Portable Circle
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Portable Circle

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I thought I would post this in case this is of any use to those who don't want to have a circle marked permanently on their floor at home. It also saves the bother of marking the circle out before casting it every time.
I made a round mat thirteen feet in diameter from non-slip carpet underlay mesh with black cloth sewn on top of it. It takes a bit of sewing, so its good to utilise a sewing machine. I then glued silver ribbon onto it with fabric adhesive to make the inner circle of nine feet in diameter and marked the two outer ones in the same manner.
Inside the inner circle I glued more silver ribbon on to mark a brokenpentagram, this time a bit wider with narrower strips of red ribbon on the edges. I marked the quarter points with theban letters for each, E, S, W, N and also the center point with a small circle one inch in diameter again with silver ribbon.
It works wonerfully. The non-slip mesh sewn under it stops it from moving and also deadens the sound of feet on the floor.
When I've finished with it I simply roll it up and put it away until next time.
The cost for the materials was modest.
One problem I'm still stuck with though and that's the sound of the bell when I call the quarters. It's usualy late at night and I don't like disturbing the neighbours sleep.
Has anybody gota solution forthis?

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RE: Portable Circle

Hi, clap your hands? or call to them, I never use my bell, starts the dogs off!

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RE: Portable Circle

Hi Ostara,

I've been meaning to make something similar for some time - just haven't gotten round to it yet! I used to always have my circle on a large round rug but I don't have that anymore. Now I tend not to use any visual aid except for a five crystals/candles around it. I would like to have a large round mat with a pentagram on it though.
As for the bell issue, (I know this may sound a tad too obvious but) how about using a smaller, quieter bell?


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RE: Portable Circle

Merry meetand thank you for your interest. The bell is quite a small one. It's one of those which doubles as a candle holder and I found it in a junk shop years ago. Normaly in the daytime it wouldn't be overheard, but at the dead of night............
It's not so bad in the Summer as I'm outside on the Sabbats and some of the esbats, but in the Winter I'm stuck inside because of the heavy snow.
The mat took one of us an evening to sew and another evening to adhere the ribbons.
I've cast circles too without marking them using the quarter candles for boundaries. I used the walls of a room once in desperation. Outside I use coloured lanterns which function even if it's windy. My main reason for making the mat, however, was to keep the noise level down on the floor. I might try and muffle the clapper on the bell and see if it still does its job.
Ah well, trials and tribulations......
Merry meet, Merry part and Merry meet again.
