anyone you see is smiling warmly at you. Now see yourself paying all your bills one by one. Having paid all your bills, see yourself buying a special treat for yourself or someone that you care for.

Light your yellow taper candle and as the flame grows write down a sensible sum of money that will make all these things possible. Do not be greedy by asking for the impossible.

Take your piece of paper and light it from the yellow taper candle placing it in the ashtray to burn through. See the smoke from your burning paper carry your wishes to the Goddess Aditi.

In your mind's eye see the rays of the sun surrounding you with abundance and say a prayer in your own words to the Guardian Angel Michael. Stand in front of your altar, raise your hands high above your head and say these words:

Coins that sparkle in the sun
Come to me when work is done
Make me richer by the day
Wealth aplenty comes my way.
And it harm none so be it

Spend some quiet time in your circle focusing your mind on your situation improving. If you can, allow your altar candle to nurn through to the end but if you must put it out do so with a candle snuff or pinch the wick between dampened fingertips. When you are finished working move quietly to the left of your cirlce.

Extinguish the east candle and say:
I thank the element of air for blessing me with prosperity.

Extinguish the south candle and say:
I thank the element of fire for blessing me with prosperity

Extinguish the west candle and say:
I thank the element of water for blessing me with prosperity

Extinguish the north candle and say:
I thank the element of earth for blessing me with prosperity.

Close your circle by saying:
May the four powers give back to the universe any powers and energies that have not been used.
The work is now done and the circle is closed.
So mote it be.

There is a self motivation book that I find quite useful...'The magic of self motivation' by **** Mason. There is also Laurie Cabot, who writes about the power of the witch, might be helpful to you.

Good luck.

Oakapple xx
