Merry Meet All
So what is everyone doing for Samhain?
On the Saturday I am throwing a fancy dress party to realise the kid in me again! [sm=1syellow1.gif]But I'm not sure what to do on the day/night itself as its a tuesday.
Last year I invited 2 friends round and we offered drinks and food to our dearly departed, lit some candles and brought nature into the house. It was very magickal. My sister and friend are not believers as such but they went away feeling very calmed and happy. I might do that again maybe?... [sm=scratchchin.gif]
So... any ideas then?
RE: Samhain
I'm prepared for the usual hoards ofchildrendressed up knocking on the door, I've got chocolate and toys at the ready, I'veeven bought my pumpkin ready for carving. It makes me giggle their little faces at the door trying so hard to be scary.
I'll be keeping my celebrations quite focussed this year. My Nan died recently and so I'm planning to remember her, light a few candles and send her a letter and basically wish her well.
Blessed be
RE: Samhain
My friend and I had our own mini-party tonight. We made cider and cookies, watched scary movies, sang Halloween songs, carved our pumpkins (since trick-or-treat is this Saturday in my town) and even made a "Haunted" ginger bread house.... which collapsed once when I tried to clean off the table, but itwas all great fun! ^_^ My three cats even assisted in carving our pumpkins... in their own special way. (They chased the seeds that ran away from us.)
As for the day of... We're dressing up and posting arrows all over town, then visiting some long past relatives in the cemetary near my parent's house. We're doing the cliche Halloween things instead of traditional this year.
Hope everyone else has a fun and happy Halloween! ^_^
RE: Samhain
I had a good halloween but not as much as I would have hoped as me and my fiance havent been too well recently. Hopefully next year we will go to a fancy dress party! I just LOVE halloween and the Samhain celebrations!
RE: Samhain
Well my celebrations didn't really go as planned... they never do, do they!?
I didn't have the fancy dress do. Didnt do anything on the saturday really. Tuesday my freinds came round and we done the traditional thing like i said. That was nice. We put drinks on my offering table and everyone brought something in from nature... I brought a seed pod from a tree and my crystals, and the others brought some fallen leaves and twigs. We burned incense and a black candle, and we talked about our oved ones. It was great. I really enjoyed it.
I was giving tarot and rune readings too, and by the end of the night when they left... i was completely drained and knackered!!! I slept like a log I can tell you that.
Well I hope you all had a lovely time whatever you did [sm=food-smiley-004.gif]
Here's to the next one...
I have just searched for any previous threads and found this from last year, already have some ideas how to celebrate my first Samhain!! Thank you everyone above. It would be great to see what everyone has planned this year.....
Love and Blessings,
Moonflower xx
Hi Moonflower
Samhain is a very special time of year , when we should remember our ancestors, long departed but not forgotten.......the Celtic ' New Year '.
We are attending an open ritual close to us in Hampshire in an ancient sacred Yew forest situated within the South-Downs.....some of the trees are up to 2 thousand years old loads of storytelling with chanting and and ritual all held in the light of a sacred open fire.....I would encourage anyone who is spiritually aware of a...Divine.... presence to attend these rituals, even if it is just for the experience of watching such a beautiful ceremony.
Here's a link to the PF , with lots of info.
Oakapple xx
P.S. hope you find a ritual near you that you can attend.
I'm so looking forward to it this year. I can't wait to get out of college and go out.
My friends band is playing and we're all dressing up and having fun =]
I soooo can't wait!
Lots of alcohol too...=]]
Lol..i'm still a little kid really x
F x
Samhain 2007 (Lake District)
Blessed Samhain All
I was at Castlerigg stone circle in Keswick, at about 10:00pm and there was already one small group of people closing a ritual, so we waited for them to finish. I was sorta hoping another group would turn up, so we could circle round the stones like planes waiting to use an airport. 🙂
I usually go to Castlerigg at midnight on Samhain, when there's no-one else there, because the stones really hum beneath your feet, particularly if there's storm-clouds above and a full moon!
Blessed Be
Mine was disappointing I am afraid this year! I didn't do anything at all which is rather sad.
However, on the Saturday night I did my first ever Ghost Vigil with a paranormal Investigation Team and our local radio station were recording. It was held at a very spooky pub and I had a very interesting night indeed and managed to last until 3.15am before I had to go home to bed as I was working on the Sunday.
The best bits were then played on the radio station on Halloween morning which was a bit of fun!
Hmm I have plans for next year's Samhain though and will have to see if I can make those plans a reality, after all I have a whole year to plan it this time!!
It is interesting to hear about other peoples experiences though! 🙂
Happy belated Samhain!!
I had a great time this year and the ritual was very interesting indeed! We were interrupted in the middle of our ritual by a big group doing a 'ghost walk'! How bizarre... Apart from that it was a magickal night 🙂
I had the most wonderful Samhain, well for me as my first Samhain, it was wonderful......
I proudly did my pumpkin in the morning, and made my pumpkin and carrot soup( was only a small pumpkin, so had to add extra ingredients). I had the feeling as if it wsa christmas day, so excited as i had a ritual planned for the evening......
I had a house full as we had french friends staying with us and there was lots of coming and going.....
I then laid out my offerings, had photos of past loved ones, or wrote their names down on paper if I had no photos and also all our wiccan and pagan ancestors etc. I had offerings laid out to the deceased (a pomegranate, wine nan always bought me these when i was little, and a small cup of my soup i had made in the morning) and the other side i had names of new friend etc and new wishes....just like the books say......I then did a visulization where i spoke to some of my past over family members which was wonderful...... I also drew 2 tarot cards one for the dead and one for the living and i got the Hanged Man for the dead....which is not as it seems more about opening a pathway to connect with the dead and the Sun card for the living.......
Of course it would be fabulous to be able to celebrate with other wiccans but that path isnt open to me yet, so until it does i am happy to progress slowly and naturally on my own.....
Many of these tips i picked up on here, so i would like to thank everyone for their advice and some were of my own ideas.....
I cant wait for the next Sabbat now, i really do feel different as a person......and i hope this is just the beginning.......
Love and Blessings,
Moonflower xx
Hi Moonflower.......your celebrations sounded great and I,m so glad you had such a wonderful time. It,s good that you enjoyed the celebration with friends and hope the Yule Sabbat is as good.
Hiya Jess,
Your celebration sounded lovely, what a lovely way to celebrate the lives of your loved ones who have passed on. I can understand your frustration that you can't be with other Wiccan's, you know yourself what its like here, maybe its right for you at the moment to practice alone and when the time is right you will find others. Please feel free to pm me anytime. I am not Wiccan but am drawn to paganism and into lots of things and very interested to learn!
Take care,
Love & blessings,