Well I think this is my very first post in this forum.
My question is for a friend, can you tell me of any powerful feminine energies that took their own life by jumping over the side of a cliff in medieval times. She was stolen from a Scottish clan because a man from a different clan wanted her power, this then set off a war between the clans. However, she eventually got away from the man by taking her own life. The man looked quite primative so it must have been very early.
Many thanks
Divine Love
RE: Scottish feminine energies?
You'd really need a lot more to go on with this... clan name, rough area of territory, how do you define 'primative' and medieval?Clothes, general appearance would give some clues... Was the man wearing tartan, or a checked top?
Was there a traditional plaid, tied round the middle and slung over his shoulder?
What was the area like? The cliffs? Stone colour, for example.
There may well be a tale to go with this, but since many such tales are linked to the clans or areas they came from, it's needle in a haystack time. Scotland's a big place. 😉
RE: Scottish feminine energies?
Dear Moonfeather
Spot on;)
Well all that was seen was a man wearing an animal's fur and head and she was wearing a very humble white robe a bit like what one would wear to bed, the cliff was very high and green but that doesn't give us a lot more to go on. It looked like a corner of the cliff easier to draw than describe. I gave her the Hiram Key to read so there might be some clues in there.
Divine Love
RE: Scottish feminine energies?
Hmm.... it sounds as if from a time waaayyy before medieval... more like Celt/Scotti/Pict times, since the man's clothing indicates a shaman/wise manof some kind to me. The woman could have been a druid or priestess.
The only hope you have is that such an event was aurally-recorded in stories and passed down, but you'd need to search thru Scottish legends and tales and if it was in the islands, then you have the Gaelic to contend with! 😀
To me, it seems more like a shamanic journey than anything, with asymbolic teaching attached. Nothing else comes to mind, sorry...
RE: Scottish feminine energies?
Yes she was, thank you for your help.
It came up during a Reiki healing and I didn't know that all her life she has had a recurring dream of jumping off this cliff, yes she was a druid high priestess. I could do a remote viewing but I think it is best for her to enjoy her own journey of re-discovery.
Many thanks and hugs
Divine Love
RE: Scottish feminine energies?
Ah, I see.... you are right - best to allow her to sort this out in her own time. You could be releasing the trauma of the experience, or allowing it to surface because she'll be working with this man in her present life. I once had a very powerful healing which brought a whole lot of karmic debt to be sorted out, so it does happen.
RE: Scottish feminine energies?
Yes, very true the man in the past life was the first husband in this life and she did manage to break the cycle and get away....however, she has a serious back problem as a result of the marriage and it seems to be connected with damage to the back from the past life when she landed on the beach after jumping off the cliff. She is having weekly healing sessions so it will be interesting to see how it all evolves, especially as we are being guided to use new and different techniques. It also came to light that she has a connection with St Bridget of Kildare.
Divine Love
RE: Scottish feminine energies?
Sounds as if you were definately guided to help her release this karmic burden... If she has a connection with St Bridget of Kildare, then looking at Irish feminine energies is probably more appropriate. Bridget is known as St. Bridie in Scotland.
RE: Scottish feminine energies?
Yes tracked that one, hey St Brides..........made me think of the Sacred Union with the Divine and the bridal chamber.........
She phoned today and she is making amazing healing progress on multi-dimensional levels; so yes you are right still some letting go to do....but it is with the mother figure and also on a soul level. Its evolving in amazing ways Moonfeather, this jumping off a cliff is very similar to the initiation of the crucifixion that I have encountered mind, body and soul. As a Druid she thought that she would do the equivalent of a physical ascension in that past life and it was a great shock to her that she died a mortal life. Due to her belief system she did not realise in that life that it is the soul that is immortal not the physical as well. I feel sure there is some crossover here between the Druids and the arrival of Christianity as well, not sure at this point what role she played in that and how it impacted on her belief system.
Is there anything similar in Wicca ?
Divine Love
RE: Scottish feminine energies?
Good to hear things are still shifting... you must have made an agreement to be her catalyst for this. 😀
To do with the mother figure? Interesting... thoughts of the Goddess and Gaia arise, which is very potent at this time in our spiritual cycle. It would be fascinating to see how she balances the Druidic beliefs and those of Christianity, which may well have conflicted within her at the time. Sacrifical leap of faith vs crucifixtion... one and the same? 😉
As for an equivalent in Wicca, I have to confess you are asking the wrong person. I know next to nothing about Wicca (the title of the thread intrigued me :D). However, don't themes of self-sacrifice and ascention due to voluntary giving up of the self/ego
run through every major religion and spiritual belief system across this world? I'm willing to bet even an 'invented' religion like Wicca (watches for flying hexes) has some element of it.
Is there anything similar in Wicca ?
Divine Love
RE: Scottish feminine energies?
Yes agreed, the EGO thing came out of the patriachial doctrines it was not part of the matriachial society. Revewing comparative religion brings to light that many thought they had to harm the self to purify the self and sometimes this was done through beating, whipping etc. We find some remnants of it in a sect of Catholicism and in Islam I think. As I reflect on this one can imagine how and why the patriachs in their innocence brought this into being....harming the self for their own natural inclinations, condeming sexuality, condemning and suppressing the Goddess and in so doing condeming themselves. In fact it feels like on some level it is connected to denying the self of love, a love that can move mountains. Humanity still hold a deep fear of letting go of control and total surrender to the Goddess, the divine feminine within and with a partner. No doubt this fear that is buried in human consciousness goes back to the fall of humanity when some moved with the love of power instead of the power of love. And with that fall came the birth of a very different type of society; one of denial of the purest essence and womb of creation. Instead of using the power of God to love they altered the energy used it to control and dominate and suppress and suppression of the Ego, the power of God remains to this day. What do you think?
Thank God we have evolved to the point in our evolution of being far more civilised, now purifing the self with tender loving care and compassionate healing instead of judgment and tearing ourselves apart limb from limb. Interesting a couple of times when I have shared the teaching that I received on ego a couple of people have asked whether I have ever read Alistair Crowley, of course I never have. So I don't think that the old doctrine of ego was part of paganism as such and why would it be; this doctrine is one that creates the illusion of duality and limits the sheer potential of oneness with the nature of all things.
Interesting... thoughts of the Goddess and Gaia arise
Recently a lady collected a part of her soul that she had left here in ancient Druid times, she loved the earth so much she had placed a part of her self in the earth to assist the earth like a crystal to help keep its balance. It was fascinating watching her go through her own process of retrieval - very powerful indeed.
Divine Love