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I have been a practicing Witch for some time now, and I was just wondering what "powers" Witches can have. I have: Strong Empathic Gitfts, Healing, Clear feeling and weak Precognition abilities.. Just wondering what the rest are?

~Blessed Be~

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RE: "Powers"

Hello Thoth

I don't see witches as having powers...I see them more as gifts[sm=hug.gif]

Many Blessings

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RE: "Powers"

Hi:) yeah, sorry about that, but I was really sleepy and out of words, so I just wrote "powers", eventhough I do usually call them gifts. But anyway, Does anyone know what the rest are?

~Blessed Be~

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RE: "Powers"

Witches can be given any kind of gift the list is endless, is there any that you are specifically interested in?

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RE: "Powers"

Just.. Any that are not listed on there (but not clairvoyance, telekenisis, psychometri etc. etc.. More the ones that don't get named "psychic powers"...

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RE: "Powers"

Any power that another witch has or any power a non witch can have.


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RE: "Powers"

I always believe that a persons' power is their own energies. and wicca itself is not centred on what powers a person has. That to me, falls in the catergory of witchcraft.. you may find that most wicca sites don't enter into "the dark side".. I do totally agree with storm & the others that the gifts you have, re psyhic & such, explore them and progress with them and take it from there.

bright blessings

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RE: "Powers"

Well... I follow Witchcraft not Wicca, but i found this forum interesting, and that I might learn something, wich I did:) It's not that I center my atention around what gifs or powers or what ever we have, I was just inetrested in knowing a few of the most "popular" ones, as in most liked... I personally love my gifts (the ones that I've found out about at least) Empathy, Telepathy, Clear feeling and Healing and weak precognition abilities (and Telekenisis in developement)... Just wondering what gifts you guys have, so I can study them further (trying to learn as much as I can:))

~Blessed Be~

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RE: "Powers"

Hi Thoth...

I prefer to call it tools or aids…

There is a discussion in the psychic forums about whether people already have ‘abilities’ or whether people can develop them…

I believe we all have the ability to ‘tap’ into any ‘tools’ or ‘aids’ there is out there to use…

I don’t really understand what it is you want to hear from us? You say you have been practicing for a while? But you don’t know what ‘tools’ are available out there for you?

I would suggest you start with the basics then and would recommend two very good books which will guide you in practising sensible witchcraft…

They are : - ‘Hedge Witch – a guide to solitary Witchcraft’ by Rae Beth and another good one will be ‘A Witch Alone – Thirteen moons to master natural magic’ by Maria Green.

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RE: "Powers"

You are obviously very keen to get lots of strings to your bow! Sometimes the best learning comes from within. Maybe take some time out from your "studies" and get outside to experience the magic and power of the earth, quieten your mind and see if anything comes to you. Just be careful with how much you push yourself to learn in a short space of time. You are on a journey that can last a lifetime and beyond, there's no rush! I particularly enjoyed reading Starhawks new book The Earth Path - she has some good basic excercises in there that maybe we could all do with reminding ourselves of from time to time.
All the best,

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RE: "Powers"


Yes, I do know alot about "tools, "powers", "gifts" whatever you wanna call them. I studied stuff like that before I even thought about becoming a Witch. I just wanted to hear, as I said, ANYTHING, you could tell me about them. Maybe just a little two-line advice or something, just so I could see if there was something I had missed.

P.S. Sorry if I sound attacking and mad, but I am really ill, and my temper is way up...!

~Blessed Be~

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RE: "Powers"

Sorry you are feeling under the wheather Thoth and hope that you are feeling much better soon....maybe you are not getting the information/answers you want from here...because there are none...perhaps you need to find them from within yourself

Many blessings
stormdeva x

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RE: "Powers"

Ok Thoth, I'll stop beating around the bush if you will. I'm really sorry to hear you're ill - what are you suffering from? Do you think you can cure yourself with some sort of witch power that you don't know about? We can't do it all, Thoth. Sometimes we have to hand responsibilty over to others ie, doctors, therapists, whatever you choose. I want to help but I feel you're not telling me the whole story.

Take care and pm me if you wish,
Silverdawn x

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RE: "Powers"

Ok Thoth, I'll stop beating around the bush if you will.

I think we should be careful to assume we know what it is people are asking when the question is vague...

The proper thing to do will be to ask for clarification before drawing conclusions...

This is only my oppinion... As I can't really see why you came to this conclusion Silverdawn?


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RE: "Powers"

I'm sorry if that was out of line, everyone. It was in itself asking for clarification from Thoth, but came across a little harshly. Sorry.
Thoth began by asking what other powers witches can have. The wording sounded to me like there was a definitive list that we would be able to share with Thoth.
Thoths 2nd post asks the same question.
I feel that Thoths last post started to show a bit of what's behind this- what seems to me a desperate search for powers unknown.
Thoth tells us about being ill and is obviously searching for more information - I just put 2 and 2 together. It sounds like Thoth wants some help but is being very vague and I don't know what Thoth is wanting and so I can't help!
With all best intentions,

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RE: "Powers"

If you must know, my illness wsa a fever and a cold, wich bugged me, and made me irretable... that's it! And I might have made it very unclear (at least to you) What it was that I asked for, but it's just because I saw another post, wich asked a question that also included "powers" , and people were actually able to answer by saying a few "powers", so I thought: Hey, I think i'll try the same, and see what people answer, maybe I'll actually learn something... I was wrong.. Just forget the question, since you obviously don't understand it, and I don't feel like defining it, because I don't want any more comments from silverdawn, making me sound like I am a stagemagician or something, with absolutely no knowlegde what so ever about the craft...!!

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RE: "Powers"

Ok guys....
there seems to be some crossed wires here one way or another

Thoth ... Silverdawn has appologized in her own way

I'm sorry if that was out of line, everyone. It was in itself asking for clarification from Thoth, but came across a little harshly. Sorry.

It's obvious that you are not getting the answers you want from this thread, so perhaps it time to just let matter lie...and maybe in time you will find the answers you are looking for

Many blessings
stormdeva x
