Ritual tools
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Ritual tools

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Some Witches do not feel the need for tools, but some do. Most of what we use are household items anyway, but its possible to spend any amount of money on them.

If required then: An area for an altar, a chest of drawers top is fine, or even a shelf if space is limited. If you share your home with others who you feel may not respect your Craft, the altar can be installed for use and cleared later.

On it you will want: a cloth to cover,
2 candles to represent the Deities and holders.
2 small bowls for salt and water
a candle to illuminate
a small candle to represent fire
an incense holder and incense,
a bell, an offering plate, a goblet, a Pentagram
a white handled knife to work with
and a black handled knife as your athame
matches, a small dish full of water to place spent
4 candles for the Quarters yellow for east or Air, red for south or Fire blue for west or Water and green or brown for North and Earth and suitable holders. All other candles can be white.

10 Replies
Amelia Jane
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RE: Ritual tools

Thanks for posting all this Sherringham[sm=1kis.gif], I'm sure it will be helpful to many who pass through here

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RE: Ritual tools

Hi Amy , hope your holiday was good? and now months of 'What to do'?
Hopefully the weather will help out? June xx

Amelia Jane
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RE: Ritual tools

Our holiday was great, thanks for asking, cornwall is beautiful...I didn't realise there was so many stone circles around there:)


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RE: Ritual tools

Magickal county!

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RE: Ritual tools

This post is helpful, i mean its stuff i already knew but i think anyone venturing into the craft will find it helpful. Some people like to use lighters instead ofmatches though because the sulphur in matches could affect the ritual. I use lighters personally because i always find matches a little daunting, burnt fingers and all that [&:]

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RE: Ritual tools

I've got an automatic candle lighter thingy, do you know sometimes in Ritual it will not work, so I light an illuminator candle with it before I start, and actually use tapers to light the rest.

I thought the tools section would be helpful for newcomers to the Craft, and gave the least expensive options as well, as buying everything all at once if you like Ceremony and Ritual is very expensive, and also if they feel the Craft is not for them , then no money has been spent.

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RE: Ritual tools

God i know! Iv got a few bits and pieces that I'm wanting to spend a bit on but im jus doin it one at a time. Gutted though because I bought a pendulum and iv lost it. Was sure id put it in my drawer but i cant find it anywhere!!!!

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RE: Ritual tools

Try to meditate to find it? or send out Energy to it.
I mislaid a crystal, it spun out of my hand, and I couldn't find it, it was a Protection spell for a friend, so I had to find something else. After several months had passed , it turned up, this was the day after my friend no longer needed the spell. So it was obviously not right for that occasion.

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RE: Ritual tools

On our working altars facing North we have the Goddess candle in the center with the God candle on its right and the aspect candle on its left. In front of these aretwo acorns for the God candles and a seashell and key for the Goddess. We make these ones outside with stonessupporting a board on top. On the Eastern edge we have the thurible with the black handled dagger next to it inwards.
To the South we haveour main wand with the presence lamp next to it inwards with the point pointing North.
To the West sitsour chalice with the boline next to it inwards with the point pointing North.
To the North we have our pantacle with the salt dish (a little copper cauldron) sitting on top of it. Inside next to this we lay the little symbolic scourge.
The bell we leave in the North-West.
This is how it starts out anyway.There are a few other things on there too. We try and put things back in their original places after we use them to avoid accidents and to have everything to hand.
We use different coloured altar cloths for the different seasons and some special ones for differing Sabbats.
We use a small cauldron which sits in the center of the circle.
For the smaller nine foot circle inside the altar is a much smaller one. There we just have the essentials for the rituals, but laid out in the same manner.
It's a bit basic compared to some of the more elaborate altars, but we have the essentials on it.

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RE: Ritual tools

I'm not very techie, but for those who are a photo would be good.

My altar is a deep windowledge, a lump of slate relatively flat and about 16ins long and 10 across holds a candle, the pentacle and a quartz crystal all the time, but surrounding it I have room for statues of Lugh and Epona for healing rituals usually, a brass incence burner, bowls for salt and water, my athame, all the necessary candles, and the plate and goblet, and some miscellaneous bits and pieces like flower vases, and a small lump of slate which I burn candles on for people who ask for a healing. Along the back I have a chakra light arch, fantastic when lit at night in the winter. I also have a Witches Box, in which I keep hand written Spells and other small treasures. It gets horribly cluttered, oh forgot have 3 other crystal balls there also, but I do dust it every other day anyway, and definitely before a Ritual
