If anyone would like a spell,affirmation etc,(always with the best intentions!)
let me know.A lot of my time seems to be spent giving people in need little rituals/spells,they do seem to work,and since lots of you have helped me in the past I am very happy to help you
Lots of love
To bring a loved one back
I used to go out with a fellow for a while and we split up could you do
a spell to bring him back to me i really liked him
and thought he was the one.;)
Thank you[&o]
RE: spells
Hi Mind magic,
I get bad pms which brings on migraines and headaches
could you please do a spell to make them
disappear if this is possible.
Lots of thanks and well wishes to you
RE: spells
Hi noreemeee
I'm sure mindmagic would agree with me that the first spell you have asked her to do is very unethical. In wicca, we never do spells against someones will and that is what you are asking for. There is a rule many of us follow, that is whatever you do comes back to you three times, so if you did this it would come back 3 times worse, I don't know if you've ever seen the film the craft, its not a real example a bit of extreme one but one of the girls does a spelll to get a boy to love her and he becomes an obessive stalker and tries to rape her, I'm not saying this is waht would happen to you just an example (an extreme one) of the rule of three at force. A better spell for you would be one to let go of him and move onto to finding your true love, without aiming at anyone specfic.
The second spell I'm sure we can at least send healing for. might not make it disappear completely but can at least try easing it.
and one last thing, no need to put mulitple posts, please be patient as someone will reply!
I think you may be interested in my column this week on its called Phoenix From The Ashes Column and it is about the ethics of spells and stuff.
Please don't feel I am telling you off, just explaining the facts to you.
Hope things will improve for you.
Blessed be
RE: spells
Hi noreemeee
I have to agree strongly with Moonlight Phoenix on this one (ok I'm biased, she is my fiancee! lol).
To use magick for personal gain in whichever form is wrong and against all that wiccans and wicca stands for. It is much better to use it to help you to attract your true love to yourself or to use it to help you to move on.
Here's the wiccan rede, a set of guidelines and rules if you like by which all wiccans live and perform their magick
The Wiccan Rede
Bide the wiccan law ye must
In perfect love and perfect trust
These eight words the wiccan rede fulfil
And ye harm none do as ye will
And ever mind the rule of three
What ye sends out comes back to thee
Follow this with mind and heart
And merry ye meet and merry ye part
I really hope that you will find happiness with someone who's worth all that you give him.
Blessed be
RE: spells
Sorry about the duplicates that happened because i posted the message in
the wrong place and when i moved it it got duplicated there was only
meant to be two messages. Sorry again about that. Thanks for your
reply i guess its a bit silly to think that you could get someone back like that,
i suppose i have too much time on my hands and your advise to move on is
just right and what i am doing and hoping that some one will come along.
Thanks for the advice.
RE: spells
Nah, it's not about having too much time on your hands. Everyone wants someone to share their life with. It's just very easy to see spells as a quick way of sorting your life out. But then life would be simple and who wants that!:D
RE: spells
Sorry Noramee I do agree with Moonlight Phoenix and Rainbow Serpent.
I would not want anything to rebound on you.
You never know ,someone who is perfect for you might be just around the corner.!!
Love from Mindmagic
RE: spells
Dear Noreen
Have just read your message. Will send you healing and will pm you with anything else that I can find to help you
Lots of love
RE: spells
thank you for doing this for me,
I have been divoced for 2 years and my ex still loves me and I love him he has stopped calling me and I love him so very much (he had a midlife crises) now he's ina lot of money problems and maried a woman that he does not love he says he want to remarry me as soon as he gets his life streightenout but I don't unserstand why he's not calling me any more.the last time he just sad I'm no good. guess he's having a pity pary he is truly a good man. He's my soul mate.
I need a love spell slapped on his bald head [sm=rollaugh.gif]
RE: spells
Dear Mindmagic
I am finding it hard to improve my self-esteem. Is there a spell or affirmation that might help me with this, if it is appropriate?
Lots of love and sunshine, Annie x
RE: spells
i love being wiccan Randall Legros
RE: spells
This might be a strange request but i wonder if there is a spell to help me understand myself better. My self confidence has been shattered through the ending of a freindship that meant a lot to me. I would love the friendship back but i think it could course hurt for me or my friend in the future. I kind of need the strength to be brave and carry on with my life.
