Does anyone know of a tried and tested spell that I could do which would protect me and a loved one from a particular persons spellwork? To make us immune from it basically.
Preferably one that doesnt need candles as I have a bit of a thing about fire 🙁 and I don't like using them.
Thank you. 🙂 x
RE: Please help with protection spell
Hello Honey UK
I'm sorry to hear that you feel you may be under a spell. I'manswering because noone else has.
This isn't a spell as such (I don't do spells), but it will offer you powerful protection, and keep yousafefrom any negative energyyou and your loved ones may be experiencing. Please try not to worry as it's easy to protect yourself and your loved ones from such things.
It's very simple and all you have to do is ask. Ask your Guardian Angel and all the loving, healing Angels and the Holy Spirit (should you wish) for Divine Protection and see them sending you a brilliant, white light tosurround you and protect you with their loving energy, so you are enfolded in a brilliant glow of white light. Do the same for your friend. You are now protected from any negativity out there.
If you feel under real threat of immediate danger you canrequest the additionalhelp of Archangel Michael and his Angels of Protection to come and help andimmediately you are surrounded by the most powerful protection against anything bad.
Also,don't forgetthat Love is your protection.
Love and light
RE: Please help with protection spell
Thank you so much for your reply epinay, I will do this.
RE: Please help with protection spell
I used to work with someone who I can only describe as an emotional vampire. I tried this mirror spell and it worked but you need to refresh every few days. Its a Janet and Stewart Farrar one which hopefully is ok to quote. Take a hand held mirror and turn round clockwise with it held out at arms length and state clearly the following:
Circle of Reflection
Circle of Protection
May the sender of all harm
feel the power of this charm.
Your friend can then do the same. Sorry if I'm not supposed to quote others spells but it's very good. Hope it works for you!
RE: Please help with protection spell
I don't think that sharing that would doharm. It is done for a good reason, and guidance.
I ground myself daily, and build a shield of light love and tranquilty around me, on allow no bad near me. I believe this must be done daily.
gentle breezes..
RE: Please help with protection spell
Thank you RavenGirl I will do that spell. 🙂
And queenfe, thank you also, I try to do what you do also daily, and I do feel protected. I worry for my 'loved one' though as it is not something he would do as I don't think he see's this 'person' as someone who has any influence over him or is capable of doing spells. But I can see it.
If that makes sense.