I know there's plenty of protection spells, what I am looking for is one that is effective...that actually works, but if I can't find any I will always do one of my own. Anyways, not sure what type of protection spell this would be...a co-worker at work is causing trouble with me, even when I am not there, and I am sick and tired of my name being mentioned when it doesn't need to be.
She's just still crabby cause I called her a brown noser to her face about two months ago and she wont' drop it! Don't ya love drama at the work place! Even trying some bull that she'll get me for slander for it lol.
Anyhoo, it's like high school all over again. Also is there any protection spells out there to keep peace at work so I don't have to put up with anymore of this crap!
If anyone knows please let me know!
RE: Protection Spells Anyone Know of Any Effective Ones?
Protection pot- (taken from raymond buckland's wicca for 1) Get an old, sealable pot or jam jar. Fill it with bent nails, broken glass and other sharp items. Urinate in it,a female can add some menstral blood.
I made one myself anf it seems to have worked,
Blessed Be,
RE: Protection Spells Anyone Know of Any Effective Ones?
Thanks, I have seen that before...although on the web pages I viewed it was called a witch's bottle. I will try it though what I have read has said to bury once finished.
RE: Protection Spells Anyone Know of Any Effective Ones?
Dynasty 100, it seems to me that, taking your own words:
I called her a brown noser to her face about two months ago and she wont' drop it!
so I don't have to put up with anymore of this crap!
Just kind of add up ... like the Law of Threefold Return!
I would therefore like to suggest, though with all due thanks to drownedrat for the suggested spell, that you might also look at making amends with this person. Yes, sure, workplace aggro and drama are a pain, but what if you were to talk to this person about the present situation .... maybe even apologise for your previous statement to her, which you might feel is justified and she might feel is not. You might even find that a more appropriate spell might be for love, forgiveness, and a future happy working relationship. Otherwise, you're just fighting fire with fire, it seems.
It's alsoa bit like casting a spell for finding a new job, but not filling in job applications at the same time 😉
I hope you find a happy solution, not one based on mutual revenge. This surely cannot be in the spirit of Wicca.
RE: Protection Spells Anyone Know of Any Effective Ones?
Like Holistic has already said...the Law of Threefold Return,
spells work in ways that not many think they will, and for a spell to work you have to believe them and have nothing but good intent...something to think about maybe!
Many blessings
RE: Protection Spells Anyone Know of Any Effective Ones?
I have tried making amends more then once, but some people do not let it go...she started trouble with me before all this happened...that is why she was called what she was.
Anyways, the protection spell was to ward off anything she might plot against me, because I know she knows others who practice black magic, it was for my own safety, which I am the only one who saw that, other then the one reply before you two.
I won't be on here anymore after this last post.......I am engaged now......and moving on with my life not on a computer.
Good luck, and be well to the rest of you and thanks to the ones who were the supporting answers I looked for.
RE: Protection Spells Anyone Know of Any Effective Ones?
Many congratulations on your engagement, and our best wishes for your future happiness. 🙂
On behalf of the Moderating Team and all on HP