Is this a tall order???
RE: spells
soz.. jumping in the thread...[sm=wave.gif]I am just starting out and find it sooo much to take in but want to learn it all... am aquiring the tools, got herb books and such.., - but sometimes they don't give u enough to make sense of it.. without feeling silly..[&o] am looked after by a great lady ( bless her :))but sometimes feel like the in "stupid" mode. don't want to end up giving someone grief.. or even myself...
stay safe & chilled.
RE: spells and affirmations
Dear Mindmagic,
I really want to find a new home to rent and so far have not
had any luck..either somebody else is chosen over me or
its just not suitable.. ( i do have a picture in mind of how it looks)
Is there any spell you can cast to help guide me, or affirmation said?
Many thanks
Ocean x
RE: spells and affirmations
Hi there,
Is there a strong spell for confidence and properity? I can't be bothered to do affirmations as it is a long wait or doesn't work. I understand about the power of belief, but am unable to have patience. However i don't like to use to much hard to obtain things for the spell. Just wanted something to rid poverty and a spell that is as powerful as the planet saturn for major changes in circumstances.
I would also like to obtain a spell for study success.
Thank you.
ORIGINAL: mindmagic
If anyone would like a spell,affirmation etc,(always with the best intentions!)
let me know.A lot of my time seems to be spent giving people in need little rituals/spells,they do seem to work,and since lots of you have helped me in the past I am very happy to help you
Lots of love
RE: spells and affirmations
Wow! Sounds like you've got a busy time ahead mindmagic! Seriously, a really nice thing to offer, what lucky peeps we are! 🙂
I just wanted to share something with all those making requests for spells.
Sometimes a spell can seem like a quick and easy option to slove a problem, but I believe spells should be used sparingly and only after all other necessary actions have been taken. It is great to get advice on spells especially if you are new to it but I find the best spells are those we create ourselves.
Hope everyone finds what they need.
All the best,
Silverdawn x
RE: spells and affirmations
I just wanted to share something with all those making requests for spells.
Sometimes a spell can seem like a quick and easy option to slove a problem, but I believe spells should be used sparingly and only after all other necessary actions have been taken. It is great to get advice on spells especially if you are new to it but I find the best spells are those we create ourselves.
I can't agree with you more silverdawn... Very sensible advice...
RE: spells and affirmations
Thanks Amber! You've been very supportive (also critical but that's good 😉 ) towards my posts - I appreciate the feedback. It's nice to know how others take my comments.
Silverdawn x
RE: spells and affirmations
Hi silver dawn,
I can make one up but it doesnt work for me. I have been into occult for a few years. Just needed some sort of strong suggestion that i can put to practice in my own way. I obviously know about herbs candle oil incantation visualisation belief timing moon phase symbols etc..... but just needed suggestions from a strong practicing witch with lots of experience thats all.
Any suggestions from you? When i mean by studying and confidence. I wanted to open up my mind for more positive awareness for studying and confidence. Sometimes my mind just wants to shut down when it comes to studying thats all.
ORIGINAL: silverdawn
Wow! Sounds like you've got a busy time ahead mindmagic! Seriously, a really nice thing to offer, what lucky peeps we are! 🙂
I just wanted to share something with all those making requests for spells.
Sometimes a spell can seem like a quick and easy option to slove a problem, but I believe spells should be used sparingly and only after all other necessary actions have been taken. It is great to get advice on spells especially if you are new to it but I find the best spells are those we create ourselves.
Hope everyone finds what they need.
All the best,
Silverdawn x
RE: spells and affirmations
Hi Jade,
I don't want to step on mindmagic's toes in any way here....
Are you asking me for suggestions to improve your studying skills by ways other than magic/spells?
Happy to help, just want to clarify! 🙂
Silverdawn x
RE: spells and affirmations
Hi Jade...
Like every thing in life there is no quick fix in anything (not if you want long-term results)...
If you would like to improve your skills you have to work on them. If your affirmations are not strong enough, then you should work on them. Practice, practice, practice... The more you use it the stronger it will become.
I wanted to open up my mind for more positive awareness for studying and confidence.
Have you tried meditation, this will not only help you with the above problem but will help you get more in touch with yourself and help you develop your skills.
No matter what kind of spells are given you here, if you want to have good results you will have to work on your self development...
I am afraid no good practicing Witch is going to be able to help you with shortcuts here... You are the one who makes things happen with your intent… Not the little rime or instruction handed to you by another person…
If you are prepared to spend time and work hard then you will get there...
RE: spells and affirmations
Hello silver dawn.
Yes that would be a pleasure.
ORIGINAL: silverdawn
Hi Jade,
I don't want to step on mindmagic's toes in any way here....
Are you asking me for suggestions to improve your studying skills by ways other than magic/spells?
Happy to help, just want to clarify! 🙂
Silverdawn x
RE: spells and affirmations
Ok well I can think of lots of things that might be helpful here but I agree with Amber, there's nothing like some good old elbow grease. Keep going, even through the tough, it does pay off! Even just a little bit more attention can cause you to come on in leaps and bounds!
I think meditation is a great help here - try a simple one. Clear your mind. Any thoughts that come in, just accept them, notice them, don't try to push them away or focus on them. Then after 5 mins of that, sink your mind into your belly (but don't force, never force) and any thoughts that come in now just let them float away or dissolve.
Or try any meditation you prefer 😉
Check out your lifestyle - how's your diet? A good diet helps focus the mind, sluggish foods like dairy and wheat can dampen the mind, cloud it over.
Get outside for a brisk walk, you need to excercise your body as well as your brain.
Sleep well, preferably get in at least 2 hours before midnight as this is the most beneficial time for sleep.
When you settle down to study, give yourself a realistic time of how long you intend to study in one sitting. Take breaks. Maybe define the beginning and end of your session with some sort of ritual; Light a candle, some incense, cleanse area with tuneful bells or claps.....
Make a pot of tea to pour and sip throughout your study session.
Anything else?.....loads i'm sure. Let me know how that all works out.
By the way, what are you studying?
Oh and as regards to the other areas you mentioned, to rid poverty and change in circumstances, often if we put in the positive effort and focus in one area of our life it will have a knock on effect in the other areas.
RE: spells and affirmations
Is there a strong spell for confidence and properity? I can't be bothered to do affirmations as it is a long wait or doesn't work. I understand about the power of belief, but am unable to have patience.
Hi Jade
Spells shouldnt be reguarded as a "quick fix". Most practitioners of majik accept the there is a payback. (the law of threefold return) What ever we put out will return to us three times. The reason spells take time and preparation is that majik will follow the path of least resistance. For example if I were to give someone a spell for money. The money might come from an inheritance from the death of a loved one. Because the initial action was mine (giving the spell) the persons greif at the loss would come to me 3 times over.
For the reasons above I would never use a spell from someone else, especially if I didnot know the person intimatly. They simply would not be able to direct the majik properly and close all the loop holes.
In truth and light
RE: spells and affirmations
Hi silverdawn,
I like meditation very much but thoughts always enter. For years my mind seems to be overeactive even though i have knowledge in crystal mineral. I wear crystals such as moonstone and clear quartz which only makes me fel more confidence than not wearing anything. But will try your below advice, which does relate to zen meditation i.e focus on belly.
ORIGINAL: silverdawn
I think meditation is a great help here - try a simple one. Clear your mind. Any thoughts that come in, just accept them, notice them, don't try to push them away or focus on them. Then after 5 mins of that, sink your mind into your belly (but don't force, never force) and any thoughts that come in now just let them float away or dissolve.
Or try any meditation you prefer 😉My diet is not so good. Some several months i would eat different foods everyday i.e takeway, which is so unhealthy. Most of the time mother overcooks vegs porridge losing all vitamins from within. Fried fish lots of flavoring. Fried chicken lots of flavering. Mostly stir fry vietnamese food. That explains why i don't grow any taller. As a result of this i always and i mean always feel mentally shut down when it comes to studying. Physically i am very lazy when it comes to exercise. It's not all lazy feeling, its just that i don't have the drive to get go-active and get the blood flowing properly.
Check out your lifestyle - how's your diet? A good diet helps focus the mind, sluggish foods like dairy and wheat can dampen the mind, cloud it over.
My mind or my higher self always tells me to get jogging in the park once a week. Obviously any park have a good supply of oxygen because of greenery surrounding. But i can't do it, i get annoyed and always say next time, but when Jade???
Get outside for a brisk walk, you need to excercise your body as well as your brain.
I sleep around 12 at night not good. Although i have a good quality firm mattress, in the morning my lower back hurts so much that i can't bend forward or backwards.
Sleep well, preferably get in at least 2 hours before midnight as this is the most beneficial time for sleep.
I really like this study ritual it sounds very wise and not a spell. Your idea is to create a harmonous surrounding and symbolising begining and end of study time. Very good advice.
When you settle down to study, give yourself a realistic time of how long you intend to study in one sitting. Take breaks. Maybe define the beginning and end of your session with some sort of ritual; Light a candle, some incense, cleanse area with tuneful bells or claps.....
Anatomy and physiology - heavy subject!!!
By the way, what are you studying?
Many thanks for your advise, if you know any dishes for healthy eating- energy please let me know.
As i can't stand fried foods no longer. The only thing that is healthy is boiled plain rice that i normally eat with fried or overcooked veg and meats and fish!!!Thanks again
With angelic love and protection.
RE: spells and affirmations
Hi Jade,
I have done anatomy and physiology so I know exactly what it's like!!!!! Good for you, keep going!
I'm afraid I don't know enough to advise on crystals and stones....maybe there's another part of the forum that could help with that.
The suggestions I made are big lifestyle changes and those are the hardest changes to make. People can try for years to change, kind of springing backwards and forwards. So be kind on yourself and any small change if managed for the shortest time is still great.
With the diet - is there any way that you could take over from your mother a bit in the kitchen - i'm sure she'd appreciate it and it would give you the chance to do some light steaming!
Off the top of my head, some good foods for you would include lightly steamed veg (choose a big selection of different colours), rice is great (try wholegrain but it might be difficult for you to digest), salads if you don't feel too chilled by them, fresh fruit (and juices). It sounds like your diet is actually ok but it may be just the way the foods are cooked that needs to change. I still go with good old fashioned chicken soup for a pick me up! (Homemade of course!)
Hope this helps a little,
Love Silverdawn x
RE: spells and affirmations
Hi Jade
Silverdawn says
I'm afraid I don't know enough to advise on crystals and stones....maybe there's another part of the forum that could help with that
You can always pop along to the Crystal forums if you have any questions and we crystal peeps can always try to help you
Many blessings
stormdeva x
RE: spells and affirmations
Hi Silverdawn,
yes indeed they are big lifestyle changes, i thank you enormously for this big push forward. This is the kind of answers i like to retrieve. Sometimes i wish life is perfect, but never it is. However will try my best to use your advice.
Because your advice, tells me that there are after all, people out there who are really like minded individuals.
Many love of angels everywhere.
ORIGINAL: silverdawn
Hi Jade,
I have done anatomy and physiology so I know exactly what it's like!!!!! Good for you, keep going!
I'm afraid I don't know enough to advise on crystals and stones....maybe there's another part of the forum that could help with that.
The suggestions I made are big lifestyle changes and those are the hardest changes to make. People can try for years to change, kind of springing backwards and forwards. So be kind on yourself and any small change if managed for the shortest time is still great.
With the diet - is there any way that you could take over from your mother a bit in the kitchen - i'm sure she'd appreciate it and it would give you the chance to do some light steaming!
Off the top of my head, some good foods for you would include lightly steamed veg (choose a big selection of different colours), rice is great (try wholegrain but it might be difficult for you to digest), salads if you don't feel too chilled by them, fresh fruit (and juices). It sounds like your diet is actually ok but it may be just the way the foods are cooked that needs to change. I still go with good old fashioned chicken soup for a pick me up! (Homemade of course!)
Hope this helps a little,
Love Silverdawn x
The suggestions I made are big lifestyle changes and those are the hardest changes to make. People can try for years to change, kind of springing backwards and forwards. So be kind on yourself and any small change if managed for the shortest time is still great.
RE: spells and affirmations
That's ok Jade. [sm=hug.gif]